All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 826

"Ibrahim! Remember! You are a soldier of Allah! Don\'t be afraid! Don\'t be afraid! Just do what I teach you, you can kill thousands of American troops and hit those damn invaders hard. Then your soul can go to heaven and enjoy the supreme glory given to you by Allah..."

Sitting in the rear compartment with nuclear warheads, the young man with a beard echoed in his mind what Zarqawi said when he personally met him before leaving. His heart was full of fanatical religious beliefs and was willing to pay everything for it.

Just as he was holding a note in his hand and staring at the number keys on the side of the nuclear warhead to enter the password, the latch baffle in the cab was suddenly opened. Another young man in charge of driving shouted: "hurry! Get ready! I can already see the American team. As soon as you hear the gunshot, don\'t hesitate and act according to the plan immediately."

"I see! Don\'t worry! I\'m ready!" Ibrahim assured categorically.




After just a few words of conversation, the heavy truck suddenly accelerated and rushed straight in the direction of the U.S. military convoy without any hesitation.

Americans are not fools. They have already experienced countless car bomb attacks and worked out corresponding countermeasures.

Before the truck rushed far, the sniper fired a deadly bullet and nailed the driver to death in the cab with a bang.

However, they did not know that this was not an ordinary car bomb attack at all, but carried a super large equivalent thermonuclear warhead.

Before the bomb disposal team dressed up, Ibrahim took a deep breath and quickly entered a long string of passwords with trembling fingers.

After hearing a series of rapid and harsh sounds of "didi didi", the nuclear warhead began the countdown of 30 seconds to detonate.





When the countdown entered the last ten seconds, the top of the closed car suddenly made a loud noise.


Immediately after the roof was ripped by the explosion, six or seven rifles pointed down at him and shouted, "don\'t move! Don\'t move! Raise your hands! Come on! Otherwise I promise you will be screened at the first time!"

"Ha ha! Sorry, Yankees, you\'re late." Ibrahim not only didn\'t raise his hands as the other party said, but laughed recklessly.

Because he knew that in five seconds, tens of thousands of Americans would be buried with him.

"Falk! Look! What\'s that?" a black soldier with simple sharp eyes pointed to the countdown on the nuclear bomb with the muzzle of his gun.

"M... MK-41!!" another older white man, like an officer, suddenly changed his face. As soon as he was about to send a warning to the radio, he saw that the red countdown changed from 1 to 0.

"Thanks! We\'re finished..."

With his last words blurted out, he saw a very dazzling white light lit up in front of him, followed by rapid diffusion, and then lost consciousness.

To be exact, it was directly evaporated by the terrible high temperature generated by the explosion, and even a little slag could not be left.



Mushroom cloud!


Electromagnetic pulse!

Taking the central point of the explosion as the radius, everything within a full range of more than 20 kilometers no longer exists. Tens of thousands of well-equipped American Expeditionary Forces are all dead, not even a survivor.

In addition, the earthquake triggered by the explosion made Fallujah and Baghdad feel obvious vibration. Even many houses with poor quality collapsed, and the glass embedded in the windows was killed in collective battle.

Most importantly, the electromagnetic pulse caused a considerable range of signal interruption. The electronic reconnaissance and command systems that Americans are proud of have all been paralyzed, and even aircraft can not take off.

Because within hundreds of kilometers, almost all radars were burned in the explosion, which was the most serious damage to the U.S. military since the end of the cold war.

Standing on the top of a high-rise building in Fallujah, Zhang Cheng narrowed his eyes and looked at the mushroom cloud rising in the distance. He grinned and said with a chilling smile: "look! What a beautiful and spectacular scenery! I believe the White House and the Pentagon must be in a mess now. Nuclear peace! Nuclear peace! Without nuclear, there is no peace. What a simple and easy truth."

"You\'re crazy! I swear that when the Americans come back, they will launch crazy revenge. Let\'s not say for the moment. Anyway, Zarqawi is dead, and the U.S. military and the CIA won\'t let him go." Bertha took a deep breath and said gnashing her teeth.

"Zarqawi was originally a stupid religious extremist! Does his immortality have anything to do with us? No, it doesn\'t matter. In fact, even if all the people in the Middle East die?" Zhang Cheng shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

"But what\'s next? All our personnel in Iraq must evacuate as soon as possible, or the Americans will certainly dig three feet to dig out us who provided nuclear warheads." I don\'t know whether it was because of fear or excitement, Bertha\'s whole body was shaking slightly.

"Hehe, don\'t worry about this. Leonid and I will deal with this matter. I promise that after this matter passes, the organization won\'t have to hide like now. Even if you show your identity openly, no one will dare to touch you any more."

The voice just fell!

Zhang Cheng left the room, turned and opened the door and disappeared at the end of the dark corridor.


Meanwhile, in Washington, D.C., a remote North American continent, an emergency meeting is taking place in the presidential office.

While playing the last picture of the satellite signal, the Minister of defense reported in a very heavy tone: "a few minutes ago, our army preparing to attack Fallujah encountered an unprecedented nuclear weapon attack, and now it has been completely destroyed."

"What?!" the president sprang up from his chair and stared at the blurred picture on the screen.

Not only him, but also many senior White House officials couldn\'t help shouting, with incredible expressions on their faces.

After a real minute, the Secretary of defense clenched his fist, endured his anger and continued to explain: "So far, including the British and Iraqi government forces, we have lost 15000 people and all our weapons and equipment. As well as all the radar and electronic systems in the surrounding airports and military bases, 85% of the aircraft need to replace electronic parts before taking off. Judging from the wave range and explosion power, this nuclear warhead is a typical hydrogen bomb with an equivalent of 2500 Ten thousand tons. "

"Fark! You mean! We just killed 10000 people? Is this an April Fool\'s Day joke? Tell me it\'s an April Fool\'s Day joke! If I remember correctly! We lost less than 262 people when we destroyed Saddam\'s regime!" the president swung his fist and banged the table.

He believed that if the news spread, he would immediately be impeached by Congress, or even nailed to the pillar of shame in history, and become the worst evaluated president in American history.