All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 814

In the early morning, when the sun rises slowly from the place where the sea meets the sky and brings light to the world, the Phoenix, which has been reveling all night, finally calms down a little.

In addition to a few guys whose brains are still excited, they are still indulging with young and beautiful women and handsome men, or gathering in the casino to vent their exuberant energy. Most of the rest have returned to the guest room and waited for a more bloody and wonderful death fight the next night.

Perhaps, as a saying goes, most people live in pursuit of three things, food, sex and some spiritual satisfaction.

On this luxurious cruise ship, it can meet the three at the same time.

In particular, underground world residents with transformation ability such as vampires and werewolves can often bring unprecedented stimulation to those rich people. Therefore, they will be as crazy and addicted as drug addicts once they come, so that they can\'t lift even a little interest when facing ordinary people.

Old Nazis proved with practical actions that the so-called "goodness", "freedom", "equality", "compassion", "justice" and other beautiful values advocated in modern society are all just a kind of camouflage and self deception.

When the power to maintain order completely disappears, human beings will immediately turn into monsters more terrible than any beast and show their most real self in their heart.





With all the shackles of reason and ethics broken, people can realize the spiritual release that can not be given by any other entertainment place, and become the most loyal customer of the ship.

At this moment, in the most luxurious guest room on the ship, Elizabeth, who had slept for about four or five hours, finally opened her eyes, struggled to get up from the soft big bed, stared at the $100 cash and glittering dinars spread all over the room, covered her mouth and exclaimed: "Oh, my God! It was crazy last night! I can\'t believe I could get rid of such an extraordinary thing!"

Obviously, with the help of alcohol, she directly spilled all the money she won everywhere, and then launched a fierce hand-to-hand fight with her men on a piece of green dollars and gold, releasing all the accumulated desires in recent months.

Some of them are very difficult and shameful to unlock. Even now, they can\'t help blushing in retrospect.

Just as the girl tried to find one or two relatively complete clothes from a pile of clothes that were almost torn into rags and put them on her body first, the closed door was kicked open with a bang, followed by Aisha, who came in from the outside and cursed with two black circles like giant pandas: "thanks! You damn little bitch, I didn\'t sleep well all night."

"I kept you awake?" Elizabeth pointed to her nose and blinked innocently.

"That\'s right! You two tossed about for more than two hours last night! And you haven\'t closed the window!" Aisha complained angrily.

"What?! damn it!"

Elizabeth turned quickly and glanced at her right side. Sure enough, she found that one of the windows was not closed. She immediately showed a shy expression.

Although young girls in big cities in the United States have always been known for their avant-garde and openness, she can\'t help feeling shocked and embarrassed.

After all, it\'s one thing to be overheard by strangers and another thing to be overheard by your closest sisters.

The former will be embarrassed for a while at most and will soon pass, while the latter may become black history and be recorded for a lifetime.

"Hmm! Now you know you\'re sorry?" Aisha raised her mouth and smiled maliciously.

"OK! I\'ll admit it this time! As compensation, how about I help you get a handsome man tonight?" Elizabeth turned her eyes and immediately chose to admit advice and put forward the exchange terms.

"No, no, no, one is not enough, I want two." Aisha licked her lips with a look of hunger and thirst.

"Two?!" Elizabeth opened her mouth in surprise. "God! When did you become so debauchery?"

"It\'s not because of you two! I tell you, I\'m flooded now, so I have to have something intense and exciting." speaking of this, Aisha glanced at the messy room and asked in an uncertain tone, "by the way, where\'s Zhang? Why didn\'t I see him."

"I don\'t know. He always haunts. Even I don\'t know when he will suddenly disappear or appear." Elizabeth shrugged helplessly.

"Well, you have to understand that a man like him is always busy, but we can find something by ourselves..."

Before Aisha finished her words, the temperature in the room suddenly began to drop. Then a conveyor door opened out of thin air, and Zhang Cheng, with an expressionless face, stepped over the threshold and came out.

Different from normal times, he now exudes a strong sense of oppression that can not be described in words, as if all the substances around him, including the air, began to slowly age, decay and finally enter death.

Nothing can escape!

In just a few seconds, the two girls in the room couldn\'t help trembling, as if a subconscious energy-saving kept urging them to run away, or they would die.

"Oh, sorry."

Zhang Cheng was undoubtedly aware of the terrorist forces released from his unconscious and quickly tried to control them.

After a while, the smell of terror disappeared, and there was no abnormality except where you stepped on.

"Honey, what happened just now? You... You seem to have something wrong!" naked Elizabeth quickly wrapped herself in a blanket, her eyes showing horror.

"Don\'t worry, I\'ve solved a little problem." Zhang Cheng kissed the girl\'s forehead and comforted her.

There is no doubt that he does not want to talk about the new power he has gained, rather the power to manipulate the rules of death.

After several hours of training in the space of consciousness, he has initially learned how to exert influence on the rules of death within a limited range and make it temporarily obey his will.

This is an extremely powerful force, more complex and difficult to control than any known force.

Most importantly, any use of the death rule must pay a corresponding price.

In ancient times, in order to pay the price, the gods of death on earth created the kingdom of the dead one after another, and won the favor of the whole rule system by transforming the soul into pure death energy on a large scale.

In contrast, modern faust adopted a more direct and rough way to kill and sacrifice the living to pay the price of using the death rule.

However, Laverne obviously didn\'t understand this and mistakenly believed that Faust\'s murder every once in a while was a manifestation that the spirit was not controlled by reason