All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 813

"Emissary? What emissary? Why didn\'t I get the news!" Raines asked loudly with a slight change in his face and a domineering attitude.

But it\'s a pity that Warren obviously didn\'t eat this, and replied with disdain: "who do you think you are? Why should I inform you? Don\'t forget, I\'m the supervisor of the whole plan to conquer hell, and you\'re just a dog obeying orders."

"What?! do you want to die? Lowly human!" Raines was obviously angered, and the terrible shadow energy began to gather rapidly around her body.

"Lowly? If I remember correctly, your master seems to be a human, at least he used to be a human. The most important thing is, are you sure you want to go against the orders given by your master and be my enemy?" Warren stepped forward without weakness, and there was no fear in his eyes.

For a person who can see through the future, there is almost no secret about what is a bluff test and what is really want to do.

The succubus queen narrowed her eyes and was obviously hesitating, but before she made a decision, Pollack, the doomsday guard, slammed the door and scolded in a cold voice: "do you know what you\'re doing, self righteous fool?"

"Damn it! You\'re on his side?" Raines\'s pupils contracted suddenly.

You know, as the first carrier of the shadow in the world, she is not afraid of the lords who have been resurrected from the Lord\'s magic code, but is afraid of the doomsday guard, which is also the first carrier of evil energy in the world.

The reason is very simple. From the perspective of energy born in development, no matter how powerful the high-level of the Burning Legion once was, as long as it is resurrected in this world, some forces will be integrated into her body. Therefore, theoretically, only Pollack can be compared with it, or even stronger.

After all, the doomsday guard was the creation and loyal men of the dark Titan Sargeras. After the fall, the combat effectiveness soared rapidly, which is essentially different from the succubus who always likes sneak attacks and stabbing people.

This is not a gap in energy level, but a gap in combat awareness and experience.

"No! I\'m not on anyone\'s side, I\'m just on the side of the rules set by the master. Remember, Raines, don\'t try to cross the border, or I have the right to kill you." Pollack\'s eyes twinkled with warning.

People with a little common sense know that doomsday guards never joke. Once something is said from their mouth, it often means an ultimatum.

"Asshole! I remember you! Wait for me!" the angry enchantress king put down a cruel word, jumped directly from the balcony, spread her wings and landed in the square in front of the palace by gliding. She angrily disappeared into the intricate alleys in the city.

Several elite demons followed, completely afraid to stay on the balcony for even a second, for fear of being torn to pieces by the powerful doomsday guard.

When Warren saw this scene, a proud smile appeared on his face and bowed slightly to Pollack: "thank you for your help, or I\'m afraid I\'ll have to work hard to deal with this difficult guy."

"There\'s no need to thank you. I\'m just following the rules. In addition, Nisa you\'re looking for is locked in the first cabinet on the right side. Finish the task assigned by the master quickly."

After saying this, Pollack turned and left without stopping for a second.

"Hehe, I even drove the Burning Legion from another universe to work for myself. Should I say you are stupid or too smart? Forget it, it doesn\'t matter to me anyway."

Warren whispered to himself, and immediately opened the closed cabinet door to reveal Nisa, who was bound into a very shameful posture.

I have to say that for an extremely lecherous old man, this picture is a little too exciting. He immediately smiled bitterly and exclaimed, "it\'s incredible! Madam, your hobby is a little special. Maybe we can have an in-depth exchange next time. I\'m more experienced in this regard."

"Shut... Shut up! Untie it for me quickly!" roared the female demon lord in a trembling voice.

Because the rope tightly tied some very sensitive parts, God transmitted a lot of stimulating information to the brain, causing the whole to be in a state of high mental excitement.

"Of course! I have many important details to discuss with you," said Warren, taking out a dagger to cut off the tenacious magic rope.

Nisa quickly got up from the ground, dressed as fast as she could, and said gnashing her teeth, "I order you to forget what you just saw! Otherwise..."

"Calm down, madam. You\'d better worry about the demon queen than me. She\'s the real dangerous one. Well, don\'t talk too much. Here are the precautions I\'ve sorted out. You\'d better read it from beginning to end and keep it in your mind. Don\'t make any mistakes, otherwise I guarantee that your previous experience is just an appetizer."

Although there was a faint smile on Warren\'s face when he said these words, there was a naked threat between the lines.

"I see! Is there anything else I need to pay attention to besides the contents on this paper?" Nisa quickly looked through the small letters on the paper without raising her head.

"One more thing! If the plan goes well, you will lead an army to the front line to fight against the forces of heaven. At that time, our fear demon will contact you and tell you how to fight the war. What you do is to obey his orders 100% and neither make your own decisions nor work too hard, okay?" Warren warned meaningfully.

"I see! If I do this, can I regain the command of this army?" the female Demon Lord raised her chin and tried carefully.

Warren nodded without thinking: "yes! According to the agreement, you will once again become a commander under one person and above ten thousand people. If the plan goes well, you will become the supreme queen of hell."

"Very good! I\'ll succeed! Even if it\'s to regain my right!" Nisa clenched her fist and quickly left the room and walked down the stairs.

Seeing her go away, Warren suddenly showed a playful smile and said mercilessly: "Are demons so naive? They still believe that they can regain power? Idiot! When the plan succeeds, you will be killed. Zhang Cheng has long been no longer a simple human, and the darkness in his heart is far beyond the limit you can imagine. Nothing can stop the coming of darkness, either obedience or death. There is no third choice Choose... "