All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 792

It is 20 cm long, 10 cm wide and about 0.5 mm thick. The edge looks a little yellow due to the baptism of time. The texture is also very soft. There is nothing strange, and there is no sign of magic energy fluctuation.

To tell the truth, it is the first time that Zhang Cheng has carefully observed this gadget that came to the magical earth with him.

You know, when he woke up, he didn\'t even have a piece of cloth to cover the key parts except this parchment scroll.

not eye-catching!

you \'re right!

It\'s just inconspicuous!

Zhang Cheng even ignored the existence of this little piece of paper for a long time.

But now, a guy suddenly told him that this thing is actually as old as the creator, and even much older than the woman claiming to be the creator. It\'s really a little unacceptable.

"Don\'t doubt! If you look carefully, don\'t you think its existence is a miracle? It has no energy and nothing strange, but it can transmit information across time and space. I don\'t know whether you have tried or not, no method can destroy this fragile paper. To be exact, after each destruction, it will recover in just a few seconds."

In order to gain trust, Warren threw another heavy message.

Needless to ask, he must have made a similar attempt when he held a parchment scroll before.

Such information that can be confirmed with a little finger movement can obviously not be a lie, at least not from a smart man\'s mouth.

So Zhang Cheng believed it without even trying. At the same time, he didn\'t forget to continue to ask, "how much do you know about this parchment scroll?"

"Not much! I only know that all the people selected by the scroll, including the creator, can transmit information, even goods and power through it within a certain range. But one thing to note is that it will only recognize that one of them is its own master within a certain period of time. Close your eyes and put your consciousness into it, and soon you will find some non-human beings Often interesting phenomenon...... "

After that, Warren stretched out his right hand and made a gesture of invitation, with an undisguised playfulness in his eyes.

"Consciousness?" when Zhang Cheng heard the word, he suddenly sounded the alarm.

We should know that consciousness, especially subjective consciousness, belongs to a part of the soul to some extent, or a perceptual extension.

If the subjective consciousness is violently attacked, although it will not leave irreparable damage, it will be in a weak period for a long time, and even fall into a deep sleep for several years or even decades.

"Relax, I\'m still waiting for you to resurrect. How can I make small moves at this time." Warren blinked innocently.

"Really..." Zhang Cheng smiled noncommittally and began to carefully put part of his consciousness into the parchment scroll.


Somehow, the whole parchment suddenly appeared golden lines, and these lines quickly constructed a complex pattern like a mark.

After a while, all 15 dazzling light spots on the scroll were lit up, of which 13 colors were relatively dim, but the first and last were particularly bright, which made people a little unable to open their eyes.

"What is this?" Zhang Cheng asked subconsciously with a frown.

Warren replied without thinking: "I don\'t know! Personally, I think these light spots should represent us. The first is the woman who calls herself the creator. She obviously knows more about the scroll than everyone else, and the last is you, the current holder of the scroll. In fact, this piece of paper hides more secrets than you think, but the form in which it stores information is so complex that Neither you nor I can understand the meaning. But unlike our sister, she has enough time to slowly solve the mystery. Maybe that\'s why she is so powerful. "

"So... You have your own plan, not really stand by her side?" Zhang Cheng noticed the hint in the other party\'s subtext and tilted his mouth slightly.

"On her side? No! I\'m not stupid enough. Like you, I live only for myself and to unlock the great secrets behind. As mentioned earlier, we are natural allies rather than enemies." Warren once again stressed the relationship between the two people.

But this reason is obviously not enough to convince the suspicious Zhang Cheng.

He narrowed his eyes and thought for a few seconds. He immediately asked, "I don\'t understand. Since you live for yourself, why do you have to open the seal when you know that the end is death? Isn\'t it good for her to keep the seal forever?"

"Ha ha! Do you think I had a choice?" Warren couldn\'t help laughing. "No! I have no choice at all! Because I foresee the future and all the possibilities. Guess what? In these tens of millions of possibilities, every destination is death. And I chose the only one who can die and rise again."

"All possibilities lead to death?" Zhang Cheng raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Yes! You can understand that I have entered a dead end of fate. After all, I am not as powerful as you in terms of strength. Even in the face of danger, I can easily crush the enemy. Generally speaking, I avoid risks as much as possible, make all preparations carefully, and try my best to avoid powerful enemies. You may not believe that in my decades of life, I have He didn\'t fight in any real sense, but used others to achieve his goal by relying on a variety of poisons, mechanisms and magic props, "Warren explained helplessly.

"I see. It seems that you are a rare smart man. Now, let\'s talk about the conditions," said Zhang Cheng, taking out a small bottle of blood from Camilla de Silva belasquez from his pocket.

"Conditions? Haven\'t we just agreed? You revive me and I\'ll tell you all the secrets you know." Warren asked with a look on his face.

Zhang Cheng smiled and shook his head: "no, that\'s just your offer. I didn\'t promise."

"What else do you want from me?"

"I want you to leave the world and go to hell to take charge of a great conquest plan. Anyway, your ability is a little uneasy, so I want to make sure you are always within my monitoring range. How about this condition? Isn\'t it too difficult to accept?"

"Conquer hell?!" Warren\'s pupils suddenly contracted.

"Yes, conquer hell. I believe it\'s not too difficult to conquer hell first and then heaven with your ability and with my demon army."

Although Zhang Cheng used a deliberative tone, the cold light in his eyes was not like discussing with each other at all, but issuing a strong warning, either promising to survive or refusing to die