All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 825

Abu Musab al Zarqawi, a senior Al Qaeda leader wanted by the United States for a reward of $10 million, and the price has risen all the way since taking Fallujah. At present, it has risen to $25 million, enough to drive all the mercenaries in Iraq crazy.

Unfortunately, so far, no one has been able to pocket this large reward.

Although he was only a cripple with only one leg left, he was able to avoid the tracking and arrest of professional intelligence organizations such as the CIA, MI6 and Mossad again and again, and developed rapidly in just a few years, gathering a large number of extremely fanatical religious militants willing to give their lives for the so-called "Jihad".

But today, he has lost the confidence and steadiness he usually showed in front of his men. Instead, he frowned and stared at the military map hanging on the wall.

The reason is very simple!

In order to hold the Iraqi general election next year, that is, in January 2005, the United States finally decided to launch military action to completely pull out Fallujah, a nail less than 80 kilometers away from the capital Baghdad.

According to intelligence, the other side, including the U.S., British and Iraqi government forces, has dispatched 15000 people. At the same time, it is also equipped with the world\'s most advanced tanks, heavy artillery, armored vehicles, air support, etc., which is a typical ox knife to kill chickens.

You know, at present, only about 5000 armed personnel can be mobilized by Zarqawi in Fallujah. Most of them have only light guns, not even explosives, mines and RPG rockets.

The strength comparison between the enemy and us on paper is almost heaven and earth.

It is almost an impossible task to hold Fallujah under such circumstances, so he is considering transferring, leaving about half of the people to fight a tragic street battle with the U.S. military, and the rest to preserve their strength and wait for the opportunity to make a comeback.

Anyway, in the Middle East, a land belonging to the Communist Party of China, any external invading forces will eventually be defeated. It\'s just a matter of time.

Just when Zarqawi began to consider letting those people go and those people stayed, a man with a beard rushed in from the outside and shouted, "head! The pagan woman who provided us with weapons last time came again! She said she had something important to meet you immediately."

"You mean Bertha?" the image of a muscular woman quickly came to Zarqawi\'s mind.

As the leader of an internationally wanted terrorist organization, he knows very well that there are very few arms dealers willing to take great risks to provide weapons and ammunition to himself, and the other party happens to be one of them, and provides the most scarce heavy weapons.

"Yes! In addition, she drove a fully enclosed truck and didn\'t let us check it. She said she had a big business to talk to you." beard nodded quickly and definitely.

"I like big business! What are you waiting for? Take me quickly. Maybe this business can teach rampant Americans a lesson."

With that, Zarqawi suddenly stood up from his seat with excitement and expectation in his eyes.

He believes that if we can get enough heavy weapons, even if we leave half of our men, we can kill enough American soldiers in street fighting.


At the same time, the muscular woman called Bertha was sitting in the cab of the fully enclosed truck and asked in an uncertain tone, "are you sure you really want to sell this to an extreme terrorist? He\'s a real madman!"

"Why not? Don\'t you hate those nosy Americans?" Zhang Cheng asked back with a smile.

"I don\'t mean that! No one in the world but Americans will hate them. But the problem is, hate is hate. If there is still a nuclear warhead on their head, the political situation of the whole world will be violently shaken and even thrown into chaos." Bertha frowned.

"Isn\'t chaos better? The more chaotic the situation is, the easier it will be for the whole organization to grow and penetrate and control more regions. Remember, only when the original order is broken, all kinds of resources on the planet will quickly enter the redistribution link, otherwise, they can only bite their competitors bit by bit and use their flesh and blood to slowly grow themselves. If they are lifted continuously There is no courage to break the existing political structure. What value does the whole organization have? "

When saying these words, Zhang Cheng\'s eyes revealed an incomparably deep light, just like a bottomless pool of water.

Just when Bertha wanted to argue, Zarqawi and his men finally came out of the house, laughed and said, "ha ha! Good afternoon, madam! I heard you have a big business to talk to me? Tell me what good things you have brought this time."

"Trust me! You\'ll be surprised when you see it! I promise!" Bertha jumped out of the car and took the initiative to open the rear compartment to reveal the thermonuclear warhead that hit it.

"This... This is?!" when Zarqawi saw this, his pupils suddenly contracted, and his face showed an expression of horror.

You know, with the disintegration of the Soviet Union, a large number of nuclear weapons in Eastern Europe once poured into the underground black market. Some were disassembled into weapon grade concentrated nuclear materials, and others were packaged for sale. Therefore, he is no stranger to this terrorist leader.

However, with the passage of time, most nuclear materials gradually lose value with the passage of time, especially hydrogen warheads with relatively short shelf life.

But now, a new high-yield hydrogen bomb suddenly appeared in front of him, which made him feel incredible.

Patting the huge bomb in the truck, Bertha introduced it in a very professional tone: "MK-41, the largest equivalent hydrogen bomb produced in batch in the United States, has an explosion power of more than 20 million tons of TNT. How about this product? Do you like it?"

"Oh, Almighty Allah! Where did you get it? Can it still work?" Zarqawi asked excitedly, covering his heart beating wildly on his chest.

"No problem! As long as you can afford the price, I will give you a set of passwords. When you enter them and press the button, everything within a radius of 25 kilometers will disappear. Even people 70 kilometers away will suffer secondary burns. Nothing can survive this explosion, even the US Army, which is known as the most powerful in the world." Zhang Cheng didn\'t know when he left the cab, with a devil like smile on his face.

Starting the thermonuclear war that swept the world, he undoubtedly knows the lethality of various equivalent nuclear warheads better than anyone,

"How much does it cost to buy it?" Zarqawi breathed quickly, and his eyes burst out with crazy light.

"100 million dollars! You only need to pay 100 million dollars, or gold of the same value, and you can get the initiation code immediately. In addition, there is a small additional condition. I need you to mobilize your people to help me find something interesting in this city."


"You are a generous and happy customer! Wish us a happy cooperation!"

"Happy cooperation!"
