All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 791

"Incredible! No wonder you can accurately predict what will happen in the future. In this way, I seem to have no reason to revive you, don\'t I?" the flickering and dangerous light in Zhang Cheng\'s eyes.

Obviously, according to the explanation just now, the so-called power of destiny can be summarized into two words - omniscience, rather than simply peeping into the future.

It\'s a nightmare to keep a guy who can predict what you\'re going to do next at such a moment.

Undoubtedly aware of this undisguised killing intention, Warren smiled and shook his head calmly: "no, my friend, I\'m not as omniscient as you think.

In fact, this ability has brought me a considerable burden, so that I must weaken it in some ways, or I will go completely crazy in a short time.

And only when I focus on a certain point in time can I accurately predict all the possibilities that will happen next, not that I will always passively accept this information.

At the same time, the longer the time span, the less information I can receive and the lower the success rate of prediction.

You don\'t have to be so wary of me. I don\'t pose any threat to you on the power level.

Most importantly, as long as you revive me, I will tell you another use of the power you awaken. "

"Another usage?" Zhang Cheng showed an interested expression on his face, but he didn\'t believe every word the other person said.

As a saying goes, trust is a virtue, but doubt can keep you away from the risk of betrayal.

He doesn\'t think cheating and lying is a difficult thing for a person who wants to live again.

On the contrary, most people do not hesitate to feed their conscience to the dog in order to keep themselves alive, not to mention telling a few lies.

"That\'s right! Another way to use it." Warren held out two fingers. "As we all know, everything has duality. They are like a pair of twins who will never be separated. One is always accompanied by the other. For example, good and evil, order and chaos, life and death. Similarly, creation and destruction are the same. Think about it. When you turn your power of creating everything over to destroy something, the result will be the same What a spectacular scene? Believe me, you haven\'t found your real potential yet... "

"You seem to know a lot of secrets, don\'t you?" Zhang chengruo stared at each other thoughtfully.

"Ah! Yes! I know a lot of secrets, even how messengers like you and me were born. You know? The extraordinary power we show does not actually come from the gift of the woman who claims to be the creator, but something more interesting and closer to the essence," Warren explained meaningfully.

"One last question! Do you know who the woman who calls herself the creator is? If all the seals are opened, what will she do to us so-called" messengers "and" children "

There is no doubt that the reason why Zhang Cheng raised such a sharp question is mainly to test the guy\'s attitude and position in front of him.

After all, Warren\'s abilities and actions are too mysterious.

First of all, he was the first messenger to open the seal, and also the only one who chose to marry and reproduce.

We should know that human beings, after suddenly changing to a completely strange environment, often have strong uneasiness. In addition, they need to face the pressure of survival, and they almost don\'t choose to take reproduction into account.

The reason is very simple. They have no ability to ensure the safety of themselves and future generations, let alone expose their weaknesses to the enemy.

Secondly, as a person who can foresee the future and his own death, why did he not choose to escape, but use his own sacrifice to break the first seal?

Is it true that he is loyal to the creator?

Or is there some hidden secret behind it?

Finally, and most importantly, is that strange prediction true or false?

With countless doubts, Zhang Cheng felt that he should give the other party a chance to prove that he had the value of being resurrected.

Warren seemed to understand this, put away all the expressions and actions that might cause unnecessary misunderstanding, and solemnly replied: "in general, most of the contents given by the creator are true. She did create the gods and most of the life on this planet, and only concealed one thing."

"Oh? Which one?"

"Of course, it\'s about that she is the first awakened consciousness on earth! According to my investigation, she is in fact an outsider like you and me. The only difference is that she is much earlier than us and has hundreds of millions of years to exercise her ability. Therefore, rather than saying that she is our mother, she makes our sister, and we are not created by her But was summoned by another force. "

"Sister? A hundred million year old sister?" Zhang Cheng raised his eyebrows and showed a smiling expression.

"Why, is it strange? Don\'t forget, if you and I had hundreds of millions of years to develop their potential, would they be worse than her?" Warren asked with a sneer.

Zhang Cheng frowned and pondered for a moment, and immediately shook his head: "no, I don\'t mean that. I mean, if she is also an outsider like us, how can you explain where the magic power that is far beyond ordinary people\'s understanding and doesn\'t even belong to the ordinary sense comes from?"

"That\'s a good question! In fact, as early as the awakening of power, I made a very in-depth pry, trying to find the answers hidden behind complicated clues. Unfortunately, the age when she was born is too far away for me to touch. But interestingly, in addition to her, I also found something that can be similar to her The time of existence is comparable. Guess what this thing is? "

While saying this, Warren\'s eyes twinkled with an abnormal light, and he didn\'t know what he was thinking.

"Please don\'t beat around the Bush! Give me the answer directly!" Zhang Cheng urged impatiently.

Warren smiled and shrugged his shoulders: "OK. The answer is the parchment scroll. How, isn\'t it a surprise? If according to her, this parchment scroll is a magic prop created to summon us and keep in touch with us, why is it as old as herself? This is somewhat contradictory to her saying that she started to prepare for revenge after she was betrayed by the gods. My push Yes, that parchment scroll is the root of all these incredible things. It calls the creator and then calls us after the creator is sealed. "

"Parchment scroll..."

Zhang Cheng seemed to suddenly understand something. He quickly took out the parchment scroll he carried with him and stood still.