All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 788

For more than half a month, Zhang Cheng always hid in the bottomless basement and constantly tried all kinds of possibilities.

With the powerful learning ability obtained after the integration and evolution of divinity and body, in less than a week, he completed the massive scientific knowledge that ordinary people need more than ten years to master, and tried to build a "brain" that can replace the huge computing and information processing ability of computers with the help of alchemy.

There are both direct construction and indirect construction using rare magic materials. The waste obtained from failure alone is stacked into a hill.

Fortunately, when the basement was built, it was considered that some large puppets such as stone statues and ghosts might be made, so the area was quite large. Otherwise, the garbage generated inadvertently was enough to give people a headache.

However, with continuous attempts, he finally made a fully enclosed metal sphere with a diameter of more than 10 cm with exquisite magic skills.

You should know that this thing is not simply using technology or magic, but combining the advantages of the two and using Alchemy to shape it many times. Even with the most advanced technology on earth, don\'t expect to crack and copy the extremely complex structure.

Carefully put the sphere into the body in a continuous liquid state, Zhang Cheng immediately began to guide the magic energy and slowly injected it into the energy center of his chest - the core of Mishra.

When the energy absorbed by the device reaches the minimum starting value, the flowing liquid outside suddenly begins to solidify, and the body surface is gradually covered with skin and hair. From the appearance, it is no different from normal people.

But in fact, what the eyes see is just a camouflage produced by magic. Those solidified liquids are harder and more ductile than any known metal on the earth. They will not melt even at a high temperature of 4000 degrees Celsius, which is enough to ensure that their internal sophisticated structures will not be damaged by external attacks.

After more than ten seconds, Adam, who completely fused his soul and body, finally opened his eyes, suddenly got up from the experimental platform, looked at his new posture, quickly stood up and knelt on one knee and said, "thank you for giving me body and life, master."

"No, I should thank you." Zhang Cheng smiled and appreciated his masterpiece.

"Thank me?" Adam showed a blank expression on his face, obviously not quite understanding the meaning of that sentence.

"Yes! Thank you!" Zhang Cheng nodded seriously. "Because in the process of creating you, I re examined magic from the perspective of science and got a lot of inspiration. You know? In fact, in the quantum field, the difference between magic and technology is not as big as I thought before. On the contrary, they have many commonalities, such as the relationship between matter and energy. Most of the time, magic can\'t find a solution You can try technology. "

"I see! You\'re having trouble in some way, aren\'t you?"

For technology, Adam is undoubtedly professional. He immediately figured out the reason for the so-called "thanks".

Zhang Cheng did not try to hide anything, but frankly admitted: "yes! Tell me, what equipment do I need if I want to observe a golden light mass composed of unknown substances?"

"Very many! But the most important thing must be the spectrum analyzer. Of course, I don\'t mean an ordinary spectrum analyzer, but a professional large spectrum analyzer." Adam closed his eyes and thought for a moment and gave the answer quickly.

"Yes, spectral analyzer, what a simple and intuitive solution. As long as the naked eye can see light, it means that a large number of photons, or high-energy particles, move in space. The instrument can capture them, and through analysis, I can know what that thing is." Zhang Cheng\'s eyes show excitement and expectation.

"In principle, but considering the particularity of magic, maybe we can\'t find the answer from spectral analysis. At most, we can only rule out some possibilities."

"It doesn\'t matter! Narrowing the scope is a good start! I\'ll give you a task to purchase the best instruments. I need you to study an interesting higher life embryo."

"Advanced life embryo?" Adam\'s calm mental state fluctuated abundantly, and the light of lavender magic twinkled in his pupil.

As a new life who has just obtained a complete soul and independent thinking ability, nothing can arouse his subconscious thirst for knowledge more than the research topic of "life".

"It\'s the golden light I just mentioned! Believe me, its energy is far beyond your imagination." Zhang Cheng hinted meaningfully.

"My pleasure! And I... I seem to feel excited... Excited and expected... Is that emotion?" Adam raised his hands and muttered to himself.

"No! Not only feelings! But also desires! Congratulations, from now on, you will become more and more humanized and complete, but you will also gain all kinds of troubles. I can\'t tell you the meaning of life, but I can tell you that living has never been an easy thing. Now we have a lot of work to complete when we put on clothes."

After saying these words, Zhang Cheng threw away a suit originally belonging to miles, and then stepped out of the dark basement.


When they went to the street one before the other, Faust, who was far away on the other side of the ocean, had completed the transformation of the goddess\'s body. He was laughing wildly at his works and getting close to his face. It was obviously a little abnormal.

But people who really know him know that although this guy pretends to be polite on weekdays, he has never been in touch with normal, and even has serious necromancy.

In his eyes, there was nothing more beautiful than making an immortal body.

On the other hand, laforn, who had been hiding in the holiday villa for a long time, finally absorbed the divinity obtained not long ago, and his whole body was emitting dazzling silver lightning, showing destructive power.

There is no doubt that after the last joint cooperation, the strength of these two people has made an essential leap.

But what they don\'t know is that the honesty that has got nothing on the surface also goes beyond the self and is no longer limited to human identity.

No one knows how long the alliance between the three can last, let alone when they will become enemies because of their interests.

However, one thing can be confirmed that both Zhang Cheng, Faust and Lafayette are essentially the same kind of people. They do everything they can to achieve their goals.

So as long as there are enough interests between them, they will always cooperate until they stand at the top of the power road.