All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 824

"Betray? You mean Aymara?!" the strong woman called muscle monster subconsciously frowned, and her blue eyes twinkled with cold cold.

Ye Lianna nodded without thinking: "yes! That\'s her! After arriving in Baghdad, except for a few soldiers who were ordered to come for a round, only she knew my whereabouts. And according to the fact, she was lost all the time."

"Damn it! I knew this woman couldn\'t be trusted! The reason why she joined us at the beginning was just like taking the opportunity to steal more information and then turn around to find a buyer who can afford the price. But don\'t worry, this is Fallujah, and the CIA people don\'t dare to mess around here. As for others, don\'t worry. I believe that after receiving the news, she should have changed her identity and outside Mao hides as planned, and no one can find them. "Then the muscle girl patted Ye Liana on the shoulder.

Because the height and body shape of the two people are too far apart, the picture looks very awkward, as if one of them is an adult and the other is a minor.

"No! You don\'t understand! This intelligence leak will hinder our plan for Iraq and delay the transaction of millions of dollars." Yelena rolled her eyes angrily.

"That\'s what I can\'t help. Fortunately, Zarqawi recently issued another arms order, and the quantity is not small. Most of them are heavy weapons such as RPG rocket launchers, heavy machine guns, explosives, mines and mortars, which should be able to make up for some losses." the muscle woman shrugged helplessly.

"Heavy weapons? At this time! What about the U.S. military? Have they made any moves recently?" Yelena seemed to notice something, and her face suddenly changed.

The muscle girl seemed to find that ye Lianna\'s reaction was a little fierce. She quickly took out her mobile phone and made a phone call. After a few words of conversation, she immediately hung up the phone and said with gnashing teeth: "Fuck! Zarqawi, this bastard, has concealed the trend of the US Army from us. No wonder he wants to order so many weapons, especially rocket launchers, sniper rifles, mines and explosives. It was originally used for street warfare. The latest news is that the first US Marine Expeditionary Force has been ready for combat and will leave for Fallujah in a few days. We must withdraw early."

"Retreat? Why retreat?" Zhang Cheng asked when he got out of the door and stood next to the two women.

"If we don\'t retreat, will we stay and wait for death? Once there is street fighting, Americans don\'t care about the death of civilians. As long as they think there is a threat or potential threat, all the targets will be blown to pieces by shells, missiles and bombers. At that time, no place in the city will be safe." muscle woman gave the answer without hesitation.

It can be seen that she was quite aware of the intensity and cruelty of street fighting, so she made a choice at the first time after learning the news.

Zhang Cheng smiled, stretched out a finger and shook it gently: "no, no, no, the choice you make now is only based on your own strength judgment, and does not include me. In fact, we not only don\'t need to retreat, but also give these arrogant Americans some training to let them understand who is the real controller in this land."

"You... What do you want to do?" Ye Lianna\'s tone revealed a tremor.

As a person who knows the true identity of her boss, she knows too well how terrible it is for this seemingly harmless young man to go crazy. Maybe it will be a big news that shocked the world.

"Ha ha! Of course, it\'s a game called self eating evil fruit. Think about it. If we privately sell an American made hydrogen bomb to Zarqawi and let him directly erase the first marine expeditionary force from the map, how will the Americans react? Rage? Launch an all-out war? Or tremble with fear? It\'s quite exciting." Zhang Cheng laughed recklessly and showed his chilling crazy eyes.

According to the decipherment of the map by several experts and professors, it is basically certain that the seal is somewhere in Fallujah city.

Therefore, he will never allow the U.S. Army to launch a fierce street battle in the ancient city, which will destroy too many things and make it twice as difficult to find the entrance.

After all, as early as the Babylonian era in Cuba, there were traces of human habitation here, and the word "Fallujah" means "branch" in Syrian language, because the Euphrates River branched here thousands of years ago.

"My God! Are you crazy?"

The muscle girl was undoubtedly frightened by this reckless madness without considering the consequences. She turned her head and looked at Ye Lianna, as if asking "where did this psychosis come from?".

"I need to make a phone call!" Ye Lianna ignored the muscle girl, took out her mobile phone with a dignified face and directly contacted the underground base of the Pacific uninhabited island.

In the blink of an eye, Leonid\'s figure appeared on the screen and asked impatiently, "what happened again? Didn\'t I say that you are fully responsible for Iraq and don\'t have to report to me?"

"Sorry, director, there was an accident. He... He wants to sell Zarqawi a hydrogen bomb..." Yelena twitched her reason.

"What... What?! you repeat that!" Leonid could no longer keep calm and jumped up from his chair.

"Give me the phone and I\'ll tell you." Zhang Cheng grabbed the mobile phone directly from ye Lianna and explained bluntly: "those U.S. troops are too much in the way. I want to get rid of them and give you a name by the way. What do you think?"

"But... But that\'s a nuclear weapon!" Leonid licked his lips nervously.

There\'s no way not to be nervous!

Since the loud noise of the two atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the two superpowers of the Soviet Union and the United States continued to enhance the power of nuclear weapons during the cold war, the equivalent has increased from tens of thousands of tons at the beginning to 50 million tons madly, so that the whole human society can not help suffering from "nuclear phobia".

No one knows the consequences of detonating a nuclear warhead in a real war, especially in the head of the United States, the world\'s only superpower.

"Relax, don\'t be so nervous.

The world is much more complex than you think, and the United States is not as powerful as you think.

In fact, I can use more moderate means to solve this matter, such as making the U.S. military postpone the attack plan through some influence.

But the problem is that this operation is too troublesome, and there is no way to act as a deterrent.

You should understand that if you want to stand high and become a player, blood, destruction and death are indispensable.

Try to think about it. If the Soviet Union had been tougher in the Cuban missile crisis, would the United States really dare to fight a nuclear war at any cost?

Those Wall Street banks that control American finance, as well as powerful capital forces, will allow everything they have worked hard to build to become nothing?



This time, I will show their inferiority and weakness to the whole world! "

With the last word blurted out, Zhang Cheng took out a thermonuclear warhead that had been reduced countless times by magic and placed it directly at the gate of the house.