All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 830

As different civilizations rising successively in the two river basins, the ancient Babylonian mythology and the Sumerian mythology are probably derived from the same primitive God system, but they have different names for various gods, just like the names of the Olympian gods between ancient Greece and ancient Rome.

At least in Zhang Cheng\'s opinion, the story of Gilgamesh has been spread in both Babylon and surme. The former even made the epic of Gilgamesh, which shocked the world with mud plates.

you \'re right!

It is the guy who is called "golden glitter" in an animation work. He is known as the oldest king in the world and the hero of half man and half god.

Of course, from the perspective of modern archaeology, he is indeed the earliest known record of the king.

The history recorded in words alone is more than 4000 years, not to mention the time when the story happened, which is far before this time, otherwise it will not be called epic.

With a strong curiosity about the myths of surme and ancient Babylon, Zhang Cheng carefully embedded the stone slab into the top of the bronze column.


The characters carved on the column began to shine, and finally converged into a crack less than 20 cm.

No hesitation!

He went straight through the crack and came to the endless primeval forest.

In the middle of the forest, there is also a spacious river passing through the middle. The turbulent river constantly hits the bank and makes a huge noise.

"Where is this? Somewhere on earth? Or..."

Just when Zhang Cheng was surprised at what he saw, a commotion suddenly appeared in the dense woods in the distance.

Countless birds soared into the air, and countless herbivores and carnivores fled in panic, including some powerful magical creatures unique to the mythical era.

Before he could tell what had happened, a huge Python suddenly broke a large area of trees and leaked his unparalleled body.

This snake is so amazing that its body is as tall as four floors, and its length is endless at a glance.

What\'s more terrible is that the mouth of the huge snake head is filled with prey that are still struggling.

No wonder the animals in the woods were crazy and ran around desperately. It turned out that they had met natural enemies.

"Be careful! This is not an ordinary snake!" whispered the supreme authority.

Zhang Cheng turned his eyes angrily: "nonsense! You can judge from this figure that it is definitely not an ordinary snake."

"No, no, no, I mean, its vitality is a little too strong, strong beyond the limit of all things," the supreme authority quickly explained.

"Oh? Tell me, what did you find?" Zhang Cheng stood motionless and watched the giant snake. He neither chose to escape nor took the initiative to attack.

"It\'s age! This snake has lived for at least 6000 years! As far as I know, no mortal thing can live so long. You know, there is no divinity in its body, let alone a special immortal species." the supreme authority gave the answer meaningfully.

"An ordinary snake has lived for 6000 years? This is too exaggerated!" Zhang Cheng raised his eyebrows in disbelief.

"I think the only judgment we can make is..."

"In the epic of Gilgamesh, the snake stole the immortal grass. Only this can explain why an ordinary snake can live for more than 6000 years and become so huge. Because to some extent, it itself represents immortality."

Before the supreme authority had finished speaking, Zhang Cheng immediately completed the rest.

Obviously, if nothing happens, this snake is the guard of the second seal.

Six thousand years is enough to turn an ordinary snake into the most terrible monster in the world.

What\'s more, there are countless magical creatures living in this endless forest. They have eaten for 6000 years. Who knows if they will get some mysterious spell like abilities.

In addition, the immortality of the grass is also quite noteworthy.

After all, in myths and legends, even the half man and half god hero Gilgamesh can\'t get eternal life, but this thing can.

You can guess with a little brain. It must not only make people immortal, but also have some incredible powers.

"This time, what we are going to face is probably a monster that is very difficult to kill." the supreme authority said his speculation directly.

"Never mind! Hard doesn\'t mean you can\'t kill! At least as far as I know, there\'s nothing in the world that can resist the rule of death, as long as I\'m willing to pay a heavy price for it. Let\'s follow this snake to see if its nest is sealed by the gods."

As soon as the voice fell, Zhang Cheng raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and instantly disappeared in place.

Next second

The whole man stood directly on the giant snake. His feet were like roots. No matter how the other party twisted his body, he didn\'t move.

It has to be said that according to the huge difference in body size between the two, he is like a small bug stuck to the snake, which is not worth the idea at all.

In this way, riding a black and possibly poisonous 6000 year old giant snake, he soon came to a valley with a strong fishy smell.

In the valley, blocks of different colors can be seen everywhere.

Not surprisingly, it\'s probably the vomit that the snake can\'t digest. It\'s mainly a mixture of hair, feathers and horns. It looks very disgusting.

Through the strong energy response emitted from the center of the valley, it is not difficult to judge that this is the location of the second seal.

Now, Zhang Cheng only needs to destroy part of the seal, and the energy buried below will gush out and return to his master again.

But before that, we have to solve the snake 100 percent first, otherwise the noise will certainly disturb the other party and trigger a big war.

"Well, let me first test what you can do to be chosen by God as the guardian of the seal..."

With a murmuring whisper, Zhang Cheng soon injected huge magical energy into the high power and began to control the climate within hundreds of kilometers.

In about five minutes, the temperature in the air dropped suddenly, and white snowflakes even floated in the sky.

Obviously, he wanted to reduce the temperature to see if it would affect the giant snake.

According to the body structure and living habits of snakes, once the temperature drops suddenly, normal snakes will quickly enter hibernation.

In this way, no matter how big the giant snake is, it will inevitably become meat on the chopping board and be slaughtered by others.