All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 822

"Blood, killing and death, what a wonderful day. Baghdad is really a good place, don\'t you think?" Zhang Cheng put a playful smile on his face and turned his eyes to the experts and scholars who had been scared silly.

In fact, he prefers to stay in such a place full of conspiracy, betrayal, violence and chaos than in a safe and peaceful environment.

The reason is simple!

A safe and peaceful environment usually means a strong force of order, which makes people subconsciously hide their bad side and desperately endure all kinds of desires and negative emotions in their hearts, so as to ensure that they will not be regarded as different by the whole society, so as to be excluded and suppressed.

But in chaotic places, order is often weak and unable to restrict everyone\'s behavior. Therefore, whether for survival or to vent pressure, people will show their most real side, whether good or evil.

Unfortunately, this crazy way of thinking is not suitable for most people.

At least these experts and professors from the Iraqi National Museum and University felt that the young man was out of his mind. For the first time, he lay on the ground to avoid the deadly bullets that might come in from the window or RPG rockets.

Although there are so many U.S. military patrols in Baghdad, the city is not safe at all. It is normal to break out armed conflict and exchange of fire.

"No! Scalpel! Come and help! The old gun fainted!" the fighter dragging his teammates behind the concrete wall shouted the code of another companion.

Although he kept pressing his hand on the injured person\'s abdominal cavity and tried to stop the blood first, he didn\'t know whether it was lucky or unlucky. When he bounced through, he obviously hurt too many blood vessels, even an important artery.

Of course, this luck refers to not being shot in the head or through the chest, otherwise it would be a dead body now.

The guy called the scalpel was obviously responsible for battlefield medical care and first aid. Without saying a word, he immediately ran over, opened his backpack, checked the wound at a very fast speed, and confirmed that the warhead had passed through and was not left in the body. Then he took out medicine for disinfection, followed by rapid suture at a very skilled speed.

Because the conditions and tools are very simple, he can\'t care to check the damage of internal organs one by one. He can only do first-aid hemostasis. Whether he can survive depends on his luck.

Looking at the nervous reaction on these people\'s faces, Zhang Cheng suddenly stood up, came near, pointed to the cross hanging on the chest of the "scalpel" and asked, "do you believe in religion?"

"Of course! All veterans who have participated in the real war like us will believe something more or less. Whether they work or not, they can at least relieve the mental pressure." the man who looks a little like Latino nodded with a bitter smile.

"It sounds interesting. If I can save the seriously wounded now, are you willing to give me your faith?" Zhang Cheng continued to ask with interest by touching his chin.

You don\'t have to ask. He must have some new inspiration and want to practice it.

"Save life?" the scalpel subconsciously frowned, obviously not quite understanding the specific meaning of the word.

"That\'s right! I can use some way to make him recover immediately and put him into battle intact. But the price must be that you have to believe in me like a God." Zhang Cheng explained calmly.

"Oh - damn it! You don\'t have mental problems or believe in some evil cult?" another guy couldn\'t help interrupting.

Obviously, these soldiers do not directly belong to the Pacific base, but a combat team temporarily established in Iraq. Therefore, they don\'t know Zhang Cheng\'s real identity. They just think that like themselves, he may be hired by the organization to perform some special tasks.

"Shut up!" the scalpel scolded his companion, raised his head and stared at his brown eyes. After a full minute, he said solemnly: "if you can really make the old gun stand up unharmed, I promise I will believe in you like a God."

"Very good! Don\'t blink, a miracle will come soon."

The voice just fell!

Zhang Cheng\'s fingers suddenly released golden light and stayed over the abdominal cavity full of plasma.

In the blink of an eye, the newly sewn single hole healed quickly with the naked eye, leaving only an ugly suture embedded in the meat.

When everyone saw this scene, they couldn\'t help but shrink their pupils, and the expression on their faces was like seeing a ghost.


With the sound of swallowing saliva, the guy who said that Zhang Cheng was crazy carefully said, "you... How did you do it?"

"Sorry, it\'s a secret. You\'re not qualified to know." Zhang Cheng glanced at each other meaningfully, and then said to the scalpel, "how about you? Can you start fulfilling your promise?"


The scalpel closed his eyes and took a deep breath.


A line invisible to the naked eye closely connects his spiritual world with Zhang Cheng. At the same time, it continuously provides a complex energy called the energy of faith.

Through this subtle line, Zhang Cheng can easily enter each other\'s mind, convey some information to them, and understand the content and emotion of his brain at this moment.

With the connection of faith, he was in a sleeping divinity most of the time, as if he had been suddenly activated, constantly transforming the power of faith into divine power.

However, these are not the most important. The most important thing is that the man named scalpel does not regard him as a truly unique patron saint in essence, but as a spiritual sustenance and a worship of supernatural power itself.

Through this test, Zhang Cheng finally understood that the so-called faith does not require a very pious and dedicated attitude as he previously thought.

On the contrary, this is only a means used by God to deceive mortals. As long as the spiritual connection between the two is maintained, the emotional fluctuations generated by mortals in daily life will produce magical energy through the soul and continuously supply it to God.

This can also well explain that in the early history of this magical earth, both the ancient Greek gods and the Nordic gods did not care whether mortals served themselves piously, but allowed them to pray to the corresponding gods when needed.

In addition, it is not a good thing to absorb more of the energy of these beliefs.

Because it comes from the complex thinking and emotions of mortals, it is inevitable to listen or feel in the process of absorption and transformation. Sooner or later, it will be affected and even do some crazy things.

Open the myths and stories all over the world, it is not difficult to find all kinds of absurd actions made by gods