All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 831

With the snowflakes piled higher and higher, the original warm and humid environment suddenly turned into a world of ice and snow, and even the trees in the forest were quickly covered with thick ice.

Feeling the cold wind of nearly minus 20 degrees Celsius in the air, Zhang Cheng finally stopped the magic with a large influence range and narrowed his eyes to observe the reaction of the giant snake entrenched in the valley.

After a full minute, he asked in an uncertain tone, "do you think the snake has gone into hibernation?"

"No! No! There is no sign of weakening its powerful vitality!" the supreme authority gave a direct negative answer.

"Are you sure? It has almost completely fallen into a static state now." Zhang Cheng subconsciously frowned and stared at the behemoth in the distance.

"Yes! I\'m quite sure! In addition, falling into a state of stillness does not mean losing the ability to move. Maybe it\'s just a residual habit, just like you humans subconsciously curl up to reduce heat loss when you feel cold." the supreme authority explained calmly.

"OK! Let\'s try!"

As a typical activist, Zhang Cheng put his hand directly on a big stone at the edge of the valley and poured huge magic energy into it.

In the blink of an eye, a magic puppet with a height of more than 40 meters and a whole body composed of magma rose from the ground.

It is so huge and emits amazing heat. After a while, the ice and snow on the ground began to melt. At the same time, a large amount of water vapor filled around, forming a white fog.

The giant snake seemed to feel the threat, suddenly raised his head, stared at two big yellow eyes, rolled up his body and made an attack posture.

"Damn it! This guy really didn\'t hibernate! I don\'t understand! As a cold-blooded animal, how did he maintain his ability to move in such a cold environment?"

Although the fog blocked part of his sight, Zhang Cheng clearly observed everything.

It has to be said that for a giant snake that has not shown any magic ability so far, it is a little too incredible to resist the cold of minus 20 degrees.

After all, the biggest difference between cold-blooded animals and warm-blooded animals is that the latter has a self thermoregulation system, which can keep the body at a constant temperature in most cases, so it can maintain the ability to move whether it is cold or hot.

But in the former, the body temperature will change with the change of the environment, especially when the temperature becomes cold, the body\'s metabolic capacity will decline rapidly, or even enter a dormant state, and the ability to move can not be restored until the temperature rises.

This is why many cold-blooded animals have the habit of basking in the sun. Only when the body temperature rises high enough can they move normally.

But the problem is that the giant snake in front of us obviously violates biological common sense. Even though the body temperature is almost the same as the environment, it is not affected at all.

With the lava puppet pressing step by step, the giant snake finally couldn\'t bear it, rushed out and tried to wrap the big man with its thick body, and then crush it bit by bit.

But before it was wrapped twice, it was immediately scalded by the terrible high temperature of magma and began to roll up and down like crazy. At the same time, thousands of strange mysterious symbols appeared on the surface of black scales.

Next second


The core composed of magical energy inside the lava puppet suddenly burst open without warning, followed by the collapse of the huge body, completely turned into a pool of flowing magma, and slowly cooled down with the decrease of temperature.

"This is..." Zhang Cheng\'s eyes burst out with undisguised surprise.

"It\'s energy concussion! My master! The scales on the snake\'s body have the energy concussion ability that all law breakers dream of! Any magic will be destroyed by it as long as it doesn\'t take effect at the first time." the supreme authority quickly replied.

It is undoubtedly the most sensitive to the induction of magical energy, so it immediately confirmed the real reason for the self explosion of lava puppets.

"I see..." Zhang chengruo nodded thoughtfully. "I now understand why the gods of the two river basins regard it as the guardian of this seal. Their strong vitality is almost a magical scale immune to magic, as well as the characteristics of speeding regeneration. It is particularly difficult to kill them, whether using magic power or physical attack."

"That\'s right! You see, the scald on his body has gradually recovered. I suggest you either don\'t do it or give it a hard one at a time."

"Hum! It\'s just a snake. Although my ability is a little special, it\'s nothing in front of the death rules. Today, let me integrate into death and have a little test."

The voice just fell!

Zhang Cheng\'s eyes suddenly turned the purest black!

From a distance, it looks like two Obsidian stones, without a trace of emotion and reason, cold like a machine.

The giant snake seemed to feel the danger, suddenly opened its big mouth and rushed to the position where he was standing. It could even see the terrible fangs full of upside down hooks.

But Zhang Cheng, as if he didn\'t see anything, stood still until the fishy wind came to his face, and then said in an extremely cold and empty tone: "death is an absolute equality!"


The giant snake close at hand stopped all actions, and began to tremble violently all over the body. The two pale yellow vertical pupils contracted suddenly, as if they were afraid of something.

"Nothing in this world is eternal. Even God is no exception. He will eventually return to eternal death. Now, I call you in the name of death. Come, poor little thing, become one of the eternal dead."

After that, Zhang Cheng stretched out his right hand and gently touched the jaw of the giant snake.


The next second, the beast reached an indescribable size, fell straight to the ground and did not move. The whole body began to decay rapidly, leaving only a huge skeleton and snake skin emitting strange energy.

most important of all!

After the death of the giant snake, a emerald green plant gradually grew in the center.

It is so exquisite and beautiful that it can\'t help being firmly attracted as long as you look at it.

"Immortal grass! So this is the legendary immortal grass!" the voice of the supreme authority was a little excited.

Unfortunately, Zhang Cheng is now integrated with the death rules, so he has no reason and emotion at all and has not responded.

It took him more than 20 minutes to break free from the impulse to destroy everything. He smiled bitterly and sighed: "death is indeed the most essential force in the whole universe! With the strength I now have, it is still inevitable to be affected..."