All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 794

Hell, from the moment of its birth, is a place that advocates the law of the jungle.

There is neither the public opinion and moral constraints like taking off your pants and farting in human society, nor the hypocritical kindness. There are only the infinite desire for power and the most primitive instinct of life - selfishness.


In order to ensure that they can live better and get more resources, selfishness is the most primitive and basic appearance of life.

As for the later ethical and moral systems developed by human society, they are in order to maintain a kind of social stability and enable more people to gather together to engage in production, labor and creation, which belongs to an out and out anti biological instinct.

Therefore, for a long time, the history of human development is a struggle between instinct and anti instinct. Even in the modern society of comprehensive anti violence, this struggle still exists, and will continue for a long time with the development of science and technology.

Interestingly, hell demons do not have a self-restraint system such as ethics and morality in the process of gathering together like humans.

On the contrary, they magnified the most instinctive side of creatures, extended greed, jealousy, lust, selfishness, arrogance, rage, laziness and other emotions infinitely, and created a civilization system completely different from human beings.

In this system, the only binding thing is power and power.

The strong have inherent rights in hell. Even if they do not have demon blood, the demons will still surrender to powerful forces, even though this surrender is to replace them one day.

But it is undeniable that it is precisely this point that gives Zhang Cheng\'s conquest plan a foundation that can be implemented.

Otherwise, if all demons unite to fight against the invasion of foreign enemies, he will never have the whimsical idea of conquering hell, because the investment is not directly proportional to the return. What\'s the use of a hell without demons?


Half an hour later, in the huge palace complex in the center of Vera City, Zhang Cheng sat on the throne piled up by countless skulls like a king, watching thousands of high-level demons kneeling on the ground, with a playful expression on his face: "how do you think those of them are trustworthy and those will choose to betray in the future war?"

"Trust? Are you kidding? These guys are demons! One second they can talk and laugh with you, and the next they can dig out your heart, pull out your soul and burn it in the fire for a hundred years, just for the demons who hear your pain, despair and scream." Warren exaggerated his hand.

As a person who has just come back from the dead, he doesn\'t seem to show even a little discomfort, but full of a black sense of humor.

Even after returning to modern society, the first thing the old guy did was to enter the nightclub, talk and laugh with those beautiful women dressed in sexy and cool clothes, and finally fought a fierce "field battle" in the dark alley.

"I think you should know what is psychological activity and what is practical action. Pick out the latter for me, otherwise..."

Speaking of this, Zhang Cheng deliberately paused, revealing a naked warning in his eyes.

Warren noticed this and sighed immediately, "well, well, well, you has the final say."

He took out two simple and rough gold coins from his pocket and gently threw them into the air.


The two gold coins seemed to come alive, skimming over the heads of thousands of high-level demons, and then left black and white lights on their heads. In just a few seconds, all the demons in the whole palace were given one of the colors.

Just when they didn\'t know what the use of this thing was, Zhang Cheng, who was always sitting in his chair, suddenly raised his artifact to the highest power.

Next second

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

All the unlucky eggs with black light on their heads were blown open on the spot. They didn\'t even have the chance to scream. They had become plasma and meat of different sizes.

Two thirds of the demons in the palace disappeared and were replaced by the pungent smell of blood in the air.

As for those who survived the disaster, they pressed their heads lower and trembled slightly all over, obviously frightened by this extreme coldness and cruelty.

They still can\'t believe that a human can have more pure "evil" than a demon.

After all this, Zhang Chengcai kicked away Nisa, who was lying on the ground like a bitch licking her boots, stood up and said to the rest of the demons, "you know? I originally planned to clean up all your useless garbage, but considering that ruling is a more annoying thing, I decided to give you another chance, a chance to prove myself."

"I... how do we prove it?" a female demon with pale yellow pupils raised her head and asked carefully.

Although her body was stained with a large amount of similar flesh and blood, which made her feel very uncomfortable, she dared not move and still maintained the most humble attitude.

"It\'s easy! Drink the magic blood, abandon the past and become a member of the Legion." Zhang Cheng raised his supreme power again and tapped the ground.

In the blink of an eye, a round wellhead with a diameter of more than two meters and a depth of half a meter rose from the ground, which was filled with the blood of the abyss Lord containing powerful energy.

This blood is different from the diluted blood that Draenor people drank at the beginning. It is the purest blood of the abyss Lord without any buffer. Its tyrannical characteristics are enough to tear the bodies of most creatures in just a few seconds.

Obviously, these poor guys have once again become experimental objects to test the maximum carrying capacity of the helldemon race body.

If they can bear the blood of the most violent abyss lords, it means that they have very high growth potential and can play an important role in the future war.

If not, it will prove that they are not worth wasting too much time and energy. Just play the role of cannon fodder.

"Demon blood?!" the female devil felt the terrible evil energy from the wellhead, subconsciously climbed forward and stared at the dazzling green liquid.

"That\'s right! What are you waiting for? Drink it quickly! As long as you can bear this tyranny, you can get unimaginable power from it." Zhang Cheng urged impatiently.

"But... But what if I can\'t bear it?" there was a tremor in the female devil\'s voice.

"Then you will die! Your body and soul will be torn apart by evil energy! Devour! Remember! Garbage has no value in my eyes!"

After that, Zhang Cheng picked up the wine cup made of unknown creature skulls placed on the table, scooped a full cup from the water and handed it to the other party.