All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 818

With one brave and fearless contestant after another falling in a pool of blood, Zhang Cheng can even clearly feel the power of death gathering around his body, emitting an emotion like cheering.

Of course, this is only a metaphor and description. The death rule actually has no emotion. It is more like the objective law often mentioned in books. It exists from the beginning of the birth of the world and even the whole universe, and ensures that everything will eventually return to eternal death.

However, using some similar loopholes, Zhang Cheng paid the price by sacrificing his soul, so that the death rules favor him more and make him obey his will within a certain range.

Looking at the black line on his arm getting deeper and clearer, a different color flashed in his eyes. Just trying to control and use this power, nazes sitting next to him suddenly put his head close to him and said excitedly: "Sir, I just got exciting news. Guess how many people are watching our live broadcast and how many people have participated in betting so far?"

"How much?" Zhang Cheng asked carelessly.

"Half a million people! Half a million people watched the game tonight through the live broadcast. According to the feedback from the scene, everyone was crazy and immersed in the bloody fight. Moreover, the total amount of bets was as high as 54000 gold dinars and more than 3.3 billion US dollars. There is no doubt that we have achieved unprecedented success." The half blood old sea demon gave the answer excitedly.

I can\'t help but get excited!

This is almost 15 to 20 times the profit of his previous voyage!

Not to mention the potential influence and real power gained with the expansion of scale!

"Oh? It sounds quite good. It seems that I need to add a fire to make the final more attractive, doesn\'t it?" Zhang Cheng subconsciously glanced at the center of the big arena.

Only a few minutes ago, the second semi-final, which was extremely fierce, had come to an end. The winner was none other than the black woman Elizabeth had bet on.

With the cooperation of multiple animals and the spirit of nature, she defeated her opponent at the cost of minor injury. At the moment, she is carefully treating her injury, seizing the time to rest and recover her strength as much as possible to prepare for the last finals.

"I heard you have prepared a prize for the champion. Can you venture to ask, what is the prize?" another woman with all kinds of manners showed curious eyes.

"Of course! Who can refuse to be a young and beautiful lady like you." Zhang Cheng looked at each other\'s attractive red lips, specifically the slightly sharp teeth hidden under the red lips, and calmly took out a small bottle of specially improved evolutionary medicine.

Even without opening his mouth, he knew that this beautiful woman was not a human at all, but a pure blood sea demon. Once she fell into the water, she would immediately show her true face of half man and half fish.

"A bottle of potion?" the siren\'s eyes lit up slightly.

Zhang Cheng nodded gently: "yes! But it is not a magic potion in the ordinary sense, but a powerful potion that can produce permanent changes. As for the effect, you can see it with your own eyes in a little while."

After saying this, he ignored the other party, raised his hand and snapped his fingers, directly blinked to the center of the big arena, waved to the last two contestants who were still alive for the time being, and immediately announced the start of the Finals without saying a word.

But this time, instead of returning to the stand, he stood in the middle of the site, mixed his huge magic with the death rules, and slowly injected it into the ground to form a complex and complete law array.

In this way, even if he is not present, the soul of the dead will be imprisoned, waiting for him to personally preside over the sacrifice ceremony and pay the price of using the death rules.

At the same time, the battle between black women and Egyptian death priests also entered the final white heat.

Naturally, needless to say, the whole body is wrapped by the huge beast soul, and constantly releases a hot red flame, obviously controlling the two forces of animal spirit and natural spirit at the same time.

The latter is not willing to be outdone, and even calls the Jackal warriors under the command of Anubis from the underworld of Egyptian mythology by sacrificing their own lives.

This monster, which is more than three meters tall and has a wolf head and human body, not only has unimaginable great power, but also the spear in his hand is not ordinary. Every attack can cause great damage to the spirit of animals.

In just a few seconds, the original huge spirit of the lion was reduced by several laps.

When the black woman noticed this, she immediately withdrew more than ten meters without hesitation and carefully took out a thick, strong, slightly blackened horn from her close fitting clothes.

Judging from the size and radian, it should belong to rhinoceros, which is known as the most grumpy animal on the African road.

"Oh - now there\'s a good play!" Zhang Cheng tilted his mouth slightly, and a look of expectation appeared on his face.

The black woman gently stroked the rhinoceros horn twice, and soon a white rhinoceros soul comparable to an elephant floated out, took the place of the spirit of the male lion, and was very irritable and planed its hooves in place.

Before the death priest could respond, the rhinoceros charged with lightning speed.

Next second


The audience in the arena saw only a flash of white light, followed by a deafening roar!

The spirit of the rhinoceros ploughed a gully three meters wide and half a meter deep on the ground in the blink of an eye!

As for the unlucky guy who blocked its way forward, he had already flown out and smashed into the wall behind the Grand Arena. The whole person turned into a pool of soft meat mud. It is estimated that the bones of his whole body have been broken into countless small pieces, and all the important internal organs and blood vessels have been destroyed. His head is like a blooming rose, which covered the whole wall with his brain, Must die no more.

Of course, the state of black women is not much better. The part below the knee is bloody and can\'t see where the calf and foot are.

According to the standard of modern medicine, I\'m afraid there is only one way to amputate and save life.

"Wonderful! I have to admit, you surprised me. Come on, drink this bottle of medicine. This is your prize as a champion and final winner. Believe me, you need it now more than ever."

While the audience were attracted by the shocking battle a few seconds ago, before they could stand up and cheer loudly, Zhang Cheng took the lead in coming to the other party and handed over the evolutionary medicine he had adjusted himself.

Struggling to endure the sharp pain from the end of her legs, the black woman took over without saying a word, opened the plug, raised her head and drank it in front of the camera and the audience.