All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 805

Scorpion tailed lion, as its name implies, is a special creature with a red lion body, a human face, human ears and blue eyes, three rows of sharp teeth on the upper and lower jaws, and deadly stings on the tail like a scorpion.

Moreover, these stingers can be fired in any direction. Once hit, they will not only cause physical damage, but also quickly spread throughout the body with the blood flow.

In addition, according to ancient Persian records, the throat of this monster can simulate the sound of a flute or horn to lure its prey.

Generally speaking, there are only a few powerful scorpion tailed lions that frightened human beings in the mythical era. At present, only a few live within the Arab sphere of influence in West Asia, Central Asia and South Asia, with a total number of no more than 300. They are strictly protected by local forces. 100% of those who want to make a wrong idea will be sniped by them.

However, as the saying goes, the return is always proportional to the risk.

Because scorpion tailed lions are highly domesticated, and the venom secreted by their tails can work on a variety of magical creatures, many people are secretly willing to pay a high price for one or two, which naturally gives birth to the business of poaching and smuggling.

Relatively speaking, the European continent with a long history has a slightly strong demand in this regard, while few people in North America dare to touch this restricted area.

The reason is very simple. As early as 1903, someone transported a hidden scorpion tailed lion to Atlantic City. As a result, there was an accident on the way, resulting in dozens of deaths and hundreds of injuries. The whole street was full of plasma and broken corpses, almost exposing the underground world to ordinary people.

In order to ensure that a similar situation would not happen again, the perpetrator was sentenced to 300 years of indentured slaves, and his descendants are still providing special services to a member of Parliament.

With this living example, no one dared to try to transport dangerous magical creatures to the United States in a hundred years.

But more than 100 years later, it seems that some guys have forgotten their lessons and are ready to move again.

Abraham boroman, a fallen druid who was expelled from the church for violating the rules, is currently the only guy on the east coast of the United States who dares to engage in the smuggling and trafficking of dangerous magical creatures.

But today, he was obviously in a bad mood. He sat in the office with a gloomy face and roared at several of his men: "fool! Tell me! Did you grow up eating shit? Unexpectedly, a woman sneaked into the warehouse! And let the scorpion tail lion worth 30000 gold dinars run away!"

"Boss, she\'s not an ordinary woman, but a witch," whispered a black man in his thirties.

"Shut up! I don\'t want to hear your excuses! Remember, I\'ll give you twenty minutes to clean everything up and never be found by the Lord and the Council, okay? Or we\'ll all die!" Abraham boroman threatened fiercely.

"Twenty minutes? Capture a scorpion tailed lion and a witch in the complex wharf warehouse?" the black man stared with incredible expression on his face. "You should know that this is a New York port! The annual throughput reaches hundreds of millions of tons! Just the containers placed outside can\'t see the end at a glance! Coupled with the unified warehouse, even if it touches thousands of people, it may not be able to check all corners in one day."

"Don\'t worry about this! I\'ll send my baby to search! Your task is to catch people and scorpions! Especially that damn little bitch! I must let her know how serious the consequences of disturbing my business are."

Then Abraham boroman put two fingers in his mouth and whistled hard.


Numerous seagulls came from the sea and circled over the whole wharf logistics area.

After a while, more than half of them swooped down towards the corner near the East.

Seeing this scene, he immediately opened the window and pointed to the place where the seagulls fell: "right over there! Go! Don\'t let them run..."

Before the words were finished, a poisonous needle flashing black light slammed into the nearby wall, frightening everyone in the house into a cold sweat.

You should know that the scorpion tail lion\'s toxin is not comparable to any toxic creature on earth. It is not so much a poison as a magical energy that can affect the body function.

Even an adult elephant will die of poisoning in just a few seconds.


Before these people could recover, a small animal covered with black hair like a cat suddenly jumped out of the back of a container, directly knocked away the scorpion lion chasing the girl, and roared menacingly at the same time.

"Come on! Cody! If you hold on for a few more minutes, Zhang will come and save us." Elizabeth shouted without looking back as she ran with all her life.

"Get out! I swear! If you can go back alive this time, you must scratch your ass."

When talking, the black Plush creature, which was only the size of a domestic cat, expanded rapidly and became an elegant leopard.

In particular, its large claws with exaggerated proportion emit metallic luster at the end under the irradiation of the sun. At first glance, they are not vegetarian.

But the grumpy scorpion tailed lion obviously wouldn\'t be frightened by this threat. After getting up from the ground, he immediately shot a poisonous needle from his tail without saying a word.

Pop, pop, pop!

With the dazzling golden spark, the thick and solid container shell was suddenly pierced through a row of small finger thick holes.

Not wanting to be outdone, Cody waved his claws sharper than the machine tool turning tool, rushed straight at the scorpion lion and cut a deep bone wound on the other party.


The intense pain made the scorpion lion become more and more manic. He opened his mouth and tried to bite his opponent with three rows of sharp fangs.

Because the two are now intertwined with each other, once it bites down, it will cause no small harm to Cody, who has become a big cat.

At this critical moment, a black spot suddenly appeared in the air, immediately following the surrounding time, and suddenly came to a standstill.

Next second


A huge fireball soared into the air!

The poor scorpion lion was directly shocked by the explosion and shock wave generated by the fireball, and hit the container stacked behind, making a deafening noise.

"Sorry, I wasted a little time locating the coordinates. Are you okay?" Zhang Cheng came to the girl and asked with a smile.

"God! You\'re back at last!"

Elizabeth jumped up and put her arms around her boyfriend\'s neck. The whole person trembled with excitement.