All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 817

"Shet! Create an island on the sea out of thin air, and then build an ancient Roman arena on the island?! I dare not even sleep like this! This is what human beings can do?"

"What a shock! Is this the strength of the Supreme Council members of the underground world? No wonder they can hide in the dark and control the world! With such power, there is nothing they can\'t do."

"It\'s worth it! Just seeing this scene! I think this trip is not in vain!"

"I feel my blood boiling! Come on! A shocking killing and death!"

"Blood! I want blood! Give me scarlet plasma!"


After a short silence, the crowd erupted into a fierce roar and roar like a volcanic eruption. Everyone was like crazy, waving their arms to vent their emotions, and didn\'t care about their temperament and demeanor.

Soon, these guys rushed into the empty arena grandstand along a stone bridge extending from the island and reef.

At the same time, the photography team had to remove the fixed camera and relocate it in every corner of the Grand Arena.

About twenty minutes later, everyone, including the eight contestants, stood in the middle of the field, stretched out his arms and shouted in an impassioned tone: "ladies and gentlemen!

In ancient Rome more than 2000 years ago, there was a group of brave gladiators.

They gambled their lives and presented one wonderful game after another to the people at that time in order to win freedom and glory.

Today, we will reproduce this scene and the blood boiling fight.

Next, let\'s welcome our two players in the first game, the deformers from the Balkans and the death priests of ancient Egypt. "

With the tsunami like cheers from the stands up the mountain, two middle-aged men in different costumes slowly came to the center of the Grand Arena, with an undisguised cold killing intention in their eyes.

Because they all know very well that they have no way back. Once it starts, one will fall forever. Only the winner is qualified to survive and enter the next round.

Of course, luckier than ancient Roman gladiators, the participants in death fighting are not slaves, and most of them are out of their own will, so there is basically no coercion.

Feeling the rising fighting spirit of the two contestants, Zhang Cheng stepped back a few steps and directly announced: "the competition begins!"


The shapeshifter jumps and pours at his opponent. At the same time, the whole body changes rapidly in the process of jumping. When it falls, it is no longer a human form, but a huge brown bear dog.

In particular, sharp sharp fangs, if bitten, will be half disabled even if they don\'t die.


The death priest from Egypt raised his hand and spit out a strange syllable from his mouth.

Next second!

The sand and gravel on the ground suddenly began to rotate at high speed, forming a powerful tornado, which forcibly involved the huge brown bear dog.

In less than a few seconds, the high-speed moving gravel tore the thick fur, and a large amount of blood and broken meat splashed with the tornado, forming a creepy blood mist.

However, the size of the brown bear dog is too big. Although the bloody wound looks terrible, it is actually all skin trauma, which does not really pose a threat to the internal organs and bones.

In the blink of an eye, it got rid of the obstacles of the tornado, opened its bloody mouth and rushed at its opponent\'s neck, planning to kill with one blow and end the opening battle.

"Hum! Stupid beasts will never understand the greatness of death." the priest sneered and mocked, grabbed something like ashes from his pocket without warning and gently raised it.

Woo - Woo - woo——

Where the dust passed, more than 20 mummies with bandages stood up, and their mouths kept roaring with unknown meaning.

The poor deformer didn\'t have time to respond, so he was knocked down by groups of mummies. No matter how he struggled, it was useless. He could only watch those bandages with strange smell wrap themselves more and more tightly, and finally strangled alive.

Just when the audience thought that the first battle had ended, the sacrificial priest was not busy. He went to his angry opponent, took out a strange dagger, cut his stomach bit by bit, and took out the blood sparkling internal organs. The whole process of making a mummy was displayed on the spot.



No mercy!

When he turned and left, the brown bear dog with bandages all over his body stood up and followed him like a real dog.

"Damn it! He made my man into a living corpse?!" an organizer suddenly stood up from his seat, and his eyes burst out angry flames.

After all, it\'s one thing to kill your opponent, and it\'s another thing not to let go of the body.

"Calm down! My friend! You should understand that these contestants always have all kinds of purposes. As long as they can meet the audience\'s desire for blood and killing, no matter what they do in the competition, they are free." old nazes raised a glass full of red wine and comforted deeply.

Zhang Cheng, who had just announced the start of the second game, showed his teleportation magic and came to the stand. He nodded approvingly: "That\'s right! Not only should we not limit the players\' play in the competition, but we should even encourage those who can bring more bloody excitement. You know, only in this way can we attract more people to participate and make it the most influential event in the underground world. Watching the enthusiastic response of the audience, you can know how much people love this picture."

If you observe carefully, you will find that there is a black pattern on the back of his right hand, as if there was life.

Obviously, this is not an ordinary magic tattoo or anything, but a sign that will appear when sacrificing to the rules of death.

Unlike Faust\'s way of paying the price, Zhang Cheng did not intend to find a densely populated area to create a massacre every once in a while. Instead, he chose to use the high-quality soul generated by life and death struggle to win the favor of the death rule.

According to the different mental state before death, the quality of the soul is also divided into three or six or nine grades. Among them, the highest level is undoubtedly the kind of person who has a firm will and will not change his mind no matter what kind of pain and setbacks he suffers. In society, this kind of person is usually called a hero or a great man, which can be met but not required.

In contrast, second class refers to the kind of guy who is not afraid of death, dares to die with his opponent, or is generous to die.

The contestants of death fight obviously belong to the second category, which is the most ideal sacrifice for death