All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 821

An hour and a half later, ye Lianna has transferred five experts and professors to a safe house in the "lusafa" area in Hedong.

Although the public security here is no better than that in the civilian area just now, at least there is water and electricity, and there is no need to worry about the possible exchange of fire or even suicide bombings at any time.

Just as she stared at the experts and professors who had just taken a bath and changed into new clothes and wolfed down bread, roast mutton, cheese and fresh fruits and vegetables, she suddenly found a familiar figure who didn\'t know when to appear in the room.

Including the team members in charge of watching outside, no one noticed the abnormality, as if they were selectively blind.

"Shh! Keep quiet, they can\'t see me right now," Zhang Cheng explained with a smile and a finger on his lips.

"Is this... Magic?" Yelena\'s tone was full of uncertainty.

Although she is now a master of supernatural forces, she does not have much practical experience, let alone extremely complex theoretical knowledge.

Zhang Cheng gently nodded his head: "that\'s right! An interesting magic that can make all ordinary people ignore themselves. If it is blessed around the building, it can organize all intruders without magic power to approach. I learned it recently, and the effect is very excellent, isn\'t it?"

"It\'s really incredible." Yelena subconsciously glanced at the experts and professors who were still eating and the combat teams inside and outside the house.

The former is just a group of old bad old men who lack vigilance, but the latter is an elite who has been strictly trained. Even the slightest abnormality will attract their attention. Therefore, it is not that the combat team is too incompetent, but that the effect of magic is too magical.

"Tell me, during my absence, did Leonid make any private moves?" Zhang Cheng sat across the sofa and stared at pseudo Laurie\'s eyes.

Ye Lianna hesitated for a moment and immediately shook her head: "no! He just secretly paid 200000 US dollars to his daughter\'s account 30 times through an old friend. In addition, there was no private action."

"Two hundred thousand dollars? Thirty times? He\'s really cautious." Zhang Cheng showed an unexpected expression.

You know, Leonid\'s current capital flow is not the money he first invested. He also engages in arms smuggling, trafficking in contraband and other businesses around the world, as well as operating entertainment places such as hotels and nightclubs.

Normally, as long as you modify the accounts a little, not to mention 200000, that is, 2 million or 20 million, you can get them out quietly.

"No, it\'s not prudence, but he doesn\'t want his family to know he\'s still alive. It\'s a disguised protection. In addition, I\'m afraid you don\'t know how bad the internal economic environment of the former Soviet Union\'s member countries was after the disintegration of the Soviet Union. 200000 US dollars is already a huge sum of money, and any more will cause unnecessary trouble." Ye Lianna obviously knew what was on her boss\'s mind and took the initiative to explain.

For those who want to live a safe and secure life, the more wealth, the better.

On the contrary, without enough capital, too much money will not bring a better life, but will become fat in the eyes of hungry wolves.

"Restraint is a virtue! I like people who know restraint! Well, let\'s talk about this topic first. Here, this is the original map. Let the experts and scholars start working quickly." after that, Zhang Cheng carefully took out the yellow parchment map from the magic waist bag.

"I see!"

Without saying a word, ye Lianna took the map, went directly to the table, pushed all the food to the ground, and said to the confused old people in a cold voice: "Gentlemen! The meal time is over! Let\'s start working now. Here is the original map you want. It\'s very, very fragile. No matter who causes any damage, I promise it\'s not as simple as yourself."

"Relax! We are all professional! We will never damage this ancient map by a penny." the leading old man put on his gloves, slowly spread out the whole parchment and observed the pattern drawn in unknown ink.

Two others held a magnifying glass close to try to find out where they had used invisible ink, or interlayer or the like.

There is no doubt that such work can not be completed in a moment and a half, so after watching it for a while, ye Lianna returned to the sofa, drinking fresh iced juice and chatting with her boss.

For about two hours, the members of the special combat team guarding the door suddenly rose up without warning, smashed the glass with a bang, fell to the ground, and a lot of blood gushed from their abdomen.

At this time, the sound of gunfire came from a distance.

"No! Take cover! We\'re being watched by snipers!"

Another member of the special warfare team at the door immediately reacted, jumped into the room and dragged his injured companion inside.

People with a little military knowledge know that if bullets arrive before sound, it means that snipers should be ambushed somewhere from 600 meters to about one kilometer away. As long as they are real snipers, they rarely miss. Therefore, hiding themselves completely behind solid bunkers is the only way to save their lives.

But before others could react, another bullet went straight through the window and flew towards Ye Lianna\'s eyebrows.

At this critical moment, an invisible force field burst out on her, forcibly blocking the bullet at a place less than a millimeter from her head.

"Ah! Well done! It seems that you haven\'t practiced less during my absence, haven\'t you?" Zhang Cheng obviously didn\'t pay attention to the attack, still wore a relaxed and happy expression on his face, and even took a sip of hot tea with his cup.

"Excuse me, boss. Excuse me for a moment. I need some time to solve the problem."

The voice just fell!

Ye Lianna\'s body was wrapped with a layer of silver and translucent soul. She jumped directly from the balcony on the second floor and quickly disappeared into the intricate alley.

Through two consecutive shots, she has locked the soul of the sniper. No matter where the opponent hides, she will eventually be found out.


At the same time, at the top of a five story house more than 750 meters away, a white man in a US military camouflage suit laid down his arms and gnashed his teeth and cursed loudly: "Falk! Explain! I need to explain! What\'s the matter with that girl? She suddenly burst into white light! Then she blocked the bullet I shot! It\'s a 12.7mm armor piercing bullet! It can penetrate steel plate but cement wall!"

"Calm down!"

The middle-aged man standing next to him scolded, immediately picked up the walkie talkie and shouted: "this is the No. 2 Sniper point! There is something unexpected in our action! We need support urgently! Repeat! There is an accident in our action, we need support urgently..."