All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 829

The Euphrates River is the birthplace of ancient culture in southern Mesopotamia from Sumeria to Abbas.

The earliest civilization of mankind was slowly established and developed with it as the center.

At present, the river is slowly passing through Fallujah city as usual, bringing valuable water resources to this important city.

Standing on the bridge, Zhang Cheng looked down at the endless river and asked expressionless, "are you sure what I\'m looking for is under the water? At the bottom of the river?"

"That\'s right! According to the comparison of the map, there should have been a temple in the ancient Babylonian period, but the river channel seems to have changed, so it was completely submerged and finally sank to the bottom of the river. At present, unless the river is cut off, it is impossible to carry out excavation." a very old scholar quickly gave a positive answer.

It has to be said that in the Middle East, countless splendid civilizations have been bred, including surme, Babylon and Assyria. They are both ancient and full of mystery, and even far exceed the birthplace of most human civilizations in the world.

But now, most of the ruins have disappeared, replaced by war, killing, hatred, and countless mosques.

Thinking of this, Zhang Cheng couldn\'t help sighing and directly ordered Ye Lianna behind him: "give them money! Then let them go!"

"Are you sure?" Yelena subconsciously frowned.

Although she didn\'t know what her boss was looking for, out of the spy\'s first reaction, she thought it was safest to kill people and keep the news from flowing out.

"No, No. in addition, you\'d better take people out of this area quickly, or if something happens later, I can\'t guarantee your safety." Zhang Cheng obviously doesn\'t intend to explain too much, but just gives a little hint.

"I see! I\'ll take people back immediately." yelina was not a fool. She immediately realized that something big was going to happen. Without saying a word, she took out bundles of dollars from her bag and distributed them to the experts and professors who had been busy for a long time.

Although more than 90% of these Sunnis are anti American elements, they do not exclude the dollar, the commodity most produced in the United States.

Of course, in addition to dollars, there are all kinds of weapons and ammunition produced by the United States.

In fact, like mentor Wang\'s "true fragrance law", most of the so-called boycotts are ultimately just a show and can\'t succeed at all.

The reason is very simple. The value of goods is determined by the market, that is, the buyer itself.

When more than 80% of buyers consume, they often pay attention not to the place of production, but to the quality and comprehensive cost performance of the commodity.


Seeing everyone disappear at the end of the road, Zhang Cheng took a deep breath, blessed himself with underwater breathing magic, jumped off the bridge.


With the splash of water, he finally came to the bottom of the river and began to look around for suspicious places.

You know, a small fork on the map often means that it may actually be a river more than ten kilometers long.

Moreover, the Euphrates River is not a small river, but a super large river with a length of more than 2800 kilometers. It can almost be said to be the lifeline of the Middle East.

In addition, all kinds of organisms and algae in the water hinder us. It\'s like looking for a needle in a haystack to find a temple that was completely submerged thousands of years ago.

Fortunately, at present, Zhang Cheng can confirm an approximate location, that is, the distance through Fallujah urban area.

In order to speed up his exploration, he created thousands of Mathematical Olympiad minions through his almost unlimited magic.

Although these guys have no intelligence at all, they are extremely sensitive to energy. Even a little can attract their attention.

Under the carpet search of Mathematical Olympiad, Zhang Cheng found a very suspicious place in about 20 minutes.

It is located in the middle of the city, and above it is resala, the largest urban area in Fallujah.

The surface of the riverbed seems to be nothing, but in fact, an unspeakable mysterious energy is constantly released below, so that the surrounding aquatic organisms dare not approach.

When a grass carp passed by, it seemed to encounter a mysterious and invisible force field. As a result, it shook its tail and made a big circle.

"It seems that this is it!" Zhang Cheng thought in his heart.

However, he was not in a hurry. Instead, he carefully inspected the surrounding environment and confirmed that there were no protection, traps and other things. Only then did he force the highest authority of the artifact into the mud.

After a while, a large amount of silt, clay and gravel at the bottom were taken away by the strong current, slowly exposing the buildings hidden below.

To be exact, it is a temple dedicated to unknown gods.

In the center of the temple, there is a circular column made of bronze, which is still as new. It neither rusts nor grows algae and shells under the perennial baptism of the river, emitting golden light.

At the top of the column, there is a rectangular groove, the size of which is just in line with the stone slab obtained before.

Obviously, this is the entrance to the second seal.

Mainly insert the stone slab filled with cuneiform characters into it, you can enter the ancient seal set by the ancient gods in the two river basins and face the powerful guard.

"Master, are you going to go in alone?" the supreme authority suddenly asked through a spiritual link.

"Why not? Do you think I can\'t beat a guard now?" Zhang Cheng frowned and asked.

"No! I mean! Why don\'t you call Adam? He can help analyze the battle process so that he can have a rough estimate of the gods who fall asleep." the supreme authority took the initiative to explain.

Zhang Cheng hesitated for a moment about this tempting proposal, immediately shook his head and refused: "It\'s not necessary. I\'m not stupid enough to open more than four seals before I have enough strength to wake all gods from their sleep. My plan is to open a seal first to confirm what these sealed forces are, and then decide what to do next. You should understand that the woman who calls herself the Creator is not my ally, but may It\'s the enemy. "

"Oh? You mean... These gods may not be enemies, but potential allies?" the voice of the supreme authority was full of surprise.

"That\'s right! Do you remember my consistent style? Before you find out the truth, you\'d better not choose to stand in line too easily, otherwise..."

"Or you\'ll be a fool used by others!"

"Yes! I don\'t want to be used by anyone unless they can afford the price. Unfortunately, the creator seems to regard me as a free coolie and wants to send me away in a few words."

"Hey, hey! I think she will regret her stinginess one day."