All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 804

"It sounds like you have seen the power of this book, haven\'t you? Don\'t take it lightly. As far as I know, several apprentices of Faust have become crazy because they have touched it. Remember Nathan in the debris world? He is one of the victims. As far as I know, no one can stay normal after touching this book, even Faust himself was more or less affected... "

When laforn said these words, he stared at Zhang Cheng\'s reaction with one eye, trying to find something abnormal.

But unfortunately, he finally saw only a calm young face and couldn\'t find anything.

"As I said, little trouble of this degree is not a problem for me. In addition, Faust is right. I am indeed a kind of person with him. I always thirst for animation with poor knowledge and power. This is an inherent nature and can\'t be changed." Zhang Cheng carefully covered the cover of the book of souls with a dinner towel.

As a man who has experienced the world of eternal death, he knows too well why Faust\'s apprentices are crazy.

Normally, in that case, all normal people will fall into the edge of madness and collapse, especially the feeling of gradual disappearance of self-consciousness, which is more frightening than anything else.

Fortunately, however, his mental state is not ordinary. If the definition of modern medicine and psychology is applied, it should belong to deep schizophrenia and dual personality.

So when everything around you becomes blurred, you can still keep in touch with your parapersonality to ensure that you don\'t lose yourself.

Laverne obviously didn\'t know these secrets, and subconsciously frowned: "you shouldn\'t be bewitched by Faust. You know, I\'ve known him for more than 80 years, and I know more than anyone how sick and dark his heart is. Promise me, don\'t touch this book again. You\'re strong enough not to learn a lunatic with abnormal spirit."

"Oh? Do you think I\'m the more normal one between me and him?" Zhang Cheng showed a strange expression on his face.

Because there are too many slot points here, I really don\'t know where to vomit.

You know, as a madman who has just planned to kill humans on a whole planet, he really doesn\'t think Faust can compare with the darkness in his heart.

To be exact, through this crazy act of destruction, he completely liberated himself from the identification of pure human identity, and no longer felt that ordinary people were the same kind and race as himself.

Under this concept, even the human beings who kill and destroy many worlds will not have even a little guilt or intolerance.

"No! I mean, he\'s been a little abnormal recently. There may be something wrong here. You should be most vigilant. After all, when he goes crazy, he doesn\'t care whether you\'re an ally or not." Laverne pointed to his head.

"His mental state is unstable?" how sharp Zhang Cheng immediately realized the hint revealed in his words.

Laverne nodded without thinking: "yes! Almost every 30 years or so, he will enter a dangerous period. During this period, he can\'t control his desire to kill. Most of them will create a terrible killing feast in a corner of the world."

"Can\'t control yourself?" Zhang chengruo tapped the table thoughtfully and fell into meditation.

He doesn\'t think Faust is the kind of person who can\'t control his desire to kill. This abnormal behavior is probably related to the cost of controlling the rules of death.

"Well, let\'s talk about him first. In short, you remember to stay away from him during this period. Here, this is the list I promised you. Pick one quickly as compensation." laforn threw an A4 printing paper on the table.

"No hurry." Zhang Cheng picked it up and glanced at it. He found nothing he was interested in, and threw it aside. "No big news has happened in the underground world in recent months?"

"Big news? If I remember correctly, the biggest news is the longevity potion you gave to Polman for auction. At present, the slightly powerful guys in the world are desperately asking about your whereabouts and preferences. If nothing happens, someone will visit you soon. You should understand that you are already the best in the world on the road of delaying aging and death "A great alchemist," laforn said with emotion.

If he hadn\'t absorbed enough divinity, he would have been crazy about pursuing this magic potion that can prolong his life by 10 to 20 years, just like other old people.

But now that he has something better, he doesn\'t have to be as ugly as a dog chasing bones.


Just when Zhang Chenggang wanted to say something more, the mobile phone thrown on the table suddenly rang.

Subconsciously, he picked it up and pressed the answer button: "hello?"

"My God! Dear! Your call is finally through! Come on! Help! I\'m in trouble!" Elizabeth\'s nervous voice came through the microphone.

"Calm down! Tell me what trouble you are in?" Zhang Cheng asked calmly.

Through his voice, he can make sure that his girlfriend, although a little flustered, has not been hurt in any real sense.

"Yes... It\'s a scorpion tailed lion! This bastard smuggled a scorpion tailed lion from Iran to New York! Damn it! If you don\'t arrive in ten minutes, wait for me to collect the body." Elizabeth panted regardless of her usual image of a lady.

"Hold on! I\'ll be right there."

As soon as he heard of the scorpion tailed lion, Zhang Cheng\'s face changed slightly. He immediately pressed the mobile phone\'s positioning system. After a while, he confirmed the girl\'s location on the virtual map and directly said to Laverne, "sorry, I\'m afraid I\'ll excuse you for a while."

The voice just fell!

He directly cast the transmission magic, and the whole person disappeared in place.

Feeling the residual energy shock in the air, Laverne shook his head with a smile and joked: "Hey, women, no matter what age, are always so troublesome."

However, ridicule belongs to ridicule. Seeing that the owner of the house has left, he has no meaning to stay. After getting the large cats locked in the room for a while, he soon chose to leave.

No one noticed at all. Just after everyone disappeared, the ancient book covered with napkins suddenly released a black fog, which directly dragged all the animals inside and outside the villa into the book.

In less than a few seconds, a large amount of viscous plasma slowly flowed out of the middle of the pages, dyeing all the expensive handmade carpets red.