All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 797

"Trust? What gives you the illusion that I trust him?"

Zhang Cheng smiled meaningfully and shook his head.

"No, the word trust has long been removed from my dictionary.

In my opinion, there are only three kinds of subordinates or allies, including you.

The first is that you have betrayed, the second is that you are planning to betray, and the third is that you don\'t want to betray for the time being, but you will choose to betray at some time in the future.

Trust and loyalty do not exist from the beginning. Only fools will believe that intelligent creatures with independent thinking ability will be willing to give everything to another intelligent creature.

In fact, all acts regarded as loyalty often have many little secrets behind them.

I never trust anyone, nor do I have any expectations for loyalty, because that\'s what fools do. Really smart people will choose to prevent betrayal through a variety of methods. "

"Since you don\'t trust him, why give him so much power?" Raines asked curiously, rather than trying to refute his evaluation.

Because as a demon, betrayal is as common to her as eating and drinking water.

Not only the demons, many demon races in the whole Burning Legion don\'t think betrayal is a bad thing.

On the contrary, they believe that betrayal is a way of internal competition with each other. It is benign and can make more capable and talented demons stand out.

In particular, the devil of fear is a professional master in this field. Although they can\'t kill their own kind, they can try their best to overturn their superiors and competitors and make themselves successful.

It can be said that the whole nasrezm ethnic society is composed of betrayal, lies, fraud and intimidation.

As the first forces incorporated by the dark Titan Sargeras, they naturally spread this idea to the whole burning legion, even after the more powerful ereda joined.

Zhang Cheng is undoubtedly very clear about what is going on in the minds of these guys who surrender to him on the surface, and casually explains: "Right is not a simple power. It must be attached to a certain social group, otherwise rights can not be called rights. If you think Warren has great rights, you might as well think about how he obtained the rights in his hands and how he wants to use them."

Raines is not a fool. To be exact, if she was a fool, she could not live in the cruel and vicious kind until now. She quickly showed an expression of Enlightenment: "Oh - I see! He is a human being, and the seemingly great power in his hands is completely given by you. Therefore, if he dares to betray a little, neither we nor those creatures also called demons will hesitate to tear them to pieces."

"That\'s right! The art of rule and power balance lies in never letting your subordinates get unrestricted rights, but placing those who seem to be the most threatening in the most hated positions. You should understand that once you lose the soil, even the lush trees will wither and die..."

"What a pity, I suddenly began to sympathize with him now." a gloating smile appeared on the demon\'s exquisite face.

"Well, this is the end of the discussion about Warren. You just need to know that he is not a threat, at least not yet. Come on, how is the investigation I asked you to investigate?" Zhang Cheng pushed away the other party\'s two uneasy hands.

"Sorry, master, I haven\'t got a clue so far. After all, the things you want to investigate are too old. Most demons here are no more than 500 years old, so it\'s difficult to find any useful information. If you don\'t mind, I can send someone deep into the hinterland and try to find some useful information from the old Demon Lord."

When it comes to business, Raines immediately put away his cynical appearance and reported his progress in the fastest and simplest language.

After such a long time together, she obviously knew her master\'s character very well and didn\'t dare to make any special moves at this moment. It didn\'t make any difference to seek death.

"Not at all?" Zhang Cheng subconsciously frowned.

"Really not. The only certainty is that in hell, demons always spread a poem that they don\'t know whether it is a story or a prophecy, which is very similar to what you\'re looking for." the demon quickly replied.

"Keep checking! At all costs! In addition, inform Pollack and ask him to restrain all members of the Legion, ensure absolute silence during this period, and don\'t go out to provoke or cause trouble." after that, Zhang Cheng waved his hand and signaled that his men could leave.

"As you wish, my great and evil master." Raines touched his chest with one hand and bowed deeply, completely ignoring the exposure of a large amount of spring light on his chest.

As the shadow and evil energy began to spread rapidly in this world, she was no longer the pure elite demon, but a real demon queen. Her powerful power was no worse than that of the tyrannical abyss Lord.

But I don\'t know why, as before, she prefers to use shady means to achieve her goals, and rarely exposes her real strength.

However, these have nothing to do with Zhang Cheng. After seeing the demon leave, he immediately took out a blood red diamond mark from his pocket and muttered to himself in a voice that only he could hear: "the tomb of the demon king in ancient times? I hope you don\'t disappoint me too much..."

There was no doubt that what he asked Raines to look for was nothing else, but the entrance to a tomb.

According to Warren\'s active statement, the other side of the duality of creative power, that is, the mystery of destructive power, is hidden in this tomb.

But the problem is that due to some unknown factors, it can not accurately predict the corresponding position, so it can only be found by the most primitive and inefficient methods.

Of course, Zhang Cheng privately thinks this is more like a bad excuse.

We should know that the relationship between the two people is to use and guard against each other from the beginning.

Although Warren deliberately placed himself in a weak position, no one knew what was going on in his mind. Even his spiritual powers could not penetrate the strange protection he blessed around his body for 24 hours.

There is no doubt that the old guy is not as weak as he said. On the contrary, in the field of mysticism, he is a really difficult opponent, holding a large amount of knowledge and energy that even Zhang Cheng doesn\'t know and can\'t understand.

Most importantly, so far, Warren\'s every prediction in the expansion process has been 100% successful.

Hundreds of demons as like as two peas in their actions and choices, are just like playing the game of instant strategy, cheating directly, and canceling the war fog of the whole map.