All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 806


Obviously, the scorpion tailed lion was not seriously hurt by the huge fireball just now. He soon staggered out from under the collapsed container and roared with anger and pain.

Especially at the end of the wing like a bat, you can even see the light black flame. All the steel plates in contact with it melt into bright red molten iron in just a few seconds.

"Oh my God! It... It\'s not dead yet?" Elizabeth opened her mouth with an unbelievable expression.

"Death? No, the scorpion lion doesn\'t die so easily, and I\'m not going to kill it."

After that, Zhang Cheng gently pushed the girl aside and looked at the magical creature that has survived from the distant mythological era with great interest.

There is no doubt that this is the first time he has seen a scorpion tailed lion, and it is still a young scorpion tailed lion far from reaching its peak.

However, judging from the attack power, vitality and special magic ability of the other party so far, even if it is not as good as the giant dragon, which can stand at the top of the food chain in any fantasy world, it will not be much worse in adulthood.

Especially after the injury, the black flame wrapped at the end of the wing is completely an advanced use of magical energy. It is estimated that there is at least a high temperature of thousands of degrees. It is absolutely impossible for normal people to survive if they accidentally touch it.

"Be careful! There are not only scorpions here, but also some rather ferocious bastards," Elizabeth warned cautiously, glancing at the abnormal number of seabirds around her.

"Hehe, relax. Have you forgotten who I am? Besides, this is New York, my territory..."

As a person who likes to be vigilant all the time, how could Zhang Cheng not notice the seabirds standing around.

But for him now, these small things that can\'t be on the table don\'t need to be too concerned. At best, they can only be regarded as small games to kill boring time.

Of course, for Abraham boroman, the opposite is true.

If we want to find a reference for his smuggling activities, it is equivalent to a gang boss engaged in illegal drug trafficking and arms trading in New York.

Moreover, because a lot of income can not be put on the surface, it is still a "tax evader", that is, it does not pay enough tax quota to its superior Lords.

Once this behavior is exposed, he will face not only the punishment of the Supreme Council, but also the fierce anger from the superior Lords.

If there is no accident, it is estimated that the superior Lord will tear it to pieces before the messenger of the Supreme Council arrives.

After all, the Lords of the underground world are not American congressmen and politicians who can only play tricks. They will defend their rights and dignity with blood and death.

Most importantly, if the immediate crisis cannot be solved, the smuggling network established by Abraham boroman through violence will quickly disintegrate, and his people will no longer obey orders unconditionally as before.

So even in order to protect their authority, they have to clench their teeth and roar at the men in the office: "what are you waiting for? Don\'t you come with me to solve the invaders quickly! Don\'t you want to live?"

The voice just fell!

He immediately jumped out of the window, turned into a huge white headed sea eagle, and flew straight towards the place of the incident.

"Damn it! Come on! Move! If the invaders escape this time, we\'ll be all over."

Another middle-aged man nearby also quickly reflected and grabbed a blow drum engraved with ancient patterns and symbols.

It\'s not how loyal he is, but as long as one of those who have done this business is caught, the rest will often suffer, and no one can run away.

After a while, these outlaws of the underground world surrounded the scene from all directions, and drove away the dock staff and security guards who came to deal with the sudden situation with the help of supernatural forces.

Seeing that the situation had been under control, Abraham boroman changed back to human form. He stared down at Zhang Cheng, who had subdued the scorpion tailed lion, narrowed his eyes and said tentatively, "who are you? Why bother my business? Who is the employer?"

"Employer? Honey, I think you should answer this question, don\'t you?" Zhang Cheng gently stroked the thick hair on the scorpion lion\'s head and turned to look at the girl aside.

"Well... Doesn\'t it matter if I tell the employer?" Elizabeth blinked with some uncertainty.

Zhang Cheng shrugged his shoulders indifferently: "it doesn\'t matter! Trust me, the guy who hired you is not a good man. If he guessed right, he should be as good as this gentleman."

"You mean... I was used?!" Elizabeth was obviously not stupid and immediately realized the dirty means behind the whole thing.

"Falk! I know who it is! You\'re sent by that old fellow Nazis!"

Although the girl did not say the name of the task publisher, Abraham boroman was the first to guess the answer.

Just as the so-called peers are enemies, there are only two forces in New York doing such high-profit and high-risk business. With a little hint, he can immediately dig out the behind the scenes along the clues.

"Nazis? Ah, the Half Blood Sea demon with the smell of smelly fish and rotten shrimp all over his body." Zhang Cheng recalled a little and immediately found the corresponding information in his mind.

To be exact, he only met each other once, when paying taxes.

"You are indeed a group! Go! Kill these two idiots! Let old Nazis know what it takes to provoke us!"

Abraham boroman did not know how many pictures his brain had filled, and immediately issued an attack order without hesitation.

He himself raised his hands and, with the help of the close relationship between druids and nature, gathered a large black cloud over the wharf in just more than ten seconds.

It can be vaguely seen that inside the tumbling cloud, dazzling arcs are tumbling up and down, and may fall down at any time to strike the ground indiscriminately.

"Go to hell!" a black man rushed to the front, suddenly opened his mouth and ejected a dark green viscous liquid like bile.

"Shet!" Elizabeth was obviously disgusted. She immediately manipulated the witch\'s unique mental power, raised a thick and thin steel pipe next to her arm, and slammed the other party two or three meters away.

However, the dark green viscous liquid also sprayed into the steel pipe, and suddenly made a wheezing sound, which was creepy.

I saw the strong steel pipe. In a few seconds, it was corroded and broken in two