All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 801

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Cheng began to patrol the wild animals in the living room with a headache.

According to his habit, the best way to deal with such ordinary animals with low IQ and no special ability is to destroy them humanely, and directly decompose them into harmless dust particles by dissociation, which float in the wind.

After all, he is not an animal conservationist, and he never thinks that wild animals are worth protecting.

Survival of the fittest is originally a link in the process of life evolution. If an animal cannot adapt to human changes and destruction of the environment, it will prove that it has been eliminated, and other organisms will naturally fill its position in the food chain.

However, considering that Elizabeth might use some of them, Zhang Cheng finally resisted and hurried them to a room in the right corridor on the first floor.

After all this, I lay lazily on the sofa in the living room and looked at the missed calls and messages I had left during this period.

Soon, one of the less prominent messages aroused his interest.

Just when he wanted to call to inquire about the specific situation, the magical energy filled in the air suddenly fluctuated strongly, and then a familiar figure tore the space directly and drilled out of the other side.

"Ah! You\'re back at last, my friend." Faust leaned slightly with one hand touching his chest.

The strange man with the title of the strongest necromancer is paler than a few months ago. If the internal organs are not still working as usual, he is no different from the dead body.

"How did you know I was back?" Zhang Cheng asked slightly surprised.

You know, he just left hell. So far, he hasn\'t met anyone, and all kinds of avoidance spells on him are enough to resist all kinds of magic detection.

"It\'s very simple! Through your mobile phone. I found that every time you disappear inexplicably, the mobile phone is always turned off or disconnected, but as soon as you come back, it will be connected to the communication network." Faust explained with a grin.

I have to say that this answer is both unexpected and reasonable.

Zhang Cheng pretended to be helpless and sighed: "Oh, well, it seems that you have found a little secret of mine, haven\'t you? Come on, what\'s urgent?"

Faust smiled and shook his head. "No, it\'s not urgent. On the contrary, I\'m here to tell you a good news. The goddess\'s body has been made. She is the top three masterpiece in all my works. In order to express my gratitude for your initiative to give up competition, I\'m determined to give you a book and a secret book recording the mystery of death."

"The mystery of death?!" when Zhang Cheng heard these words, his eyes lit up with anticipation.

In the world of Harry Potter, he once triggered a global thermonuclear war, and used billions of people to get a glimpse of the secret of the rules of death.

But who would have thought that it was finally interrupted by a strange light mass.

"Yes! The mystery of death! I can feel that, in essence, you and I are actually the same kind of people, so obsessed with knowledge and power. Believe me, this book will not disappoint you..."

With that, Faust gently put a dirty and old book with dark brown pages on the table, and then left a meaningful smile. The whole person gradually became transparent and finally disappeared in place.

Feeling the strong smell of death emanating from the book, Zhang Cheng subconsciously frowned and actively stretched out his right hand to open the first page to see what was written inside.

When the fingertip touched the cover, the page suddenly turned.

Before he knew what was going on, he found that a force had pulled himself into another world, a world completely composed of spirit and consciousness.

"This is!!!" Zhang Cheng stared around.

When I looked around, I saw all the dead trees without leaves. The visibility was very low, giving a very strong hint of death.

"What is death?" a phantom, shrouded in a gray cloak, suddenly appeared out of thin air and asked loudly.

"Who are you and where are you?" Zhang Chengfei asked his own question instead of answering the other party\'s questions.

Unfortunately, Xu Ying obviously did not intend to answer any questions, or did not have the ability to answer questions, but repeatedly asked, "what is death?"

Every time it makes a sound, the whole dead wood forest will produce a creepy echo, as if something was hidden in the depths.

"Damn it! I seem to be in trouble..." Zhang Cheng complained angrily.

Obviously, this secret book is not a book at all, but a connection point, a transmission key, which directly tightens the consciousness of the person who touches the page of the book.

Most importantly, he is not sure whether there is any difference in the time velocity between the two worlds.

It\'s ok if the time flow rate of the real world is static, but if it is similar to that of the real world, the unconscious body will be in a very dangerous and unprotected state.

As a person who keeps quite vigilant about everything, it\'s no different from the fish slaughtered by the incumbent lying on the chopping board.

Moreover, because the whole world is completely composed of consciousness, all the equipment and magic items on Zhang Cheng can\'t be brought in, so the only thing he can rely on right now is his own mind.

"What is death?" the virtual shadow came up again and asked tirelessly.

"Death is the end of life and the final destination of everything in the world and even the universe. Nothing can escape the final death, even death itself." Zhang Cheng hesitated for a moment and quickly gave his understanding of death.

"Do you think death is the end of everything? Then what is it after the end?" the virtual shadow did not repeat the previous words this time, but raised new questions.

"After the end?" Zhang Cheng narrowed his eyes and fell into meditation again.

There is no doubt that this forced and induced question usually has only two purposes, one is to drive people crazy, and the other is to make people think deeply until they find the right answer.

Of course, if the person who answers the question is not smart enough, or the knowledge reserve is not sufficient, it is also very likely to be driven crazy.

After all, you will never know whether the people who make such things prefer rational materialism or perceptual idealism.

This is similar to the definition of death, which is often philosophical and physiological. The latter emphasizes the external characteristics of various organs of the body, while the former emphasizes the abstract spirit. It is not only used to describe the creature itself, but also often used in other places.