All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 823

When Zhang Cheng discovered the mystery behind his faith through a small experiment, ye Lianna, who shuttled along the narrow alley for six or seven minutes, finally caught up with the enemy who shot a deadly armor piercing bullet at him.

Squinting at the US desert camouflage on the sniper, she immediately frowned and asked, "who are you? The Iraqi garrison? Or the CIA?"

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Obviously, the other party didn\'t want to answer this question. He directly raised his pistol and shot all the bullets in the magazine in one breath.

Unfortunately, all the bullets encountered the obstruction of the mysterious force field within a distance of less than half a meter from the body, and finally hovered in mid air, neither being bounced off nor falling to the ground.

Such a strange picture, not only the sniper who shot was sweating, but also the face of another guy dressed as an ordinary man next to him could not help showing shock and fear.

There\'s no way not to be afraid!

In the face of unknown forces, especially supernatural forces, even professionals who have received special training can not completely control their emotions.

After all, for a long time, it was common sense that guns and bullets could kill all life on earth.

If a bullet can\'t kill, shoot one more shuttle; If the power is too small, replace it with a large caliber bullet.

But now, a little girl who looked 13 or 14 years old stood in front of her, first blocked a 12.7 mm armor piercing bullet, and then let 11 pistol bullets hover in mid air.

The latter, in particular, obviously knew some inside information, trembled all over, scanned the sky from the corner of his eyes, and seemed to place all his hopes on the coming support.

"Aha! It seems that he\'s the planner, and you\'re just a fool who doesn\'t know anything. Goodbye, American soldier."

With the last word blurted out, ye Lianna suddenly took out her pistol and pulled the trigger without hesitation.


After a shot, the poor white sniper fell to the ground. There was an extra hole in his forehead, and his brain mixed with blood splashed everywhere.

"What a pity, isn\'t it? Guys who don\'t know anything are not qualified to survive in our world." Yelena said coldly.

When she turned the muzzle of her gun to threaten the rest of the guy to see if she could get some useful information, a sound of propeller spinning at high speed came from a distance.

Next second

Dada dada!

The high-speed rotating six tube Vulcan gun covered an area of less than 15 meters between the two at the speed of thousands of rounds per minute.

"Falk! Why are you here?" the guy dressed as a civilian turned and ran wildly, shouting curses at his throat.

Overhead, a longbow Apache armed helicopter has just arrived and is frantically shooting at Yelena in an attempt to eliminate this extremely dangerous target.

Through the spy satellite, they have seen the incredible scene just now, so they are very clear about how dangerous the enemy is, and they can\'t even speculate with common sense.

However, before the pilot could adjust his position and launch the air-to-ground missile, the soldier sitting in the co pilot\'s position suddenly turned his eyes, followed by a swift speed, grabbed the joystick and pushed forward.


The armed helicopter, which was not high enough to fly, collided directly with a nearby civilian house and turned into a dazzling huge fireball. Parts including propellers flew around, injuring many civilians living nearby.

"Shet! Headquarters! Call headquarters! The bird crashed! I need support! More support!" the unlucky man affected by the explosion struggled to get up and roared wildly at the microphone.

Even without going to see it, he knew that the helicopter crash must have something to do with the other party\'s strange ability.

Unfortunately, before the other side of the microphone gave a reply, Yelena sneered through the smoke and said, "sorry, you don\'t have a chance to wait until the next wave of support arrives, little CIA mouse."

As an intelligence officer who has received the most professional training, if she can\'t recognize each other\'s identity at this time, she can retire directly and go home for the elderly.

"I warn you! Don\'t mess around! Otherwise the United States of America will not let you go! No matter who you are and why you work for the organization, we will eventually catch you." the middle-aged man tried to make a final struggle.

"Hum! Do you think anyone will be afraid of America? No, fool, it\'s you who haven\'t figured out the situation. The master is not something you guys can afford."

After that, ye Lianna never gave the other party any chance to speak. She directly pulled the trigger to blow her head, picked up the blood and brain communication device, and warned in a voice without emotion: "To give you a suggestion, it\'s best to stop all investigations and actions against us at once, or I promise that your partners, family and friends will pay a price for it next time. Especially you, dear Bernard, we know you are presiding over this action."

"What?! how did she know that!"

In an office at the headquarters in Virginia, a gray haired old man was staring at the picture sent back from the electronic screen, his eyes full of incredible look.

You know, in order to keep secrets, only a handful of people know about this operation, and they have also mobilized the strength of the U.S. military in Iraq. The purpose is to find out who supports the mysterious forces that have been shining on the international intelligence stage recently.

But now, the other party is not only unharmed, but also reveals his identity as the top person in charge.

A traitor?!

He thought of this for the first time and began to patrol the whole room with suspicious eyes, trying to find the Betrayer.

"Stop looking! Our eyes are everywhere! Your every move is monitored by your eyes."

When ye Lianna finished this meaningful sentence, the picture transmitted to the electronic screen through the satellite suddenly interrupted.

"Shit! Who can explain to me what\'s going on? Where\'s the satellite? What\'s going on with our satellite? And who leaked my identity?" Bernard kicked over the table and burst into incompetent rage.

After all, as the top of the CIA, no one knows what what just happened means better than him.

An unidentified organization actually hijacked the signals of American spy satellites and even invaded the internal network to observe the real-time picture of this office.

What\'s more terrible is that his identity is exposed, and his family and friends are likely to face danger and revenge in the future