All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 815

After taking a bath and dressing up again, Zhang Cheng quickly took two young girls to the restaurant, ordered three luxurious breakfasts that ordinary people can\'t imagine, and then began to talk while eating.

Although these foods don\'t look very impressive, they cost as much as $6000 a minute, which is equivalent to the total salary of ordinary people who don\'t eat or drink for two or three months.

Such an amazing price almost made Aisha, who used to spend $20 to $30 a day for dinner, cry out.

It has to be said that old Nazis definitely takes full account of the spending power of the passengers of the ship, so he doesn\'t ask for the best, but the most expensive. He doesn\'t even tip less than $300. It\'s a real gold selling cave.

If there are no accidents, each voyage can bring a net profit of a few million, even tens of millions of dollars.

In particular, a large amount of cash used for consumption and gambling is processed through the banking system of the underground world, and there is no need to pay a penny of tax to the U.S. government.

Just as Aisha carefully enjoyed the most expensive breakfast she had ever had in her life, old Nazis walked in from the outside of the restaurant with a spring face, stroked her chest with one hand and bowed with an affectation: "good morning, your excellency, distinguished senator, and two beautiful ladies."

"Good morning!" Elizabeth replied politely.

Needless to ask, the reason why she is willing to talk to each other is 100% because she won a lot of money last night.

As for Aisha next to her, she just lowered her head to eat, completely ignoring the seemingly kind but secretly famous old man in front of her.

As an agent of an underground world stronghold, she is not as naive as her sister. She can not only get in touch with all kinds of guys every day, but also get a lot of shady news and gossip, and know how many have been picked up for accidentally provoking Nazis.

It can be said that except for those more powerful lords, few ordinary residents of the underground world of New York dare to take the initiative to find trouble with this mixed race old sea demon.

Zhang Cheng calmly swallowed a fried egg wrapped with shrimp, picked up his napkin and wiped the oil stains on the corners of his mouth. Then he looked up and asked, "tell me, what\'s the matter with coming to me early in the morning?"

"Yes, sir." old Nazis paused a little and said in a rather nervous tone: "I contacted several colleagues who are also engaged in death fighting this morning. Three of them are very interested in the proposal of the league and want to negotiate in person."

"This should be a good thing, isn\'t it?" Zhang Cheng took a sip of hot coffee from his cup.

"Yes! But the problem is, they also made a small request, that is to bring their own players to participate in the death fight tonight, and hope you will preside over the whole process."

While saying these words, Nazis kept looking up to observe Zhang Cheng\'s reaction, for fear of seeing the other party\'s angry or unhappy expression.

"I\'ll host? They want to confirm my support for this bloody and cruel competition." Zhang Cheng pursed his lips and smiled contemptuously.

Like all the guys wandering in the gray area, businessmen engaged in illegal business in the underground world are also eager to get rid of their embarrassing situation and get support and shelter from the top.

As a member of the highest council in North America, he can just meet all the conditions for organizing the death fighting League.

To be exact, he only needs to set aside a site in his own jurisdiction, and then promise that death fighting is legal here. He doesn\'t have to worry about being arrested, so it won\'t be long before people from all over the world will flock to this industry.

Old Nazis nodded with a bitter smile: "yes! They are more or less worried. You know, this is not a small business. Once you decide to cooperate, you are bound to spend a lot of money. Before ensuring personal and property safety, most people temporarily choose to wait and see, so I think it is necessary to give them a little confidence."

"Since you want to play, do the whole set. Tell them that I not only agree to host the death fight tonight, but also give a surprise to the champion who won the final victory." Zhang Cheng touched his chin and replied with great interest.

"Prize? What prize!"

As soon as he heard the word prize, Nazis\'s eyes lit up.

He would never forget that sitting in front of him was an alchemist who could make all kinds of advanced magic potions and even life prolonging potions.

"Keep it a secret for the time being! The key to a surprise being called a surprise is to keep it a secret. If you say it in advance, it can\'t be called a surprise." Zhang Cheng winked mysteriously.

"Hey, hey! Understand! I\'ll inform everyone right now. If they know the news, they will rush over." after that, the mixed blood old sea demon bowed down again, turned and quickly disappeared at the end of the stairs leading to the lower deck.

After seeing him leave completely, Aisha put down her knife and fork and asked in an uncertain tone, "are you really going to support him in the death fighting League?"

"Why not? Do you think the competition is too bloody and cruel?" Zhang Cheng showed his hands indifferently.

"No, I don\'t mean that. I just think this old guy is too cunning and untrustworthy. As far as I know, he can have today entirely through conspiracy, deception and betrayal. Almost all partners eventually either disappeared inexplicably or were eliminated." Aisha took a deep breath and took the initiative to express her concerns.

"You seem to have misunderstood something." Zhang Cheng shook his head playfully. "In fact, in this cooperation, Nazis is the weak one and the one who needs to worry about being kicked out. For him, I am like a big Mac that can never be defeated. The only thing I can do is kneel on the ground and pray that I won\'t suddenly swallow the fruits of his hard work."

"I don\'t understand." Aisha subconsciously frowned.

"In short, the underground world is a place where power is supreme. As long as you have enough power, you will naturally get more power and wealth. The former is causal with the latter, but the latter is not causal with the former. Understand? So as long as I am always stronger than Nazis, he will not have the idea of betrayal. There is no difference between suicide. What\'s more Besides, the half blood old sea demon has already stepped into the coffin, and has already passed the rising period, so he can\'t live long at all, "Zhang Cheng explained carelessly.

"I see." Asha showed a suddenly enlightened expression.

"Well, don\'t talk about these disappointing things. Let\'s talk about where to play for a while..."