All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 816

Gambling, swimming, fishing, surfing, riding a motorboat on the sea

Zhang Cheng spent the whole day relaxing his tense nerves completely, not thinking about those too complicated things, but just enjoying this rare leisure time.

It was not until the sky gradually darkened that several seaplanes fell from the sky and docked next to the giant cruise ship.

As the host, Nazis personally came to the deck to meet these colleagues from all over the world, as well as the contestants and bodyguards they brought, and arranged the schedule of the evening.

You should know that death fighting is not only a cruel and bloody game, but also involves the gambling market of billions of dollars and tens of thousands of gold dinars. Therefore, real-time images should be transmitted to other places through hidden satellite networks so that more people can participate.

To put it bluntly, this is a grand event to divide up interests. Once an agreement is reached, it will not change much in the next few decades.

After more than 40 minutes, the mixed race old sea demon came to the side with light hands and low voice exchange reported: "Sir, we have signed a cooperation agreement and arranged eight contestants. We intend to preliminarily simulate the eliminated League tonight."

"Eight people? That\'s seven games until the final winner is decided?" Zhang Cheng picked up his glass and took a sip of fresh juice.

"That\'s right! Four one-on-one knockouts, two semi-finals and one final. In addition, we also invited a professional camera team and commentators to conduct a live broadcast around the world. At that time, at least 300000 people will watch and bet." natzer licked his lips and explained excitedly.

If in the past, if a guy like them wandering on the gray edge of the underground world dares to make such a big move, 80% will be directly rubbed on the ground by the highest council of all continents.

Now, however, there is an alchemist and member of the North American Supreme Council, and so far no warning has been received.

Obviously, this alone shows that you are definitely holding the right thigh.

"It sounds interesting. It seems that I have to show some real skills to satisfy these guys\' appetite, doesn\'t it?" after that, Zhang Cheng lay on his back in his chair and enjoyed the magnificent scenery of the sea and sunset in the distance.


At 8 p.m., the lights on the deck of the giant cruise ship are bright. Most guests have been informed that there will be more wonderful fighting in the future, so no one is willing to stay in the casino, dance floor or restaurant.

Moreover, in order to ensure that their identity will not be exposed, everyone wears all kinds of exquisite metal masks, which are full of mystery, absurdity and strangeness at a glance.

In addition, a 12 person camera team is also busy, setting up a high-definition camera at the designated position to ensure that the best and perfect picture can be taken.

Seeing that everything was ready, Zhang Cheng turned around with a smile and asked Elizabeth wearing a butterfly mask, "tell me, did you bet on that man tonight?"

"The guy who looks the most leisurely in Lavender casual clothes." the girl pointed to a black woman high up.

"Oh? You have a good eye, a tribal priest who manipulates the soul battle." Zhang Cheng\'s observation was so keen that he immediately found the power contained in the strange bone decorations on his opponent\'s hands and neck.

As the only continent in the world that maintains the primitive supernatural form from beginning to end, Africa has always been the last pure land of Shamanism, so it is also rich in witches, doctors, sacrifices and other capable people.

In particular, tribal guardians and sacrifices integrated with the spirit of nature and the spirit of animals often have quite powerful power, and others simply don\'t know what their real ability is before entering the battle form.

"Tribal sacrifice? If I remember correctly, shouldn\'t tribal sacrifice protect their own tribe? Why did they come to participate in this life and death struggle?" Elizabeth\'s eyes revealed doubt and confusion.

"There are only two situations! First, the people of her tribe are threatened. If they don\'t come to the competition, they will all be killed. Second, she is a battle madman, eager to improve her fit with the control of the soul through fierce struggle. Well, you and Aisha will be here later, and then my show."

The voice just fell!

Zhang Cheng raised his hand and gently wiped it on his face. A mask like Mars in the ancient Roman temple, that is, Ares in Greek mythology, immediately covered his face.

After all this, he came to the center of the venue in no hurry, raised the walking stick disguised as the supreme authority, knocked on the iron cage, and shouted through sound reinforcement Magic: "Ladies and gentlemen, I think you must be in a hurry! I can\'t wait to see the fierce battle and the flying pictures of blood and flesh. But before that, I have one more thing to do, that is to create a perfect field and a tomb worthy of the final destination of soldiers."

"Create the field?"

An organizer who brought players to the competition subconsciously frowned and obviously didn\'t like this impromptu performance that was not in the script.

However, before he could react, Zhang Cheng held high his supreme power, and the gold smelting stone radiated dazzling brilliance.





With a series of deafening sounds and vibrations, soon an island and reef covering a large area slowly rose from the seabed!

Such a shocking scene, not only those rich businessmen and dignitaries from the ordinary world were stunned, but even the residents of the underground world couldn\'t help holding their breath.

Just as like as two peas of the sea, the island is a place for the competition. When the whole island rises from the sea, it will be the venue. A huge white marble block rises. With the speed of the naked eye almost indistinguishable, it will be a new replica of the ancient Rome grand stadium, and even the exquisite sculpture is no exception in less than five minutes.

There is no doubt that this is the perfect combination of magic and alchemy!

It is a miracle that only the top alchemists can create!

"Oh - my God! This is crazy! He... How on earth did he do it?" old Nazis covered his face and fell into a state of incoherence.

Although he had long been mentally prepared and knew that Zhang Cheng would make some big news, he never expected to go so far.

Look at the audience standing motionless on the deck. Their reason has been completely destroyed before the game even started. It is estimated that their mind is blank now.

Looking at the big arena created by himself, Zhang Cheng nodded with satisfaction and muttered, "not bad! It seems that I have reached the limit of energy control, but the conversion rate of material and energy needs to be improved."