All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 820

There is no doubt that accompanying Elizabeth and Asha around the United States on a Harley Motorcycle may be the most inexplicable and meaningless decision Zhang Cheng made in the world.

But I don\'t know why. Instead of feeling bored, I vaguely look forward to it.

Just as he came to the store and began to choose his car, in Baghdad, the capital of Iraq, an elite team of six people was rapidly shuttling through the deserted alley.

It was none other than ye Lianna, who had the appearance and figure of a 13-year-old Lori.

She and her men were carefully observing the surrounding environment. Once a U.S. patrol passed by, they would immediately hide and patiently wait for the other party to go away completely before leaving the hiding place and moving on.

You know, since Saddam\'s regime was completely destroyed, the United States and its allies have completely controlled the city. Coupled with mercenaries from all over the world for money, the whole Baghdad has almost become a paradise for adventurers.

In particular, the famous "wanted for playing cards" is like rotten meat, attracting vultures and hyenas.

Although so far, most people on the wanted list have been caught, but "democracy" and "freedom" have not come. On the contrary, arms dealers and intelligence traffickers are popular. Almost every once in a while, gunshots can be heard in the distance. The killing has never stopped for a moment, and the air is filled with the smell of death and gunsmoke.

Of course, for ye Lianna, who has received professional training, this is the ideal workplace for intelligence personnel.

Because of the extreme instability of society, people\'s inner ambition, desire and subconscious anxiety expand rapidly. For the sake of power, money and beauty, they can do anything terrible, and anything can be taken out as a commodity in exchange.

Human nature often shows either the most shining side or the most despicable side in this harsh environment.

Unfortunately, flash is always a minority, and despicability is the choice of most people.

Quickly through the low civilian area, the team finally reached its destination.

The soldier who walked in front squatted down, carefully checked the door lock and confirmed that there were no grenades or other explosives behind. Then he made a safe gesture and patted the door.

In less than two or three seconds, a local woman wrapped in heisa opened the door from inside and asked in an uncertain tone, "who are you kestrels?"

"I!" Yelena stood up directly. "Where are the people I want? Are they all here?"

"Yes, it\'s all here. It\'s inside." the woman was obviously a little surprised at the contact\'s youth, and her eyes showed a trace of tension and panic that was not easy to be detected.

"Very good! Take me to see them right away! You know, time is tight. After this is done, I have to go to Fallujah." after that, ye Lianna threw six bundles of exactly $60000 in cash to each other.

As a defeated country in Iraq, the currency issued by the central bank is no longer much different from waste paper, so the relatively hedged dollar has replaced it and become the only means of payment recognized by the market.

"I see!"

Without any nonsense, the woman quickly counted the banknotes and confirmed that they were not counterfeit. She immediately went into the room, opened the bed and revealed a staircase leading to the basement.

After motioning the three men to stay outside and keep alert, ye Lianna immediately took the rest of the people into a very dark cellar without saying a word.

I saw five old men with beards and ages ranging from 50 to 70 sitting on the ground against the wall in a daze.

They have obviously been imprisoned here for some time. Their whole body emits a pungent sour smell. As soon as they find someone coming in, they immediately get up from the ground vigilantly.

"Good afternoon, everyone. I\'m sorry to invite you in this way. But please don\'t worry. As long as you help me solve a small mystery, I will not only let you go immediately, but also provide no one with a reward of at least 100000 dollars." Ye Lianna took the initiative to express her intention in authentic Arabic.

"Mystery?" one of the oldest old men looked puzzled.

"That\'s right! I need you to decipher an ancient map and confirm its position on the modern map." Ye Lianna nodded slightly, took out some printing paper from her briefcase and handed it to her.

With the help of weak light, the kidnapped experts and scholars quickly made different reactions, some of them were very interested, some were always frowning, and their eyes were full of confusion.

For ten minutes, no one spoke, and the atmosphere in the whole cellar was strange and depressing.

Ten minutes later, the first old man who spoke first asked, "where does this map come from? If I can, can I see the original?"

"Original? Isn\'t there a clear copy? What else do you want to do with the original?" Ye Lianna asked very puzzled.

"No! You don\'t understand! I must first confirm the age of the map, then analyze it in combination with the corresponding historical period, and finally find out the area depicted by the map. Ancient maps are different from modern ones. There was no scale at that time, so the terrain drawn is very different from modern ones, even abstract." The old man explained calmly.

"That\'s right! And you can\'t keep us locked up like this! We need clean food and water, as well as bathing and changing clothes." another slightly younger old man nearby angrily offered an exchange condition.

"Damn it! Wait a minute. I need to ask for instructions."

Ye Lianna complained in a low voice. She quickly went out of the cellar, took out the high-tech mobile phone that had been ahead of the whole world for more than 20 years, and directly contacted the headquarters.

Leonid learned the news and had to send it to his boss behind the scenes.

When Zhang Cheng found the information received in his mobile phone, he sighed helplessly and shouted to Elizabeth, who was personalizing the new Harley Motorcycle: "honey, I\'m sorry, I have something important to do. I\'ll leave for a while."

"Where are you going?" the girl quickly closed the nozzle spraying wine red paint in her hand, and her eyes showed a trace of curiosity.

"Go to Baghdad."

As Zhang Cheng answered, he raised his supreme authority and opened a portal, followed by him without hesitation.

"Oh - shet! He can reach the other side of the earth with such a wave?" Asha asked with wide eyes in surprise.

"That\'s right! Super long distance transmission magic is very powerful, isn\'t it? It is said that only the top wizards and people with special abilities can master it. They don\'t need long-distance travel, customs entry and exit, and visas. They can go wherever they want." Elizabeth shrugged her shoulders and looked envious.

"Hey, well, it seems that ordinary people like me should be more practical to travel around the United States on a motorcycle..."