All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 828

Two and a half hours later, the aftermath of the thermonuclear explosion just made the whole Fallujah undergo a soul stirring baptism.

When the hot wind was over, many fanatical religious believers began to take to the streets to try to find out what happened.

When they learned that an American army of tens of thousands who wanted to capture the city was wiped out on the way, earth shaking cheers broke out and passed the good news door to door.

As the gathering place of Sunni * * *, nearly 80% of the people here are loyal supporters of Zarqawi. Some even compare him to Saladin, the * * * world hero who successfully recovered the holy city Jerusalem from Christians in the middle ages.

However, no one knows that at the moment, in the basement of a house in Fallujah, two people are teasing Zarqawi in a slightly contemptuous tone and determining his next fate.


"Look, what I said is right? Those Americans simply don\'t have the courage to die with the whole world. They are like a group of greedy hyenas. They dare to fight their identified enemies only when they have absolute superiority. If the Soviet leader dealing with the Cuban missile crisis is not the stupid Khrushchev, the Americans can\'t take advantage."

While appreciating the secretly photographed negotiation process, Zhang Cheng sneered and gave his evaluation.

As he expected, Americans, like other countries, chose one word - counseling in the face of nuclear deterrence.

The reason is simple!

The intelligence organization established by Leonid, strictly speaking, is not a country. There is neither territory to guard nor people to protect.

They are like a group of ghosts hiding all over the world, secretly carrying out all kinds of espionage.

In short, there are not too many scruples.

Against such a group of people, nuclear deterrence in the ordinary sense can\'t play any role at all, because we don\'t know where to bomb when we fight back.

What\'s more, they can also send thermonuclear warheads in detonated state to any corner of the world.

This means that unless the United States plans to lead all countries in the world, including itself, to be buried together, it will not have any good countermeasures at all.

What else can we do unless we try whether the other party really has the courage to detonate a nuclear warhead?

Of course, in exchange, Zarqawi, who launched the attack, must die.

He will be the back man of the whole incident, reciting all the charges.

As for whether the United States and the CIA will faithfully fulfill their commitments in the future, Zhang Cheng is not worried at all.

I believe these guys will try their best to collect intelligence after a loss. They will never act rashly until they have collected enough intelligence.

"You\'re right! Nuclear peace! Nuclear peace! Without nuclear, there will be no peace. But I don\'t think the Americans chose to give in this time. On the contrary, they made a decision after careful consideration. If nothing unexpected happens, all the world\'s powers will receive information about us soon." Leonid touched his chin, A meaningful reminder.

"Hum! Does it matter? Which country in the world dares to do it?" Zhang Cheng glanced disdainfully. "Someone once said that the greatest use of nuclear weapons is to put them on the launcher. Once they are launched, they are just a powerful bomb. But I don\'t agree with this view. It\'s important to put nuclear weapons on the launcher, but it\'s more important to let everyone know that you have the courage to press the launch button. Sometimes, use them once in a while for those stupid people It\'s also a good choice for stupid guys to refresh themselves. "

Leonid nodded approvingly: "yes! I have been fully aware of this through this negotiation. Oh, by the way, the U.S. military asked us to provide an accurate hiding place for Zarqawi within five days."

"Don\'t worry! We don\'t have to do this by ourselves. Remember the deputies around Zarqawi? Give them a hint and wait patiently. You should understand that religious fanaticism is only useful for those stupid civilians. Once you climb high enough, you will soon understand that money and power are all."

In saying these words, Zhang Cheng did not hide his disgust for these religious extremists.

In his opinion, all religions with strong exclusiveness, especially the most extreme monotheism, are standard brainwashing cults.

Those who believe in these religions, if extremely intelligent people, after meeting problems that they cannot explain, place their hope on an omniscient creator, or they are extremely stupid and unreasonable idiots.

The former may be interested in debating with you and trying to find some answers, but the latter will never talk nonsense to you. They will only emphasize the contents recorded in the Scriptures and will not accept any refutation or doubt at all.

"Hey, hey! I see! You want these guys to perform a drama of betrayal, betrayal and killing each other." Leonid was so smart that he realized the benefits of doing so.

The first is not to offend the people all over the land.

Second, even if Zarqawi dies, he can continue to sell weapons and ammunition to new leaders and buy oil and minerals at a low price.

Last but not least, you can try to maintain a sense of mystery and reduce the probability that the organization will be penetrated by the enemy.

"Well, let\'s do something for you. Remember, don\'t move Zarqawi these two days. I need his help to find a place." Zhang Cheng raised his hand and opened a portal to the Pacific base.

"As you wish!" Leonid touched his chest with one hand and bowed deeply.

However, just as he turned and wanted to cross the portal, he suddenly stopped and asked in an uncertain tone, "how to deal with this secretly photographed negotiation image? Do you really want to put it on the Internet and slap the U.S. government?"

"Be patient! After Americans sell our intelligence to other intelligence organizations, you can transmit this video to the Internet. Don\'t forget, as I said before, this time show America\'s inferiority and weakness to the whole world. As a man, say and do it." Zhang Cheng\'s eyes twinkle with malice.

He can imagine how violent the situation in the whole world will be after these contents are disseminated.

Especially those countries that already possess nuclear weapons or are actively preparing to possess nuclear weapons, 100% will be more determined to research and develop more powerful nuclear weapons and make the United States shrink back through nuclear blackmail.

When the global order dominated by the United States begins to collapse, the whole world will become extremely chaotic, and the underground world will also be affected to a certain extent.

At that time, no matter how terrible things happen, no too powerful force will stand up to prevent or interfere.

you \'re right!

Let the whole human society fall into division and civil strife, which is Zhang Cheng\'s real purpose