All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 812

Below the tower of time and space, Adam, a special life transformed from artificial intelligence, is busy checking a series of complex and expensive experimental instruments. From time to time, he also raises his head and looks at the unknown substance at the top of the tower, which constantly emits strange light.

For him who has just obtained independent consciousness and self, he has not realized that he has completed the process from quantitative change to qualitative change both internally and externally, and still regards tireless service for his master as his highest mission.

Especially for the light mass who did not know what words to describe, he had an unprecedented strong desire to explore.

Since this thing was placed on the top of the tower, all dragons in the whole space began to grow at an incredible speed, and some had varying degrees of changes, as if some force in the body had been awakened.

In Adam\'s memory, almost no creature can be compared with it, even the gods in myths and legends.

"Test! I need more tests..."

Just as he was whispering to himself and preparing to turn on the instrument to detect what secrets were hidden in those photons again, a portal suddenly opened out of thin air.

Next second

Zhang Cheng, with a faint strange smell all over, appeared in front of the tower through the portal.

Obviously, he had just completed a "fierce war" with Elizabeth, so he would inevitably have a residual smell.

"Master!" Adam quickly put down his work, stroked his chest with one hand and bowed gracefully.

"How\'s it going?" without any nonsense, Zhang Cheng directly put forward the issues he was most concerned about.

Adam obviously hesitated for a moment, and then replied in an uncertain tone: "so far, I have conducted a total of 12 spectral tests, 40 attempts to capture photons, and six energy shock tests..."

"Stop!" Zhang Cheng raised his hand to stop the other party\'s detailed report. "You don\'t need to tell me the specific process, just give me the results."

"I\'m very sorry! At present, I only find that those light beams scattered in the air can induce gene mutation to some extent, and all photons, like life, will not feed back all kinds of situations exposed to the outside world in a way we can\'t understand. It\'s like... It\'s like that light group is using these photons to obtain external information."

Adam spoke everything he knew with a very fast speed, and his eyes were full of inexplicable emotions, both a little like anger and a little like vigilance.

"You mean... Is it alive? Thinking?" Zhang Cheng subconsciously frowned.

Adam nodded first, then shook his head: "Master, according to the experimental data, it does have an extremely complex information transmission system, but it is still impossible to judge whether it has thinking. I think you should not measure it with an ordinary life, but as a special individual higher than any life we have seen."

"I understand!" a thoughtful expression appeared on Zhang Cheng\'s face, and then continued to ask, "have you found any ways to use energy?"

"Yes! I have found a way to weaponize it. When the external pressure and heat exceed a certain critical point, this light cluster will release terrible energy waves and destroy all substances within tens of meters around its center. The higher the heat and pressure, the wider the coverage of the energy wave. This is the curve I calculated. Are you interested You can have a look if you like. "

After that, Adam took one of them out of a thick pile of printing paper and handed it to him.

Zhang Cheng then glanced at it and immediately pursed his lips with a crazy smile: "so, if I detonate a large enough hydrogen bomb around him, it has the ability to destroy the whole earth?"

"It\'s true in theory, but I\'m afraid it\'s not so easy in practice. Generally speaking, it\'s the limit to blow up the earth\'s crust at most." Adam\'s eyes kept flashing and quickly gave an estimate of the destructive force.

"Great! It seems that creating you is the most correct choice. Continue to study deeply. I\'ll stay in the tower for a few days. Don\'t bother me if there\'s nothing important."

"As you wish, master."

After getting the answer he wanted, Zhang Cheng quickly got into the innermost room on the first floor of the tower, carefully spread out the book of the soul with a strong smell of blood, and muttered to himself in a voice that only he could hear: "in the next time, let me see the mystery of death and master the rules of death."

The voice just fell!

He poured his consciousness into the book again.

After a while, the unconscious body began to emit a chilling smell of the top four.

No one knows what happened inside, only that the ubiquitous death energy began to gather rapidly on the first floor of the tower.


At the same time, in the distant hell, the resurrected Burning Legion has made all preparations, and can start a huge war sweeping the two worlds at the command of one.

Especially the irritable Pit Lords are eager to conquer, kill and destroy all the time. If it were not for the constraints of the ruling magic code, they would have begun to attack the demon lords in the surrounding areas.

As the first member to swear allegiance to Zhang Cheng, reeness has become one of the top commanders of this huge Legion. At the moment, he is standing on the balcony to enjoy the endless army outside. He doesn\'t look back and asks, "have those fear demons sent news back recently?"

"Yes, your majesty. According to the information sent back yesterday, hell and heaven have invested more than 100000 troops in the border area, and three large-scale conflicts have broken out successively. It is estimated that they will enter a state of full-scale war in up to five days." another elite demon quickly gathered on one knee.

"Hum! A bunch of fools! I really hope to see how wonderful the expression on their faces will be when they know that all this is a fraud." Raines licked his tempting red lips with a sarcastic tone.

Just as the elite demon was about to say a few flattering words, the closed door of the room was suddenly pushed open, and Warren swaggered in from the outside.

He first looked around, and then immediately asked, "where\'s the female demon lord Nisa?"

"What are you looking for her for?" Raines turned and stared at his energetic eyes.

"The messenger of hell is coming soon! We need her to cooperate in a play!" Warren urged impatiently.

Since Zhang Cheng left, he found that those honest demons began to obey the public and secretly make small moves. Rao is that he has the power to see through the future and can\'t help feeling a headache.