All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 790

No hesitation!

Zhang Cheng went directly through the entrance to the center of a huge temple, surrounded by huge stone statues more than ten meters high, and he could smell the peculiar smell of sea water.

To be exact, the temple is built in the depths of the sea. Through the faint light provided by the strange crystal embedded in the top of the head, you can see the ocean current constantly following the tide and all kinds of fish in the water.

Of course, none of the above is the most important.

The most important thing is that in the place where the first half of the temple is saturated with sea water, there is a huge octopus that can not be described in words, which is more than ten times larger than the king squid he has met on the seabed before. The strong tentacles alone can easily break any wooden ship.

Beihai giant demon!

The name popped up in Zhang Cheng\'s mind.

Obviously, this thing is the guard left by the Nordic gods to protect the seal.

But in that battle a long time ago, it died with Warren.

However, due to some immortality, the body did not decay and deteriorate with the passage of time, but remained intact.

Not far behind the giant demon in the North Sea, there is also a human body. If nothing happens, it should be Warren, the creator of the demon sword soul arrest messenger.

He has short gray hair. He looks about 50 years old. He has three-dimensional facial features typical of European and American whites. He is not handsome, but he is not ugly.

As for the seal made of unknown materials, it has long been damaged so that it can\'t see the original appearance, leaving only a deep pit.

Out of curiosity about mythical creatures, Zhang Cheng quickly bent down to check the remains of the Beihai giant demon, and soon found that it was outrageous to play magic resistance.

Whether it\'s elemental magic with great lethality or various necromancer spells, it can only produce less than 10% of the original spells at most.

Moreover, this guy also has the characteristic of speeding regeneration. No matter what degree he is destroyed, he often recovers in the next ten seconds to a few minutes, which is completely a caster\'s nightmare.

In addition, the magic energy contained in the residual blood of the Banshee in the North Sea is far beyond anyone\'s imagination. It must have a very terrible spell like ability before death.

I don\'t know how Warren killed each other.

After checking the sticky and slippery body, Zhang Cheng quickly turned his attention to another body.

Of course, it\'s a little inaccurate to say the body.

Because after a simple examination, he found that Warren did not die in a strict sense, but just entered a state of shock or dormancy for a long time.

Especially as the most important soul of intelligent life, it has been well sealed in the body and sleeping.

It\'s not hard to see that Warren suffered terrible injuries after the battle, so that he knew he couldn\'t last too long. He had to choose this unreliable method in exchange for a chance of resurrection.

"Should I praise you for your strong desire to survive? Or should I sigh for your accurate prediction of the future? But it doesn\'t matter. Anyway, I can get a lot of useful information even if I don\'t need to revive you." Zhang Cheng raised his silver shining finger and gently touched the forehead of the corpse.


A soul as like as two peas Warren had emerged from the body.

He looked around and asked in ancient Spanish, "who are you? What year is it now?"

"It\'s 2004. I believe you should know who I am, don\'t you?" Zhang Cheng winked meaningfully.

"Are you the 14th messenger chosen by the creator? In 2004?! have I slept so long?" Warren stared in surprise.

"Otherwise, what do you think? Now tell me everything you know. In exchange, we can consider letting you live again." Zhang Cheng, as always, made conditions and tried to use each other\'s weaknesses to achieve his goal.

But it was a pity that Warren was obviously not easy to deal with, and immediately smiled and shook his head: "No, resurrect me first, and then I\'ll tell you everything. Maybe you won\'t believe it. In fact, I know you better than you, including your wisdom, coldness, cruelty, madness, and the ambition that even the gods should feel fear and wonder. In addition, don\'t think about getting the answer through long-term torture or directly invading the soul. As long as you do so, I will choose Death for liberation. "

"Oh? It seems that your ability to foresee the future is true!" Zhang Cheng raised his eyebrows in surprise.

As the other party said, just now it was just a test, and I didn\'t intend to fulfill my promise at all.

If Warren is really stupid enough to say everything he knows directly, the outcome waiting for him will be worse than death.

Because Zhang Cheng has never been a kind person. He is very wary of everything. He even has the worst plan to be the enemy of the whole world. He will never let a person who knows his secret run around easily.

"Ha ha! Yes! My ability to predict the future is much stronger than you think. I even foresee your future. How about working together? As a natural ally, I don\'t think it\'s necessary for us to be hostile to each other. After all, I don\'t have ambition to surpass everything like you. In fact, I\'m easy to be satisfied as long as I can be immortal "You can live forever." Warren laughed and extended his arms in a welcoming gesture.

Zhang Cheng felt his chin and obviously hesitated, but after two or three minutes, he nodded gently: "yes! But before that, you must explain what the so-called power of destiny is? And is the woman who calls herself the creator really the origin of all life on this planet?"

"Ah! A good question! In fact, the so-called fate is essentially a change and connection between time and space. You can understand that at a certain time node, all substances in a region, including life, have the possibility." Warren slightly raised his mouth and explained.


"Yes! Possibilities! For example. Just like now we are standing here, how many possibilities do you think will happen?"

As he said these words, a playful expression appeared on Warren\'s face.

"The answer is 145000 kinds! Hundreds of them are you who killed me, and more than a dozen are me who killed you, or the Beihai giant demon suddenly resurrected and finally killed us both.

Don\'t think this is a joke. The so-called possibility is that no matter how likely it is, things will be counted in it.

But of these countless possibilities, only one or several will occur in the next stage of time flow, and all the rest will disappear.

My destiny can foresee these and try to intervene and change.

My friend, the future is never immutable. My ability is to monitor its development all the time... "