All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 833

In the cracks of the twisted void, the women claiming to be the creator, as usual, silently look at the interesting worlds in the multiverse, even one or two interesting mortals, so as to kill time.

However, when she tried to spy on the intimate communication between two indigenous men and women, she suddenly felt that a huge force suddenly broke through the seal, directly through the layers of obstacles and suddenly poured into her body.



be equal to anything!

It seemed that in a short moment, she returned to the supreme creator who could control the whole planet and create and destroy everything according to her will.

Unfortunately, this feeling did not last long. It disappeared in about two or three minutes and was replaced by a strong sense of emptiness.

Because she once had the power to the extreme, she was more and more eager to break all the seals and recapture everything that belonged to her.

Holding back the unspeakable hatred and anger in her heart, the woman who claimed to be the creator finally calmed down, put on a gentle, mysterious, beautiful and elegant smile, stretched out a thin white finger and gently clicked in the void.


A huge land was created out of thin air, followed by a fuzzy shadow gradually condensed into an entity, which is Zhang Cheng who temporarily retains the form of a giant dragon.

His newly fused body is obviously not very stable, and some parts will still change from time to time.

"Ah! My child! You really didn\'t disappoint me! You opened the second seal so quickly! Well done!" the woman fell from the sky and took up the huge head of the dragon. Her eyes were as bright as the stars in the sky, as if she wanted to suck people in.


Zhang Cheng\'s willpower was fairly identified. He was confused and recovered in less than a second. He responded in a calm tone: "don\'t thank me. This was originally my task, isn\'t it?"

"Mission? No, don\'t keep so far away from me. In fact, you can regard me as a close relative. In fact, there is no one in the world who knows you better and is more willing to accept you than me." the woman gently stroked the black scales of the dragon and said affectionately.

"Sorry, I\'m not used to being too close to others, even if they are close relatives. You know, the so-called family affection, in a strict sense, should be an instinct derived from the continuation of the whole population, reproductive activities and protection of larvae. But it\'s an advanced life like you and me that has almost no life limit, and there is no reproduction at all If necessary, there is no need for these cowardly feelings. "

Zhang Cheng obviously didn\'t eat this set and still maintained an absolutely rational thinking state as cold as a machine.

In order to ensure that the secrets in his brain are not exposed, he temporarily seals up part of his memory, and then turns himself into a complete monster in a short time through personality simulation.

Because only in this way can we avoid each other\'s strong perception.

The woman obviously didn\'t care about this. Like an elegant cat, she stood on tiptoe and turned around the dragon\'s body twice. Then she smiled and shook her head: "Cowardice? You should regard human emotion as cowardice! No, emotion is never a symbol of cowardice. On the contrary, it is a kind of power, which can be as calm as a windless lake or as fierce as a volcanic eruption. You should not give up your emotion, let alone your pride as a human being."

"I admit that mankind is a race with unlimited potential and occupies an extremely important position in countless worlds. But the problem is that mankind is too fragile and has desires and limitations that can never be filled. I need to jump out of this limitation and stand in a higher position to look down on the world and the universe. The pride and identity of all mankind It doesn\'t matter to me at all. What matters is that I know who I am and what I\'m pursuing. "

When saying these words, Zhang Cheng narrowed his eyes and felt the terrible energy contained in the petite body of the "creator" standing in front of him.

Different from him, the other party is much higher than he doesn\'t know how many times in terms of energy level or simple application.

Needless to ask, this is an absolute compaction of the essence and level of life.

As he said before, the reason why God is stronger than other life bodies is that they are much higher in energy intake and control than other life bodies.

If human beings have tested and exploded a hydrogen bomb with a maximum of 50 million tons as a unit of energy, most gods are probably equivalent to between 100 and 500000 units of energy.

Of course, in terms of pure destructive power, God is not necessarily comparable to the Czar hydrogen bomb, but it is definitely much stronger in terms of energy essence.

As for Zhang Cheng himself, he can mobilize more than 2000 units of energy in an instant.

But standing in front of her, the vast majority of her power is still sealed. Her energy level has exceeded one million, or even ten million units.

He can\'t believe that such a terrible life is likely to be an ordinary person like himself at the beginning.

But this ordinary man does not necessarily come from the ordinary earth without any supernatural power.

Through the conversation with wollente, Zhang Cheng found that all the walkers summoned by the parchment scroll actually came from different parallel universes.

Take wallent as an example. The earth he came from was in a wasteland world 200 years after the end of the nuclear war.

Therefore, compared with mysterious magic, he prefers to defeat the enemy with the help of knowledge and technology, so he has created countless troublesome props, coupled with the ability of foresight, which can torture the opponent crazy.

"Well, I think I see what you mean. You seem to prefer simple and direct rewards to maintaining emotion. In that case, I\'ll give you a reward."

Then the woman raised her hand and grabbed it in the endless void.

In just a few seconds, a large number of unknown black substances began to condense, and finally formed a cylinder with a diameter of about 10 cm and a height of more than two meters.

"This is..." Zhang Cheng\'s pupils suddenly contracted.

He could feel that the energy contained in this small cylinder had exceeded 100000 energy units.

"Don\'t ask! You just need to know that it is the reward I paid you! Take it and study it slowly. Believe me, you will be ecstatic when you find out the true face of this thing. In addition, I expect you to break the third, fourth and fifth seals. Remember, as long as you don\'t let me down, I won\'t let you down..."