All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 832

"Have you recorded my state after integrating into the death rules?"

Zhang Cheng did not pay attention to the body of the giant snake, nor was he in a hurry to destroy the seal. Instead, he was more concerned about what had happened in just a few seconds.

Because after fully integrating into the rules of death, he suddenly lost himself and didn\'t even remember what he had done.

As a person with extremely firm mind, this out of control state is obviously not normal.

The supreme authority obviously hesitated for a moment and replied in a slightly worried tone: "sorry, master, I really can\'t describe what you just looked like. To some extent, you just looked like a soulless shell. Although there was only a short moment, death took over your body, mind and soul."

"You mean... I was affected by death?" Zhang Cheng\'s face became a little ugly.

"No! It\'s not influence! It\'s substitution! When you integrate into death, death will replace you, so you can use the powerful power of death to kill an ancient snake that has eaten the immortal grass and lived for more than 6000 years without effort." the supreme authority quickly corrected.

"I see! No wonder Faust\'s state of mind has always been wrong. It turns out that the real cost of using the power of death is not that I thought I would gain the favor of death through sacrifice, but that I will inevitably be affected by death and eventually lose myself. Winning the favor of death is not so much a cost as a power of promotion The more you win the favor of death, the more powerful the rules you can mobilize... "Zhang Cheng\'s eyes twinkled with a strange light, touched his chin and muttered.

"So, do you think death is a self-conscious force? It will continue to affect every mortal who tries to control himself?" the supreme authority summarized it a little.

Zhang Cheng nodded first, followed by a quick shake of his head: "I don\'t know! I only know that when using this power, I have no self-consciousness, just like a computer controlled remotely. The other party will deprive me of the life of setting goals according to the decision I made when I was awake."

"I see! What happened just now is that death controls you, not that you are controlling death."

"Yes! Very accurate description! There is no doubt that death is the strangest and most difficult to tame and control of all the forces I have been exposed to. It can be used as a card to turn the situation around at the critical moment, but it must not be used regularly. At least before I find out what these abnormalities are, I can use as little as possible."

For the forces not controlled by his subjective consciousness, Zhang Cheng has always been very vigilant.

He will never allow anyone or power to override his subjective consciousness, no matter how powerful it is.

The supreme authority obviously agreed with this, and without thinking, agreed: "be careful indeed! I always think that guy Faust has no good intentions behind his back. The reason why he gave you that book must be hiding some ulterior purpose."

"Don\'t remind me, I know." Zhang Cheng smiled disapprovingly.

Faust sent the book, even if he thought with his ass, he knew that he must have no good intention.

But the problem is that so far he doesn\'t know what the other party wants to do.

Pull yourself into the water and become a fanatical believer in death?

Or is it just a relatively stable ally with the same goal and strength?

In this treacherous world, all the covenants are finally signed for tearing up and betrayal, so the current allies may be the enemies in the future.

On this point, what is Zhang Cheng\'s personal experience.

Fortunately, the alliance between the three is still very solid. At least there is no need to worry about betrayal before there is a conflict of interest.

So he didn\'t get too tangled. He went straight to the place where the giant snake bones were entrenched in the middle of the valley, bent down and carefully observed the thrilling plant, and soon joked in a half joking tone: "this is the legendary eternal grass? Even the hero of half man and half god, Gilgamesh, can\'t get eternal life, but this plant can do it."

"Strictly speaking, it is not a real plant, but the embodiment of vitality. You can understand that it represents the life force opposite to death. This force can not be easily destroyed by death, so when you kill the giant snake, it is embodied again." the supreme authority explained calmly.

"The embodiment of life? It sounds interesting. But the question is, what is the use of this thing?" Zhang Cheng gently pulled the eternal grass out of the soil and felt the surging life energy that can not be described in words.

As a special individual integrating countless biological excellent genes, including divinity, he has long been no longer limited by the life span of ordinary people. In addition, he can make longevity potions. Unless he is killed by more powerful forces, he will never have to worry about his death.

The eternal grass seems to have nothing special except that it will give users the characteristic of never aging.

As for the mysterious symbols on the scale of the giant snake, they are definitely the result of deliberate carving by someone or God, rather than the biological spell ability evolved naturally.

Just when Zhang Cheng was not sure what to do with the eternal grass, the supreme authority suddenly interrupted: "great master! I think you\'d better eat it. Anyway, strong vitality is an energy, which will promote the mutation and evolution of the fused genes in your body in a benign direction."

"OK, then eat it." without saying anything, Zhang Cheng directly stuffed the plant into his mouth, simply chewed it and swallowed it.


A surging force began to be transmitted to every cell of the body with the blood!

For a moment, he even lost control of his body shape.

After a while, it will become a giant dragon!

After a while, it becomes the main brain form of the mind grabber!

After a while, it becomes the form of hill goron!

It will return to human form in a moment!


In the process of rapid change, these originally estranged genes slowly and completely integrate, and finally form a new species, a monster that covers the characteristics of life in countless worlds.

The supreme authority observed Zhang Cheng silently for more than ten hours and couldn\'t help sighing: "my dear master, you are a real madman! A madman without a bottom line! He will do anything for knowledge and power. If he doesn\'t go crazy after walking along this road, he will be able to stand at the top of power..."