All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 834

"Ah!!!!! Falk! My head hurts!"

With the scream of pain, Zhang chengshuo\'s huge dragon body crawled on the ground and roared deafly.

Because he is now receiving the memories and emotions that were taken out and sealed before, the whole person is lying on the ground in pain and rolling constantly. The surrounding trees and stones are crushed alive under the terrible body of the dragon.

no way out!

In order to ensure safety, instead of using the mind taking concept invented by the Wizards of the world like Harry Potter, he directly pried open his brain, directly cut off the relevant memory area and stored it in the glass culture tank prepared for the realization, which even wrapped his own soul.

Although this method is ferocious, it can reveal its own secrets from the double isolation of physics and perception.

The price, of course, is the terrible pain of reintegration.

For ordinary people, such forced and rough cutting of the brain and soul is simply looking for death.

Apart from other things, the huge confusion caused by the disappearance and fusion of memory is enough to drive it crazy.

But now, Zhang Cheng just vented and tossed for about half an hour, and soon returned to normal, with strange light in his eyes.

After a while, he opened his mouth and asked the artifact caught by the claws on his wings, "how, did you just throw that thing down?"

"Yes, master. We can now locate the void crack where the woman is located. But I must remind you that the coordinate can only be used once at most, and then it will be found." the supreme authority gave the answer without thinking.

"Very good! Don\'t worry, I\'m not so stupid. I\'m facing an opponent I can\'t beat at this stage. It\'s just an insurance, a gambling and adventure when I have to." Zhang Cheng slowly stood up and spread out his huge black body.

Due to the fusion and absorption of various genes, including hill goron, his body at this moment still surpasses the death wing, which is known as Azeroth\'s most powerful Dragon King.

"Be careful! There are too many uncertainties in your body. They may push you to the top of your strength, or they may kick you down the bottomless abyss on the way." the supreme authority reminded you dutifully.

"Never mind! Do you think I\'m not ready?" Zhang Cheng asked with a sneer. "No, I\'m already ready. As someone once said, if a person doesn\'t have the consciousness of death, he can\'t have the courage to stand up and start a revolution and overthrow the existing ruling class. Remember guangtuan? My next plan is to swallow it! Continue to evolve towards a higher level of life!"

"Devour that light? Are you sure your brain is still normal!" the supreme authority\'s tone revealed shock and disbelief.

"Ha ha ha!" Zhang Cheng grinned and shook his head: "No, it\'s not me that\'s crazy, but the world. Come on, let\'s embrace this madness, incarnate into a sharp sword, either break all the shackles, stand at the top and look down on all living beings, or hit my head and blood under the iron wall. From the day I met the creator, all this has been decided, and she and I can only survive in the end."

"You are true to your ambitions and desires! In that case, let\'s bet. If the final result is success, you can return to Azeroth and devour the unawakened Titan..."

The supreme authority was undoubtedly infected by this indomitable momentum and said further follow-up plans.

Although so far, it has not been clear what the light mass is, but instinct tells it that it is essentially similar to the star core, that is, the cosmic life in the pregnant state.

Once the integration is completed, Zhang Cheng will undoubtedly complete a transformation of life form and join the top life in the universe.

In this way, there is a prerequisite for swallowing Azeroth, an unawakened Titan.

You know, the star core can\'t be taken by any cat or dog. The huge energy contained in it is enough to support more than 99% of the snooping.

Zhang Cheng even suspected that Archimonde, the polluter, wanted to absorb the energy of the whole planet with the help of the world tree. Even if he was not killed, he would be killed by the endless energy.

Perhaps the demonized ereda people do have strong talents, especially Archimonde, who is the most powerful among the big three.

But the problem is that he is not one of the eternal Titans.

From the level of life, his fragile body can\'t bear the surging energy of Titan.

Turning over the history of the universe where Azeroth is located, it is not difficult to find that almost all titans are made of extremely special metal, rather than fragile flesh and blood.


What secret does the Titan\'s body hide?

With a lot of speculation and questions, Zhang Cheng quickly left the second seal and sent it directly back to New York.

As soon as he returned to the earth, his mobile phone rang.

Without any hesitation, take it out and press the answer button.

In an instant, Leonid\'s slightly excited voice passed through the microphone: "have you seen the recent news?"

"News? What news!" Zhang Cheng subconsciously frowned and glanced at the electronic clock and calendar hanging on his desk at home.

It was found that ten days had passed since he entered the seal.

"Of course, it\'s the news that makes the Yankees look bad! According to your request, I have put the video data of the negotiations on the Internet. At present, the whole world is in a panic and chaos. In less than two days, the US military bases around the world have been attacked by terrorists one after another. Now everyone knows that they have lost a whole lot of money in Iraq More than 10000 troops and hundreds of billions of dollars worth of electronic equipment, "Leonid explained gloating.

"Oh? They didn\'t bother you!" Zhang Cheng raised his eyebrows in surprise, quickly turned on the TV and jumped to the 24-hour rolling news.

As expected, almost all English media are broadcasting this video of the White House Office for more than an hour.

With the help of artificial intelligence programs, the U.S. government can not easily manipulate the media and public opinion to cover up the facts as before. It can only do a lot of public relations.

"Hey, hey! Trouble us? No, they can\'t care about it now. As far as I know, the United States is in a mess. Several old hardliners clamored that they must not compromise with terrorists. As a result, they died in all kinds of accidents in less than 12 hours."

"Let me guess, this must be the ghost of those behind the scenes consortia?"

"That\'s right! As you predicted, they are afraid and expose their weakest side to the world. Judging from my experience, American hegemony will soon be unsustainable..."