All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 799

The scorching summer has just passed, and North America has ushered in a refreshing autumn wind.

But it is of no use to the simple people of New York.

The poor are as poor as the poor, and the rich bankers on Wall Street, as always, extract the wealth created by workers all over the world in an almost predatory way and with the help of American financial hegemony.

Even the degree of public security is no different. It is said that the director of the New York Police Department will happily open the champagne to celebrate if he can\'t hear the shooting and murder alarm for 24 hours in a row.

But most ordinary people simply don\'t know how many terrible undercurrents are hidden under all these normal surface phenomena.

In fact, since Zhang Cheng became the actual ruler of the underground world in New York State, many things have become complicated. In particular, he disappeared out of thin air for several months, making many ambitious people a little ready to move.

After all, the position of the highest council member in North America is quite attractive. Once you sit on it, you can immediately stand at the apex of supernatural power, whether wealth, knowledge, power or power will follow.

Of course, since it was not long before the last great cleansing and the unscrupulous killing of vampires, no one dared to jump out and provoke the order established before he left.

As for those miscellaneous fish who want to do little damage or make some money, they have long been cleaned up by the sworn lords and knights.

At present, the whole underground world of New York is like a volcano about to erupt. A little external factors will trigger violent shocks.

However, as the agent of the restaurant stronghold of "Catherine\'s house", Aisha didn\'t notice this. She still worked as a bartender on weekdays, dealing with super powers with all kinds of incredible abilities and lineages, and occasionally took out the big mouth magic fire gun hidden under the stage and aimed it at the heads of those who were out of control, Help them calm down.

For her, this kind of life, which is tense, exciting and full of freshness every day, is like a dream.

She handed a mixed cocktail to a strange man with snake eyes. The girl turned and asked her good sister, "Zhang hasn\'t come back yet?"

"No! I have asked many people, but no one knows where he has gone and how long it will take him to come back." Elizabeth sighed helplessly.

You know, she originally planned to invite her boyfriend to the high school prom, spend a wonderful night together and leave the best memories in her life.

But who knows, the plan will never catch up with the rapid change.

Now let alone the wonderful night, even to solve the physiological needs, we have to hide in the quilt and solve them secretly with our fingers in the middle of the night.

In particular, the unspeakable attachment and desire are destroying the nerves like a nightmare.

"Don\'t worry, he\'s so powerful, there must be no problem with safety. Oh - I know, you little lust girl can\'t stand loneliness?" Asha suddenly approached and joked in a half joking tone.

"Damn it! I won\'t tear your big mouth!" the angry Elizabeth immediately provoked two and wanted to grab her sister\'s collar.

"Ha ha! I\'m right! How about I share some tips that even a person can feel happy?" Aisha obviously expected everything and quickly retreated, leaving her good sisters empty.

Elizabeth turned her eyes angrily: "come on! You should know that this is not a simple physiological problem, but a supernatural force, an extremely powerful magic."

"Well, don\'t think too much. After all, you have everything all girls dream of, wealth, strength, beauty, and a powerful and mysterious boyfriend. I can\'t believe that the ugly duckling at home turned into a white swan." as she said, Aisha quietly poured some soda into each other\'s empty glass, Not the wine in the cabinet.

"I don\'t need your reminding, I understand." Elizabeth shook her head in annoyance. "What\'s more, I\'m not dissatisfied. I just feel a little lonely. Why don\'t we find an interesting task to do and pass the boring time?"

"Do the tasks? Are you crazy? All the tasks here are quite dangerous. Maybe you will lose your life." Aisha widened her eyes in surprise.

"Relax, don\'t you forget that I\'m not an ordinary girl, but a powerful witch with enough ability to deal with danger." Elizabeth suddenly became interested for some reason.

Like all the young people who have suddenly gained supernatural power, she is also eager to find a chance to try how powerful she is and have a deeper understanding of the underground world.

In any case, there is no serious job in the United States after graduating from high school. Coupled with the lack of corresponding professional knowledge, entrepreneurship is basically impossible.

If she doesn\'t want to be a loser waiting to die, her only choice is to enter the dangerous underground world and use her super power to find work.

"Are you serious?" Asha tried to confirm.

"Very serious! I have Cody and I won\'t be in any danger." Elizabeth touched the unknown black Plush creature napping on the seat.

"Meow meow?"

The black plush ball made a sound like a cat, as if to say why it pulled me.

Of course, Aisha knew how powerful the little monster named Cody was. She frowned and hesitated for several minutes. Finally, she took out an envelope from under the bar: "here, take it. There are the details of the task. According to the rules, you have three days. If you don\'t finish the task in three days, it will be regarded as a failure. As for me, I have to stare here, but I don\'t have time to play adventure games with you."

"I understand the rules! Thanks. When you get paid, I\'ll invite you to the best restaurant for a big meal."

Elizabeth kissed her sister on the cheek, picked up Cody, her number one thug, and ran quickly towards the exit.


Meanwhile, Zhang Cheng, who has just returned from hell, is standing at the gate of the villa, staring at the crocodiles and hippos floating in the swimming pool, as well as the bored yawning lions, tigers, leopards, bears and other beasts in the living room.

He didn\'t understand why his family had become a zoo after he had only been away for a few months, and these carnivores were still in free range.

"Who can tell me what happened?!"

Just when he looked confused, an invisible servant seemed to notice something, rushed out of the house and circled around his creator.


Without thinking, Zhang Cheng issued an order, followed by inserting a finger into the other party\'s body and directly reading the memory stored inside.

After a while, his face showed an expression of sadness and laughter. He murmured to himself, "it\'s to choose combat pets? It seems that Elizabeth has really improved her ability during my absence. She can actually strengthen and control the goal of plural numbers."