All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 789

The Scandinavian mountains, the longest and highest mountain group in Norway, start from the Barents Sea in the north, the Norwegian Sea in the west, the skagrak Strait in the South and the Baltic coastal plain in the East. It is more than 1700 kilometers long and 200 to 600 meters wide, with an average altitude of 1000 meters. It runs through the whole peninsula.

This is the birthplace of Vikings who once hanged and attacked the whole of Europe, and it is also the starting point of Nordic mythology.

Since Norway has been sparsely populated in both history and modern times, and two-thirds of its land area belongs to areas unsuitable for human habitation, such as plateaus, mountains and glaciers, countless legends and secrets are hidden in the depths of those inaccessible mountains.

At the moment, Zhang Cheng stood at the top of galhe peak, overlooking the vast white scenery around him, and then asked without looking back: "are you sure this is one of the three marks on the map?"

"Yes, sir. Although I don\'t know where you got this ancient parchment map or whether it is a treasure map left by pirates, it\'s absolutely right that this is the first mark." a middle-aged uncle over one meter nine gave a positive answer without thinking.

Although he didn\'t think he could find anything valuable by relying on a rough and fuzzy map, he took the job of a guide that needed to take some risks for the sake of a generous reward of 50000 euros.

You know, 50000 Euros can be exchanged for almost 500000 kroner, which is equivalent to the total income of ordinary Norwegians who don\'t eat or drink a year. Moreover, it only takes a few days to work. It\'s a real windfall.

"What about the other two marking points? Where are their approximate positions?" Zhang Cheng asked, taking and picking up the ancient parchment fixed in the glass photo frame and comparing it with the modern map.

To tell the truth, he really didn\'t see the slightest similarity between the two.

The middle-aged uncle hesitated for a moment and quickly pointed to the mountains about 3000 meters away from the north and South: "if there is no accident, it should be these two places. You see, according to the description of the sun on the map, only when the sun sets from the west can the shadows of the three peaks coincide at a certain point below."

"Triangulation?! I see..."

After glancing at the positions of the other two peaks, Zhang Cheng quickly showed an expression of enlightenment.

Taking advantage of the fact that the mountain peak will not move and the shadow generated when the sun rises and sets to hide the entrance, the seal set by the Nordic gods is actually in such an insignificant place.

you \'re right!

He came here to find the first seal that had been broken and pay a visit to the remains of the "elder".

"Damn it! The treasure of pirates is not really buried here?" the uncle\'s eyes showed excitement and expectation.

As the earliest birthplace of pirate culture, Norway, Sweden and Denmark have always had many folk stories and legends, and even occasionally dug up some ancient precious metal coins and cultural relics, which are the property left by Viking pirates.

"Treasure? If you mean gold, silver and jewelry, I\'m sure I don\'t. But to some extent, it\'s really a huge treasure, but it\'s useless to you."

After that, Zhang Cheng looked up at the position of the sun, sat down on the snow and waited patiently for the changing shadow of the three peaks at the foot of the mountain.

"Well, it seems that I think too much."

Hearing that it was not gold and silver jewelry, the middle-aged uncle immediately lost interest in the exploration. He took out the stainless steel wine pot he carried in his arms, unscrewed the lid, raised his head and took a big sip.

Although the northern hemisphere has almost officially entered summer, it still maintains a low temperature of minus 10 degrees Celsius on the peak at an altitude of more than 2000 meters, and drinking spirits can be greatly alleviated.

They sat there for four and a half hours, and the shadows of the three peaks finally merged on a cliff.

Through the telescope, we can vaguely see that there is a small cave entrance at the coincidence point.

But interestingly, it is close to the west, and below is the endless Norwegian Sea.

Under normal circumstances, it is almost impossible for human beings to climb even with the help of mountaineering tools.

Seeing this, uncle subconsciously stood up and exclaimed, "my God! A cave on a cliff! Unbelievable! No one has found it for so many years!"

"It seems that I\'m lucky!" Zhang Cheng patted the snow on his ass and ran in the direction of the cave without saying a word.

But before he could run far, the guide uncle couldn\'t help shouting, "are you crazy? There are cliffs! And you don\'t carry any climbing tools and safety ropes! If you accidentally fall, you will fall into meat cakes!"

Zhang Cheng shrugged his shoulders carelessly: "don\'t worry, I\'m not as vulnerable as you think. In addition, thank you for guiding me. Even if the employment relationship between us is over here, you can go back."

After saying this, he ignored each other and climbed slowly down the raised shale layer on the side of the cliff.

In fact, if there were no outsiders present, he would have used flying or teleportation spells. Where would he need so much trouble.

Unfortunately, the guide uncle was very responsible. He stood by and watched him climb into the hole. Then he turned back with his bag on his back.

Looking at each other\'s fading back, Zhang Cheng couldn\'t help laughing and shaking his head, took out the key from his pocket - Odin\'s eye, and walked carefully down the cave.

After a while, he came to a giant stalactite hundreds of meters high.

I don\'t know whether it is human intervention or natural formation. This huge stalactite is not like a bamboo shoot like that of its kind, but like a giant tree rising from the ground.

There is a thumb sized spring next to the tree. Gudu gudu keeps emitting slightly turbid groundwater.

"Interesting... If I guess correctly, this should be the tree of the world in Nordic mythology, and this spring is the legendary spring of wisdom. According to the description of Odin in Ada, as long as I put Odin\'s eye into the spring of wisdom, I can probably open the entrance of the seal."

After muttering to himself, Zhang Cheng put Odin\'s eye above the spring.


The whole spring hole seemed to come alive. It swallowed Odin\'s eye in one bite, followed by the huge stalactite world tree. Somehow, the tree began to vibrate violently, and finally opened a small transmission entrance at the center of the trunk.

Unlike most portals, this entrance is more like a mirror, or a pool of still lake and well water, occasionally flowing slightly.

On the other side of the water, the drink is also not land, but a place with extremely low light visibility like the deep sea.