All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 800

"Go away!"

Zhang Cheng is not the kind of person who likes wild animals. He directly brutally invades a lion\'s brain trying to get together, asks the other party to retreat to the corner and stay honest, and then takes out the phone and dials one of the numbers.

In just a few seconds, Leonid\'s voice came through the microphone: "Hello, boss, is that you?"

"Yes! Haven\'t seen you for a long time, have you forgotten me?" Zhang Cheng joked with a rare smile.

With the plan in hell going well, he could finally relax a little and take a vacation for his strained nerves.

"How could it be! I\'ll never forget that you gave me all this today! You know? It\'s my biggest dream in my life to be able to call the wind and rain in the intelligence community again and frighten those damn bastards of the CIA." Leonid\'s tone revealed unmasked excitement.

Obviously, during this period of time, he has successfully built a huge intelligence network, and with the help of the advantages brought by magic and advanced technology, he has dealt with the world\'s largest intelligence agency, and may give the other party some color to see.

You should know that since the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the KGB, the only intelligence organization that can confront the CIA, has fallen into a state of collapse. Therefore, it can be said that the United States has easily taken control of the vast majority of regional intelligence networks in the world. Naturally, it is impossible to allow the rise of a new organization whose weapons and equipment are more advanced than any other country for at least 15 to 20 years.

However, it is a pity that no matter how powerful they are, when they encounter an elite action team that can attack and retreat at any time through transmission devices and stealth Kun fighters, they simply can not give full play to their absolute technical advantage as before.

Coupled with the popularity of lie detection instruments, it is often easy to detect internal spies. Therefore, at present, the world only knows that a powerful intelligence organization of unknown origin has joined this dangerous game, but no one knows which country is controlling behind the organization.

After all, according to normal logical reasoning, such an organization with extremely high technical content even the most basic firearms and bullets must be supported by a complete set of industrial and scientific and technological system. Moreover, the system can not be completed by one or two rich enterprises. Only the country and an industrial and technological power can meet the minimum requirements.

As the initiator, Zhang Cheng obviously expected this situation long ago and asked bluntly, "tell me how many people you have in Iraq? Can you handle a more troublesome thing for me?"

"We have about 12 professional intelligence personnel, two action teams and more than 400 external mercenaries in Iraq, which can theoretically solve most emergencies," Leonid quickly gave the specific figures.

"Oh? It sounds like it\'s developing well." a trace of surprise flashed in Zhang Cheng\'s eyes.

It is not easy to build a global intelligence network from scratch, especially in countries such as infiltrating Iraq that have just tried their best to fight a real war and are full of turbulence and danger.

Leonid explained proudly: "Not only good! We can get $4 million to $6 million a month in the Middle East, including selling oil, intelligence, weapons, drugs, daily necessities, drugs, etc. several restaurants and hotels in downtown Baghdad are also under our indirect control. As long as you say a word, I can immediately make chaos there, even if the United States deploys It\'s no use garrisoning so many troops. "

"War, pain, hatred, chaos and death. I didn\'t expect you to move very fast. But don\'t worry. Find me some experts in Archaeology and geology before making the place completely chaotic. I need to identify an ancient map." Zhang Cheng sent the high-definition photos of the parchment map through the satellite network.

In less than two or three seconds, Leonid received the picture, glanced at it, and immediately promised, "please rest assured that I will give you a satisfactory answer within a week at most."

"Very good! I\'m waiting for your news." Zhang Cheng never doubted the other party\'s ability and hung up the phone cleanly.

In any case, Iraq is not the country that has experienced more than ten or twenty years of war and is ravaged by mercenaries and extremist religious terrorists. There are still many experts and professors in some museums and universities. It should not be a problem to get a map.

Once the location is confirmed, he will leave immediately to see what the real seal looks like.


At the same time, Leonid, located in the Pacific underground secret base, also quickly conveyed the task. After a while, the information of more than a dozen archaeologists and geologists in Iraq was transmitted back.

After a simple screening, he quickly locked two of them without looking back. He said to the girl standing behind and keeping silent: "Ye Lianna, take this map immediately and go to Iraq in person. Remember, the action must be fast. I don\'t want anything to go wrong."

"Yes!" the young girl who looked like Laurie immediately stood at attention and gave a standard Soviet military salute.

But just as she was about to turn around and leave, Leonid seemed to think of something again, raised his hand and said: "Wait! One more thing! Recently, the CIA has been so quiet that I feel flustered. If there is enough time, go and clean up our intelligence personnel in Iraq to see if anyone has betrayed or betrayed the organization."

"Understand! No matter who dares to betray, I will make him regret being born in this world." a cold chill flashed in Yelena\'s eyes.

If the whole intelligence organization has the highest loyalty, it is undoubtedly an "old team" like her who has been hiding in South America for several years with Leonid.

Because these people have experienced a life like stray dogs without backstage and home. They hide all day for fear of being recognized as KGB spies. It\'s a mental breakdown to live such a life for a long time.

Therefore, if someone dares to destroy the present stable life, they will not hesitate to use the most cruel punishment to let the Betrayer understand that death is not the most terrible thing, sometimes it is a beautiful relief, at least they can escape pain and torture.

"Remember our old rules? Don\'t be stingy! Take them out when necessary!"

As he said this, the corners of Leonid\'s mouth tilted slightly, showing a chilling smile.

Everyone who saw him smile subconsciously trembled and began to pray secretly for the intelligence personnel stationed in Iraq that none of them had betrayed.


It\'s best to put a bullet in your head before the torture starts, so as to die early and surpass life early.