All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 827

Just when everyone in the room fell into a terrible silence, an old man in a suit suddenly opened the door and came in from the outside, with a smile on his face: "Good evening, Mr. President, and ladies and gentlemen of the government of the United States of America. I take the liberty to disturb you at this time, but I don\'t think you can sleep now, can you? After all, more than 10000 American soldiers were collectively killed in nuclear weapon attacks and hundreds of billions of dollars in weapons and equipment losses are enough for any American The president lost sleep all night. "

"Who are you?! and how did you get in?" the defense minister shouted nervously, looking out the door and trying to call the security personnel at the door.

But unfortunately, no matter how loud his voice was, the corridor was quiet, as if there was no one.

There is no doubt that this is absolutely abnormal.

Because according to the security regulations, there should be at least eight professionally trained agents on duty 24 hours a day to ensure the safety of the president and his office.

"Dear Mr. Secretary of defense, if you want to wake up those agents outside, you\'d better give up the idea. They sleep well now and won\'t wake up for at least two hours." the old man touched his scrupulous sideburns and his tone revealed undisguised ponder.

Obviously, he was no one else. It was Leonid who just came from the Pacific underground base and changed his shape a little with magic.

"Damn it! Do you know what you\'re doing? You\'re invading the White House! Provoking the whole United States!" another old man in military uniform warned fiercely.

Unfortunately, when the last word blurted out, Leonid took out his pistol and pulled the trigger directly.


With a crisp gunshot, the old man, who didn\'t know whether it was a general or a military boss, fell in a pool of blood.

After his head was broken by a bullet, his brain splashed on the faces of the people around him.

Such a bloody and cruel picture, coupled with the pungent smell of blood, immediately made several privileged politicians begin to vomit wildly on the table, and their eyes were full of horror and disbelief.

They couldn\'t believe it in their dreams. The other party actually dared to shoot at the White House and kill an important military officer.

Appreciating the ugliness of the group of self proclaimed world order controllers in front of him, Leonid calmly put the gun on the table, then opened a chair and took the initiative to sit down. He pointed to the picture that was constantly playing on the screen: "I believe you must want to know who sold a large equivalent thermonuclear warhead to terrorists, right?"

"Is it you?!" the president of the United States tried carefully to resist the panic and anger in his heart.

According to normal logical thinking, since the other party can go through the strict security system outside and enter the presidential office of the White House, it will naturally be able to sell a thermonuclear warhead to terrorists.

You know, since the independence of the United States, except that the White House was burned by the British once, the place dedicated to the president has never been attacked again.

"Ah! To be exact, it\'s me and the organization behind me. Don\'t get me wrong. In fact, I\'m not here to declare war on you today. On the contrary, I\'m here to negotiate. As a sincerity, I\'ll show our strength first to ensure that you won\'t do anything stupid."

The voice just fell!

Leonid took out a prepared list from his arms and spread it out on the table.

A full minute later, he opened his mouth and said with Slavic arrogance: "Do you see these addresses? They include all important cities in the United States with a population of more than 5 million, as well as your important military bases all over the world, including the battle command center hidden in the mountains to avoid nuclear weapon attacks. Now, please call and confirm what these coordinate points have. Remember, no matter what you see, it\'s best Don\'t act rashly, let alone try to dismantle the small gifts I left, otherwise... "

"Are you threatening?" the president wanted to be tough.

But Leonid just smiled contemptuously and shook his head. "No, sir, I just want to explain a fact. In short, please call first, and then you will understand who you are dealing with."

The two men looked at each other for about two or three minutes. Finally, the president of the United States couldn\'t help but pick up the phone, dial one of the numbers, and put the coordinates corresponding to the address to the person on the other side of the phone.

In less than 20 minutes, the other party sent back the pictures taken on the scene through the Internet.

In the center of the picture is nothing else, but an activated nuclear warhead, which is placed on the top floor of a commercial building on Wall Street.

Followed by the second

The third

The fourth

When the number exceeded 80, everyone in the White House presidential office began to tremble slightly, and even forgot the top military officials who were shot dead.

This is because the place where these more than 80 nuclear warheads are placed is either a large R & D center costing millions of dollars a year, or the heart of Finance and manufacturing, or a top university.

If all detonates, it is estimated that the whole United States will be directly paralyzed and the upper class society will be destroyed. Even if some survive, they will no longer be able to control the country, but will inevitably move towards division and civil war.

"This is a terrorist attack! The US government will never bow to terrorists!" the Secretary of defense suddenly stood up and roared with excitement.

"Terrorist attack? Ha ha!" Leonid opened his arms and laughed with irony. "God! Isn\'t the United States the biggest terrorist in the world? What\'s more, I\'ve only sold a nuclear warhead to Zarqawi so far, and the rest have no intention of detonating. I just want to tell you, tell the annoying CIA, don\'t chase us like an estrous male dog. Otherwise..."

"Otherwise what? Dare you launch terrorist attacks on the United States and start a thermonuclear war?" the president narrowed his eyes and asked.

"You can understand that! You know what? We don\'t mind completely destroying the world! Let alone killing more than 90% of the people in the world! Anyway, for us, it\'s just a new start. But for you, the rich Americans who plunder the wealth of the whole world through financial hegemony, it\'s not just a new start. You Now, tell me, dear Mr. President, are you willing to agree to my terms, or are you willing to let me detonate all nuclear warheads and play a hard box game - radiation waste land? "