All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 793

The barren land, the eastern end of the whole hell world, the barren land near the highly toxic swamp, is full of desert and almost harsh ecological environment.

Even for demons with strong adaptability, it is full of danger. Even if they stay in the wild for more than ten or twenty minutes, they may be attacked by predators and dragged into a dark corner to eat them.

After all, hell is not a safe and stable place. In addition to demons, there are many powerful and terrible monsters. Some particularly powerful individuals can even compare with the demon kings at the top of power.

In particular, the barren land originally belongs to the junction of civilization and wilderness. Therefore, although the area is very large, the number of demons is very small. Together, I don\'t know if there are three million. There is only one decent City, Vera, which is known as the city of giants.

It is said that the city was built by Leviathan, the demon king who ruled the highly toxic swamp, but later died in the war in ancient times. Therefore, the rulers have been constantly changing, but one thing has never changed. All the owners of the city are 100% the most powerful demon lords in the whole barren land.

In fact, as early as 300 years ago, a swamp half demon with the shape of snake creatures successfully conquered Vera with unparalleled power, and forced all the surrounding lords to pay tribute to him, becoming the supreme king of the desolate land.

But three hundred years later, the body of this unlucky guy has been hung in front of the palace in the center of the city and has become an ornament to show the power of the new master.

The new ruler was no one else, but led the army to fight for several months, and finally completed the unification of the female demon lord Nisa in the desolate land.

She was sitting on a chair piled with skeletons, looking down at the neat legions arranged outside the window, and her face showed undisguised pride and pride.

Because compared with the situation that there were only two or three kittens on the first expedition, at present, the Legion has grown to more than 200000 people, and almost all the defeated demon Lords have become pure killing machines under the transformation of evil energy, and no longer have the ability to think independently.

Perhaps in the eyes of many people, this is a huge defect. After all, having no thinking ability means that there is no subjective judgment and only rigid execution of the orders issued above.

But in the hell where betrayal is more frequent than eating and drinking water, it is a good thing to have no thinking ability. At least there will be no small moves deliberately and secretly made by his subordinates in order to realize their ambitions, which eventually led to the defeat and death of the Lord.

Of course, in order to meet her vanity and ruling needs, Nisa still retains some high-level demons who are good at flattering and good-looking as subordinates.

Enjoying the servant\'s careful massage, she suddenly opened her mouth and asked the men standing aside: "Bross! Have my neighbors not taken any rash actions recently?"

"No! The supreme queen of the barren land! In front of your powerful power, all the Lords around are shivering in their castle. It\'s lucky that you didn\'t call the door. How dare you find your way to death?" a tall male demon took the initiative to stand up, bent down and bowed deeply.

"That\'s right! Your army is fearless! Invincible!" another flatterer quickly stood up and echoed loudly.

Chastity is a thing that doesn\'t exist for demons. As long as they can please their superiors and gain trust, they can gush all kinds of praise without weight from their mouths, curse each other to die in their hearts, so as to give themselves a chance to climb up.

Nisa undoubtedly knew this very well, so she didn\'t hand over the command of the army to anyone from the beginning to the end, even if she was unable to command such a huge army.

After all, she is not the kind of Lord who climbs up bit by bit with her own strength, but a freak forced by external forces. She alone is not enough to subdue the ambitious in this huge and barren land.

If you lose your absolute control of the Legion, it\'s not far from death.

According to the statistics of intelligence traffickers, more than 60% of all dead lords in hell have been betrayed, and nearly two-thirds of them have failed to control their legions.

As a smart and cautious female devil, nisako doesn\'t want to repeat the mistakes of her predecessors.

Just when she wanted to continue to say something, a silver gray amulet hanging around her neck began to shine for some reason, followed by floating, forming a stable transmission channel in mid air.

Next second

Two humans appeared in the center of the luxurious palace. One of them was Zhang Cheng himself, and the other was Warren, who had just been resurrected.

I have to say that their sudden appearance stunned the demons in the whole palace.

Because in the eyes of most demons, human beings are a weak creature. The only value is to die quickly and provide high-quality souls for themselves.

But now, two people who don\'t know how to live and die broke into hell and the devil\'s hometown. It\'s just naked provocation and humiliation.


The first high-level devil reacted, suddenly opened his wings and launched a charge, trying to pull two seemingly fragile ordinary people to the ground and torture them.

But before he approached, Zhang Cheng opened his five fingers and made a squeeze.


No accidents!

The poor fool suddenly seemed to be squeezed by the external force of terror and burst open. Blood, broken meat and broken bones splashed everywhere, just like raindrops falling from the sky.

Suddenly the rest of the guys who were ready to move were scared to stay where they were and didn\'t dare to move.

"Hum! A bunch of rubbish!" Zhang Cheng expressed his indifference to these demons.

As he said, the reason why these high-level demons are still alive is mainly because their strength is too poor and they are not qualified to be transformed, and those who are qualified have long become mindless combat puppets.

Seeing this, Nisa immediately frowned and protested, "please pay attention to your attitude! This is my place! You should maintain the least respect for me!"

"Respect? Hehe, you seem to have forgotten your position and who gave you the command of the Legion, don\'t you?" said Zhang Cheng. Step by step, he went to the seat stacked with skeletons and grabbed the female devil like a chicken.

Although Nisa has been trying to give orders to the demon guards who have been transformed by evil energy, it is a pity that the demon guards who were 100% obedient didn\'t even respond at all and completely ignored the orders.

At this moment, she finally realized that the powerful Legion outside did not belong to her, but only gained the command