All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 807

"Voodoo of the Haitian voodoo cult? It seems that I\'m not here recently. New York is really mixed with all kinds of garbage." Zhang Cheng raised his eyebrows to show his undisguised disgust.

You know, the Haitian voodoo cult and the original voodoo witch doctor on the African continent are two different systems.

The latter is a supernatural force born from the primitive Shamanism and animism belief system, advocating the integration of soul and nature.

The former is a distorted form of following the European colonists to the islands around the Caribbean in the era of great navigation, which only retains the darkest side of voodoo, such as the vicious curse, and then creating some reincarnated corpses similar to the dead to serve the caster with the power of ritual and magic.

In short, where there are Haitian voodoo sacrifices, it will be accompanied by a large number of disappearances and supernatural events, and sometimes it will attract the attention of ordinary people, the world police and the media.

Therefore, many lords and subordinate parliaments explicitly prohibit these guys from entering their territory, and New York is just one of them.

"Hey, hey! Why, are you afraid?" the black man struggled to get up from the ground and licked the blood from his nose with a ferocious face, unaware of how dangerous he was provoking.

"No, I just remembered a funny joke. You know, I hate two kinds of people in my life, one is racist, the other is black. Sorry, your American dream is over. Bye."

With the last word blurted out, Zhang Cheng grabbed Cody, who was hiding in the corner and wanted to be lazy, and threw him directly at the other party.

"Meow meow?!"

The black Plush group sent out a burst of innocent cries like a cat, followed by the rapid amplification of the body. When it fell on the black, it had become a fierce panther, waved its sharp claws, instantly tore open the enemy\'s chest and dug out the beating black heart.

"Clean up the miscellaneous fish around me. Remember, if one escapes, I\'ll throw you into the pot for stew at night." Zhang Cheng narrowed his eyes and stared at the little pet he brought back from the debris world.

"OK! OK! Don\'t be angry. I can\'t do it." Cody was obviously a little afraid of his former first owner. He jumped onto the container and killed two unlucky people lying around.

"Wow! It... It listens to you!" Elizabeth stared, as if she couldn\'t believe what she saw.

You know, as a nominal hostess, she doesn\'t command each other at all on weekdays. Most of the time, she has to coax her.

"Of course! Because he knows that if he is not obedient, I will directly put the threat into practical action. In fact, he treats pets and his men the same. He must show his strong side, otherwise he will be led by his nose." Zhang Cheng imparts experience to his girlfriend with a smile, without paying any attention to the thunder clouds constantly surging in the sky.

Elizabeth nodded thoughtfully, "strong? I see."

"No, you don\'t understand. Being strong is not only a matter of attitude, but also the improvement of your own strength. Think about it. If you always have only Cody, who is qualified to be strong? So you also need to get rid of dependence and get a new combat pet to make it understand that you are not irreplaceable."

When saying these words, Zhang Cheng patted the scorpion lion crawling at his feet. The implication is self-evident.

Just when the girl wanted to say something, Abraham boroman, the fallen Druid, finally completed his natural spell and said sarcastically with a sneer: "idiot! You didn\'t interfere with my casting. Now, feel the horror of lightning storm."

"Correct a little!" Zhang Cheng raised a finger. "The reason why I didn\'t interfere with your spell casting is that I don\'t think such a poor spell will pose even a little threat to us."

"Hum! Arrogance! I hope you can say such words after lightning and thunder."

No hesitation!

Abraham boroman directly condensed the huge electric charge contained in the black cloud above his head.

Next second


A strong silver lightning fell from the sky!

But what everyone here couldn\'t believe was that the lightning with amazing energy didn\'t cause any damage. Instead, it was completely absorbed by the humble walking stick and didn\'t even splash.

Until the last glimmer of lightning disappeared, the rumbling thunder echoed over the wharf.

"This... This... How is this possible!" Abraham boroman\'s pupils contracted suddenly and his whole body shook uncontrollably.

You should know that the lightning just now is the most powerful and strongest natural magic he has mastered. It is with this skill that he can firmly occupy a place in the gray industry of New York port.

But now, some people can easily crack their own spells without blinking their eyes. Naturally, there is no need to say how strong or weak they are.

"You seem surprised?" Zhang Cheng smiled playfully.


Abraham boroman subconsciously swallowed his saliva and asked in a slightly trembling voice, "who are you? A person like you can\'t be bought by old Nazis."

"Ah, yes, I didn\'t accept any task or entrustment, and no one dared to use money to try to buy me off. In fact, the reason why I\'m here today is just for some personal affairs." after that, Zhang Cheng raised his arm and helped the girl tidy up her hair, which was disturbed by the wind, with a trace of warmth in his cold eyes.

Elizabeth obviously enjoyed the intimacy. She blinked playfully and explained, "I\'m sorry, I\'m a little lonely at home alone, so..."

Before she finished speaking, Zhang Cheng smiled and took over the second half of the sentence: "so I want to have some fun or excitement. There\'s no need to explain, I understand. But promise me that you\'d better say hello to my men next time you do such a dangerous thing, okay?"

"Can there be another time?"

"Of course! It\'s the 21st century! You have the right to do what you want to do, just pay attention to safety, that\'s all." after saying that, Zhang Cheng bent down and kissed the girl\'s soft lips.

Seeing this scene, Abraham boroman felt that he had a chance to escape, and immediately quietly began to retreat. He planned to become the national bird of the United States again - the white headed sea eagle, and escape from the territory of the Supreme Council of North America first.

But just after he stepped back less than two or three steps, he suddenly felt a cold sharp blade on his neck. At the same time, a low hoarse voice sounded in his ear: "don\'t move! Little mouse! If you don\'t want the big artery on your neck to be cut open..."