All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 803

Some people say that nothing is more terrible than meeting a madman with a smart mind and clear logical thinking.

If so, it is to meet two at the same time.

Obviously, the virtual shadow standing in the spiritual world is facing similar problems at present, and these two madmen are absolutely capable of destroying the whole space and their own existence for thousands of years.

As a saying goes, life without wisdom is not afraid of death, even death itself.

The end of all things means nothingness, the denial of all possibilities and existence, as well as eternal silence.

Anything with independent thought and wisdom will instinctively resist such a result.

After a long silence, the virtual shadow representing the whole space of consciousness finally made a helpless compromise and said in a slightly ethereal voice: "I was born in Egypt in ancient times, and it was anubis, the God of death, who created me. At first, he just grasped it as a note simply recording the death list, but as the recorded names became more and more complex, I was given a new ability to guide the souls of mortals to the country of the dead. It was this ability that let me spy When it comes to the true mystery of death, it never belongs to any God and will not be controlled by God. God only obtains part of its power. "

"Are you the book of the dead?!" Zhang Cheng\'s master\'s eyes lit up instantly.

As a member of the North American Supreme Council, he learned from some books and notes that there are many powerful magic props and artifacts hidden in the world, and the book of the dead is one of the most legendary items.

It is said that anubis, the God of death in ancient Egypt, wrote it and handed it to the high priest to protect the dead, especially the Pharaoh\'s tomb, the direct descendant of the sun god.

Unexpectedly, the real book of the dead is not hidden in a corner of Egypt as people imagine.

In this way, it is not difficult to understand Faust\'s supreme attainments of necromancer magic.

"The book of the dead? No, that\'s not my real name. My real name is the book of the soul. Death is just a secret I peeped through observation after I awakened my independent consciousness. What, do you want to see the ultimate death with your own eyes?" the Phantom asked maliciously.

"Why not?" the vice personality raised his chin slightly and showed his strong side recklessly.

"As you wish!" Xu Ying stroked his chest with one hand and bowed slightly.

Next second

The whole bare forest began to change!

For a moment, all these things that were already full of strong smell of death and decay were turning into nothingness at a very fast speed.

In just a few minutes or so, there was nothing in the whole conscious space, leaving only a dark place.

No sound!

No light!

No air!

No pulse and heartbeat!

Even whether they still exist or not should be marked with a big question mark!

In this environment, thinking and consciousness began to become weak and vague, as if everything had lost value all at once.

Time seems to fall into an eternal static state.

Obviously, this is the true death in the legend, the end of the withering of all things.

I don\'t know how long it took, maybe a few minutes, maybe a few hours, or maybe a few years, decades, hundreds of years

When the first pale light lit up the darkness, the virtual shadow immediately asked, "how do you feel? Do you feel the grandeur and vastness of the rules of death? Yes! No matter how you and I struggle, we will eventually enter the eternal death, and no one can escape."

"So? What do you want to express? Or what do you expect?" Zhang Cheng\'s host asked with a smile.

"Are you not crazy?" the empty shadow tone revealed a trace of surprise.

"Crazy? Why should we be crazy?" a sarcastic smile appeared on the Deputy personality\'s face. "Your so-called eternal death is just a conclusion from a narrow perspective. In fact, life and death are inseparable twins, and there must be a new life if there is death. It is not terrible for a world to go to death, because there will be a new world."

"It seems that this guy doesn\'t use this trick to drive people crazy." Zhang Cheng\'s master exposed the other party\'s dark tricks to his face.

Obviously, for most normal people, such an experience of facing the ultimate death will definitely have a great impact on the three outlooks. Therefore, it is expected to move towards psychopathy and schizophrenia.

"Do you want to kill it?" the Deputy personality licked his lips, and his eyes burst out a strong desire for destruction.

After a moment\'s hesitation, the master immediately shook his head: "no, it\'s not necessary. It\'s still valuable. At least it can let us have a deeper understanding of death and learn to manipulate this ubiquitous powerful force. But now, we\'ve been here for too long. It\'s time to leave."

The voice just fell!

The two completely independent consciousness exchanged a look at each other, immediately released the spiritual power shock wave to the greatest extent, and forcibly tore a hole in the closed consciousness space.

"No!!!!!!!!!!! Bastard! How dare you!" the virtual shadow cursed madly, followed by exhausting all his strength, and finally managed to close the tear.

After all, for it, this closed space is equivalent to the body. Once it is seriously damaged, it is in danger of death immediately.

Unfortunately, Zhang Cheng can\'t hear these curses.

Returning to his body, he temporarily returned the vice personality to a state of rest for the first time, raised his head and looked at laforn sitting opposite the sofa: "when did you come?"

"I\'ve only been here for less than three minutes! How are you? Are you okay?" the old man tried in an uncertain tone.

"It\'s all right! I\'m fine!" Zhang Cheng pretended to shrug his shoulders easily and glanced at the clock in the living room.

Less than ten minutes have passed since the touch of writing, which doesn\'t seem to be as long as expected.

"Very good? I don\'t think anyone who has touched this book will feel very good. Faust has gone too far recently, and he actually gives such a dangerous thing as a gift." Laverne rolled his eyes angrily.

Needless to ask, he knows what the book of the soul is and how terrible it is.

"Don\'t worry, although it has caused a little trouble and trouble, it has brought many benefits on the whole. By the way, you came here specially to see if I was driven crazy by this book?"