All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 798

War is an act of collective and mutual violence. It is usually regarded as an extension of politics in the human world, an extreme act in order to compete for resources or certain interests.

However, most human beings do not know that when the environment changes, such as rising to the height of competing for the living space of race, it will undergo extremely incredible changes.

One of the most obvious is to stop thinking about the situation from a rational perspective, but to drag the enemies who destroy themselves together no matter what price they pay, even if they die together.

There is no doubt that the relationship between heaven and hell is like this, even more intense than any written description.

After all, whether angels or demons, their life expectancy is much higher than that of ordinary people, especially the high-level leaders who firmly occupy the dominant position. They will never forget the earth shaking war in ancient times and the painful losses they have received.

Although with the conclusion of the peace treaty, or the conclusion of the armistice agreement, the two sides ushered in a long time of peace, the small actions in private never stopped, and many conflicts almost led the results to the edge of full development.

So it\'s much easier to make heaven and hell fight again than many people think.

Less than two weeks later, Zhang Cheng received an intelligence, an intelligence sent back by the fear demon king who penetrated into the devil.

The content is also very simple. Not long ago, an angel with a number of more than 5000 invaded the boundary between heaven and hell. It not only slaughtered the demons in the two adjacent territories, but also stacked the bodies of the dead into a pyramid shape, with a bloody flag with a symbol of humiliation inserted at the top.

Even fools know that this behavior will irritate the demon high-level who is easy to get angry.

Not surprisingly, it will not be long before more demons cross the border, kill and kill in the sphere of influence of heaven, and make up for the loss with interest.

As for the next plot, it is natural for both sides to retaliate, and I will retaliate, gradually expanding the scale of the conflict until they can\'t bear to break out an all-out war.

But they will not know that in fact, it was not others who provoked the trouble, but those fear demons who were good at camouflage and deception.

"It seems that the plan is going well, isn\'t it?" Zhang Cheng raised his head and looked into Warren\'s eyes.

"Smooth?" the latter sneered and shook his head. "It\'s going well now because the high level of hell thinks that we are a newly rising force from the barren land. Like them, we are all demons. I promise that if they find out the true face of you and your men, they will quickly reach a truce agreement with heaven, and then turn around and launch a comprehensive attack. Maybe the angels will also participate. You\'re playing with fire. Maybe it will lead to disaster A fire to kill. "

"Then don\'t let the enemy find out. I believe you can do it." Zhang Cheng obviously didn\'t take the other party\'s warning to heart and shrugged his shoulders carelessly.

He will not tell the other party how much he has prepared for the war. There are more than hundreds of thermonuclear warheads of tens of millions of tons alone, which is enough to easily change the direction of a decisive battle. Even if the so-called demon kings end in person, the result will not change.

"Damn it! Are you trying to kill me alive?" Warren protested with dissatisfaction on his face.

But Zhang Cheng didn\'t care at all, and responded bluntly: "no, I\'m just asking you to do what you\'re best at. In addition, in order to try to avoid the exposure of our true intentions, I\'ll leave hell for a while and you\'ll be fully responsible for it."

"Leave? What if the devil sends someone to issue a call? You know, if heaven and hell really go to war, we can\'t stay away." Warren asked warily.

"Don\'t worry, my little pet will take care of everything for you," said Zhang Cheng, looking at the corner of the palace.

Without saying a word, Raines swung his whip on the spot and beat Nisa, who was wearing a collar around her neck and crawling on the ground like a dog.



With the crisp sound of the whip beating on the skin, the female devil immediately made a cry mixed with pain and happiness, which was enough to arouse the hormone secretion of all male creatures.

"Cheap bitch! Didn\'t you hear the master calling you!" the demon raised his goat like hoof and stepped on Nisa\'s head.

"Woof! Woof! Woof!"

The latter was obviously frightened and immediately barked like a dog. His eyes were full of fear and flattery.

It\'s not that she doesn\'t want to speak, but that she is deprived of the ability to speak and can only express herself with the dog barking that is extremely humiliating.

As a female demon lord, Nisa has never been so afraid of a human being.


In her eyes, the young man who looks harmless to humans and animals sitting in a chair can no longer be called human.

Because the other party is more insidious, cunning, vicious, cruel and cold than any known devil

To be exact, she felt that it was not too much to hang all the words that could be used to describe evil on each other\'s head.

"Ah, I seem to have forgotten to lift your curse."

After appreciating the barking of the dog for a while, Zhang Cheng pretended to be enlightened, followed by raising his hand and snapping his fingers.


Nisa felt that the power that enveloped her and tortured herself suddenly disappeared. The whole person suddenly jumped up from the ground, stuck to the wall behind her, and shouted madly, "no! Please let me go! I don\'t want to die! I can do anything for you!"

"Am I terrible?" Zhang Cheng blinked innocently.

"Of course! Master! I\'m fascinated by your evil and moody." Raines licked his tempting red lips.

Needless to ask, she knows that this is a disguised form of praise and flattery.

Unfortunately, Zhang Cheng was not interested in this at all. He stood up directly in front of the female devil, raised his hand and gently stroked each other\'s cheek. He comforted softly: "relax, don\'t be afraid, don\'t forget that we are close allies. As long as you do what I told you well, I guarantee that you can not only restore your previous position, but also get more."

"I... I can recover?" a glimmer of light flashed in Nisa\'s dim eyes.

"Yes! You should know that I am a generous person, especially for those who have made great contributions. I often don\'t hesitate to give generous rewards. But the question is, do you have the courage to deceive the whole hell?"

When he said these words, Zhang Cheng was close to the female devil\'s ear, and his voice was so low that almost only two parties could hear him.

"I can! As long as I can go back to the past, I am willing to be a complete traitor!"

"Very good! I look forward to your performance..."