All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 819

In less than a minute, the dead legs stopped bleeding and began to regenerate at an incredible speed.

First bones, then muscles and blood vessels, and finally skin and nails.

Looking at her feet that were no different from normal people, the black woman looked up and asked, "speeding regeneration! You... What did you give me?"

"Don\'t worry! It\'s just an appetizer! The really interesting change has just begun..." Zhang Cheng replied with a smile.

As he said, about two or three minutes later, the black woman suddenly felt something wrong with her body and wanted to swallow an unknown powder for treatment.

Unfortunately, it\'s too late.

I saw the normal white of her right eye. Somehow, it was slowly becoming darker and darker. Finally, she completely lost the boundary with the pupil. It looked terrible from afar.

More importantly, the process was undoubtedly extremely painful, so that she flopped on her knees and screamed bitterly.

"Ah ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

The sound is so harsh!

So creepy!

The whole arena was silent, and everyone was watching the development of the situation.

But Zhang Cheng didn\'t make any response. He still stood still and seemed to be waiting patiently for something.

One minute

Two minutes

Five minutes

Ten minutes

Just when everyone thought that this was just a simple abuse and torture, the penetrating scream of black women suddenly stopped, and the completely dark eye also sent out a strange light, struggling to get up from the ground and directly summoned the spirit of the lion and the spirit of fire.

Different from just wrapping herself up before, this time her body completely disappeared, specifically integrated with the soul and elements, and turned into a flame lion. Both strength and soul have been geometrically improved.

You should know that the guardian sacrifice of primitive tribes in Africa pursues the integration with animals and the spirit of nature, and even sublimate their souls after their death and successfully integrate with the tribal totem.

But now, after she drank a bottle of magic potion, she did it all.

For a moment, the whole man was so excited that he ran wildly along the big arena, venting his inner emotions.

It took three or four minutes for the black woman to lift her transformation state, spread out her hands and knelt on the ground, and made a big gift with an extremely pious attitude: "praise you, your excellency! Your generosity is comparable to the gifts of nature, and your help is more precious than gold and Gemstones."

"You\'re welcome! As I said, this is a gift for the winner and a prize you deserve. Well, now stand up and accept the cheers of the audience. Let\'s draw a perfect end to the exciting game tonight." Zhang Cheng stretched out his hand to pull the other party up, and then waved in a circle to the audience.

After a while, the crowd on the stand began to become lively, with all kinds of colored paper and ribbons flying all over the sky.

As anyone who is not blind can see, the black woman who won the final victory not only did not suffer from torture, but also benefited greatly from the medicine.

While everyone\'s interest reached the highest point, Zhang Cheng blessed himself with a sound reinforcement magic, raised his right hand and announced loudly: "ladies and gentlemen!

I promise! From today on! Every champion who wins the final victory of the league can get a bonus of 100 million US dollars and 100000 gold dinars provided by me. In addition, he can get a chance to customize medicine for free.

Whether it\'s a life prolonging potion that can prolong life, a therapeutic potion that can cure all injuries, diseases and curses, or an enhancing potion that can permanently and greatly improve your ability, all of them are OK.




Everything you desire can be obtained here!

What are you waiting for?

Come and join the fight of death!

This is the testing ground for the brave!

Use the enemy\'s blood and death to forge the road to success! "


As this seductive sentence was transmitted to seven continents through satellite signals, the whole underground world was boiling.

Although Zhang Cheng has always had a face, his identity is no secret to people with a little strength.

Member of the Supreme Council of North America!

The youngest alchemist in human history!

Moreover, it has the ability to prepare dozens of unique high-grade drugs and life prolonging potions that can be taken continuously without any side effects.

Any of these is enough to make people crazy, not to mention the integration of the three.

There are even many high-ranking and powerful old guys who plan to send their most capable men to go there in person. For nothing else, they want to live more than ten or twenty years.

They don\'t know that all this is actually a bait to sacrifice more and higher quality souls.

Seeing that the goal had been achieved, Zhang Cheng raised his supreme power and gently poked it on the ground to add a wide range of magic to the island and reef, so as to prevent passing ships from being accidentally discovered or accidentally photographed by those annoying spies in the sky.

After all this, he returned to Elizabeth, took off his mask and joked in a half joking tone: "honey, it seems that you have made a fortune. Tell me, how much did you bet?"

"Four million! I bet four million dollars! And nine thousand gold dinars! According to the odds of 1:2.5, I made ten million dollars! Plus more than 20000 gold dinars!" the girl jumped up and offered a warm kiss.

Maybe it was too excited. Her face flushed and her whole body trembled uncontrollably.

"What about you?" Zhang Cheng turned around and asked Aisha, who was also excited.

"Ha! Compared with Elizabeth, what I earn is really nothing. It\'s only more than 200000 dollars. If there\'s no accident, I\'m going to buy an apartment and change into a new car." Aisha kept licking her lips and said her endless thoughts about a better life in the future.

Perhaps in the eyes of the rich, $200000 is not enough for a night of Carnival consumption, but for most ordinary Americans, it is a "huge sum of money" that is enough to bring earth shaking changes to ordinary life.

"That\'s right! We\'ve agreed! Let\'s buy a cool Harley motorcycle! And then travel around the United States! What\'s up? Isn\'t that a great idea?" Elizabeth asked with bright eyes.

"Traveling around the United States on a Harley motorcycle? It seems like a good idea. Count me in." Zhang Cheng nodded in tears and laughter.

Although he still can\'t understand why some people like motorcycles, which are unsafe and also make loud noise, it doesn\'t prevent them from participating in it and killing boring time.

After all, there is still a long time before the full development of hell, and the location of the second seal cannot be determined for the time being. It\'s a good thing to go out and relax.