All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 796

What is the most important thing for a legion?

Some people think it is quantity. After all, there are many people and great strength. Sometimes, the scale will bring unimaginable huge strategic advantages.

Others think it is weapons and equipment, because a group of guys with wooden sticks can hardly beat opponents with sharp swords.

However, those who know a little about military affairs know that although these two points have certain reasons, they are not decisive factors.

The root that really determines whether a legion is strong or not lies in the middle and lower level officers who are responsible for transmitting the intention of the top commander to the soldiers. As long as they are not scattered, no matter how much damage the Legion has suffered, they can recover in a very short time.

Soldiers, to put it bluntly, are a resource, a renewable consumable.

If the army is compared to a man, the soldier is skin and muscle, the middle and lower officers are bone and nerve conduction system, logistics is blood, the upper officers are brain, and the scouts are eyes and ears.

Generally speaking, the skin and muscles are damaged. As long as they are not too serious, they can basically recover with the self-healing ability of the human body.

But if there is a problem with the bone and nerve conduction system, the person will become completely disabled even if he survives.

As for the most important brain, once destroyed, the whole Legion will almost be finished. Even if it is completely wiped out by the enemy, it is not surprising.

Although in a strict sense, Zhang Cheng is not a qualified Legion commander, he understands the importance of organizational structure and system, so he chose to conquer and destroy the burning legion of countless worlds to launch a war sweeping the whole hell and heaven.

After all, they are not only powerful, but also very experienced. Even the lowest soldiers have participated in at least ten large-scale battles.

Of course, the only drawback is that these guys are a little rebellious, especially the fear demon king always likes one behind the other. Who knows when he will unite to launch a rebellion.

You should know that Zhang Cheng is not Sargeras. He has unparalleled power. Even the two deputies of the Legion, the fraudster Kil\'jaeden and the polluter Archimonde, cannot challenge the absolute rule of the dark Titan.

Fortunately, he now has another force to restrict, that is Warren.

I believe this old man, even for himself, will carefully monitor the small movements of the fear demon kings in private, otherwise he will be the first to die in case of rebellion.


After consuming more than 40 million souls, a whole million demons of the Burning Legion finally completely occupied Vera city and began to build a war machine in an orderly manner with limited resources. At the same time, they did not forget to send a team of 10000 people to launch a tentative attack on the surrounding areas.

In just a week or so, those less powerful territories fell one after another. At the same time, a large number of prisoners were incorporated as servants and cannon fodder to launch a new round of attacks.

Under the strategic guiding ideology of the Burning Legion for many years of fighting to support the war and disintegrate the enemy from within, it has rapidly developed and expanded in a snowball way.

The abyss Lord and ereda are responsible for the frontal attack, while nasrezm\'s fear demon king sneaks into the enemy to create chaos and suspicion with the help of his inherent camouflage ability.

It was not long before they conquered and occupied another important city in the west, clydes Campbell.

Its fall meant that the easternmost part of hell was completely under the control of the Legion.

Since then, this land of more than 10000 square kilometers and tens of millions of demons living on the land have become the capital for launching the next stage of attack.

However, before that, we still need to stop and do some minor repairs, especially integrate resources, expand the number of legions, and transform more hell demons into killing machines without thinking ability.

Standing on the top floor of the minaret palace in the city of clydes Campbell, Zhang Cheng stood in front of the window and enjoyed the scene of slave workers building all kinds of weapons in full swing outside. Without looking back, he asked, "what do you think the odds are that I will win the next battle now?"

"No more than 40%. You have to understand that our opponents have felt the threat and built a huge alliance secretly. What you have to deal with next is not the scattered soldiers, but the truly formed hell Legion." Warren gave his prediction directly.

"Forty percent? Are those selfish demon lords so powerful?" Zhang Cheng turned around and expressed strong doubts in his tone.

Warren shook his head and explained: "No! You pressed too hard, which made them have a strong sense of crisis, so they gave up their gratitude and resentment for the time being. I promise that if you can restrain a little, the alliance will collapse from the inside in a short time. In addition, you\'d better be careful from now on. I\'m sure those high demon kings must have noticed the movement here."

"Demon king? Since the war in ancient times, is there anyone in hell who deserves to be called the demon king?" Zhang Cheng smiled disdainfully.

"Don\'t despise hell! Despise the demons bred in this land! They are much more dangerous than you think," Warren warned solemnly.

Zhang Cheng raised a finger and shook it gently: "No, you don\'t understand what I want to say. I never said that hell demons are not dangerous. I mean that thousands of years of peace has made heaven, hell and the world extremely dull. They forget that peace is always short, in order to meet the arrival of the next more cruel war. What\'s more, this is not a real peace at all, just an armistice agreement It is suggested that only a little friction and hatred can easily rekindle the war. "

"Damn it! You don\'t want to..." Warren stared with horror.

"That\'s right! If our actions have attracted the attention of the high-level forces of hell, why not expand the scope of the war and bring in the angels who boast of goodness and justice in heaven? I believe they will not mind and take this opportunity to give a heavy blow to the chaotic hell. I\'m curious that if there is a war between heaven and hell, the so-called demon kings still have the energy to pay attention We\'re not. "

After saying this, Zhang Cheng raised his mouth and showed a sinister sneer.

The enemy of the enemy is a friend. This sentence will never be out of date.

Moreover, there is still an trump card in his hand, that is, tens of thousands of dragon armies.

These very fast-growing little guys have already grown to a frightening point. Once they join the war, they will immediately cause an indelible shadow on the enemy\'s heart.

"I see! I\'ll tell the fear lords to make some trouble at the boundary between hell and heaven." Warren leaned slightly with one hand on his chest, then turned and disappeared at the end of the dark corridor.

Less than a minute after his front foot left, Reines, the demon of the back foot, lifted his invisibility, put his arms around Zhang Cheng\'s neck from behind, and asked in a tempting voice, "great evil master, are you sure this guy is trustworthy?"