All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 787

In many people\'s concept, the key is just a tool for unlocking, a strip made of metal with sawtooth shape.

But for a powerful magic seal, the key itself is only a resonance body acting on the singularity. As for the material and external form, it is no longer important. What is important is the information stored internally.

When the two crosses were respectively stuffed into the mold, within a few minutes, they stripped off their disguise and revealed their true colors hidden inside.

One of them is a strange sapphire shaped like an eye. When the light passes through, it will emit incredible brilliance. If it is put on the smooth wall or ice, it will reflect the pictures of many mythical creatures fighting each other, such as giants, monsters, elves, dwarves and so on.

If there is no accident, this thing is the "eye of Odin", which has been mentioned many times in Nordic mythology. It is the price Odin offered to obtain the spring of wisdom.

Obviously, the seal corresponding to this key is sealed in Scandinavia in far northern Europe. It is covered by dense forests, mountains and snow all year round. In addition, there are few human activities, so it is a place where secrets can be hidden.

However, the map on parchment was drawn a long time ago. There is neither a standard scale nor accurate surveying and mapping from the air. Therefore, in the eyes of modern people, it is basically similar to the painting of the famous Spanish painter Pablo Picasso. It is impossible to find it unless you ask professionals for help.

As for the other key, it is a stone slab with palm size and dense cuneiform characters. Judging from the style, it is probably the product of the early semi legendary and semi mythical era in the two river basins, but it is not easy to determine whether it is surme or Babylon.

The location marked on the map should be in Iraq, which is in a state of war, which is not easy to find.

Just as Zhang Cheng felt his chin and hesitated, should he first meet the "elder" Warren, or open another seal to see how powerful the guards left by the gods were, the supreme authority of the artifact suddenly suggested: "Great master, I think you\'d better give x real wisdom and life according to the original plan before making a decision. This is more important than anything."

"Oh? Why?" Zhang Cheng asked with a frown.

"It\'s very simple! You need an assistant who can provide data and analysis reports from the perspective of absolute rationality at any time and anywhere. Of course, I don\'t mean that you are not rational, but that it is the most suitable in dealing with details." the supreme authority gave the reason directly.

"What about you? Don\'t you want real life?" Zhang Cheng asked again with a smile.

You should know that although he used the body and soul of the Black Dragon Prince Nefarian to integrate the monster malos when creating this powerful artifact, it is still not a real life in essence. At best, it is only a magical object with independent thinking ability.

But the supreme authority obviously didn\'t care about this and replied with a sneer: "life? No, I don\'t want real life. It\'s too fragile, both external and internal. I\'m very satisfied with my current state rather than worrying about those boring things. What\'s more, if I really become a living body, will you trust me like now?"

"Ha ha! Incredible! As a weapon, your intelligence has far exceeded that of most human beings who claim to be the spirit of all things. Well, according to your suggestion, let\'s give x real life first. I hope it won\'t waste too much time..."

Zhang Cheng laughed, shook his head, raised his hand and gently snapped his fingers. He left the Iberian Peninsula directly and came to an old three-story masonry house on harton Island, New York.

This used to be the legacy left by Senator miles before his death. It stored a large number of rare magic metals, materials and alchemy tools. It is the best place to try to create mechanical life, and there is no need to worry about being disturbed.

To be exact, so far, no one knows that he has returned to New York, otherwise the phone would have been blown up.

Without any hesitation, after entering the basement of the house, the first thing he did was to start the electronic device, let x copy and download its own data and logical algorithms to the mobile device, and then try to build a transformation device combining magic and technology to input all contents into the pure soul.

Although in the world of Harry Potter, most of the human souls who died in the thermonuclear war were swallowed by the golden light, Zhang Cheng still plundered some, about 60 million, enough to cope with the current consumption.

Soon, with the accumulation of more than 30 failures, the first and most important step was finally completed.

"It\'s time, x, give yourself a real name." appreciating x, who constantly changes the shape of his soul like a child, his face showed a faint smile.

"Name... Name? Isn\'t the name x good?" the new life undoubtedly retained a large number of artificial intelligence ways of thinking and blinked suspiciously.

Zhang Cheng shook his head and explained, "no, of course not. X is just a code name. It represents unknown and infinite possibilities. To be exact, it is an expectation for you, not a name. Also, tell me what you want for your body? Do you want a male body or a female body."

"I see! What do you think of the name Adam? According to the Bible, he was the first human created by God. As for the body and gender, I have no special requirements, as long as I can store enough data and carry out complex and huge calculations."

"Adam? Sounds good. According to the name, it seems that I\'m going to prepare a male body for you."

After that, Zhang Cheng turned his attention to the large amount of materials he had prepared in advance and began to think about what technologies should be adopted.

Is it the exquisite magic image technology of Phelan?

Or the magic puppets made by the high elves of Azeroth and the Burning Legion?

Or is it a combination of the two technologies to create a bionic deformation robot that frequently appears in science fiction movies?

Most importantly, he must retain "Adam" as the information collection and processing ability of super artificial intelligence, which can quickly invade various electronic devices, otherwise it will be a failed work.

If you want to do this, you can either use the mature cloned mind snatcher brain cells to build a biological neural computing network; Either use modern technology, semiconductor chips or quantum technology to create a real supercomputer.

The former needs to overcome the problem of information extraction and transformation between biological nerves and electronic components, while the latter needs to overcome the problem of technology and physics.

As for the theory part, he has already copied a copy from the brain of iron man Tony Stark