All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 786

In the ancient castle on the outskirts of Valencia, the old Camilla de Silva Velasquez is almost at the end of her life. The whole person exudes a breath of death from the inside and outside. She is sitting on the balcony on the third floor and overlooking the beautiful sunset in the distance.

After more than ten minutes, he asked without looking back: "haven\'t you heard from the 14th son of destiny?"

"No! For some reason, he suddenly disappeared, just like several times before. No one knows where he has gone and when he will come back." the man standing in the shadow quickly replied.

"Well, it seems that I can\'t wait for him to come to me. What a pity! I still think I can change my destiny, but in the end it\'s a dream." the old woman sighed with regret.

She thought that as long as she told Zhang Cheng the secret, Zhang Cheng would come to her.

But now it seems that the other party is far more difficult to deal with than she thought, and is completely free from even a little threat.

"Fate is impermanent! You should know this better than I do! In addition, there are three days before the date of death. Maybe he will come to the door within three days?" the man comforted in a tone without a trace of emotion.

Camilla smiled and shook her head: "no, you don\'t understand. Fate is indeed impermanent, but that doesn\'t mean it can\'t be controlled. You know? I did a divination for myself some time ago. As a result, I will get the youth and life I want, but I will also lose some precious things."

"Oh? As far as I know, your prophecy has come true every time." the man looked up with an expression of surprise.

"Yes! But that\'s why I\'m not sure if the last divination will fail..."

Just as Camilla tried to move her wheelchair and let the last remaining light of the sun shine on her face, a huge shadow suddenly fell from the sky and slowly landed on the balcony, slowly transforming into a young man.

He first toured around, and then said with a smile, "the sunset on the Iberian Peninsula is really spectacular, isn\'t it?"

"Ah! You\'re here at last! I thought I couldn\'t wait for you before I died. The fourteenth son of fate, the legendary embodiment of killing, destruction and destruction, the butcher of gods, the terminator and creator of everything, and the monster beyond everything..." Camilla stood up from her wheelchair excitedly, and her skinny body trembled constantly.

"I\'m sorry I\'m late. But can you explain what\'s going on with this so-called prophecy?"

Obviously, the visitor is no one else, but Zhang Cheng, who has just integrated with the dragon\'s body and the mind snatcher\'s brain.

To some extent, he is no longer a human being, but a special intelligent life integrating the advantages of multiple powerful creatures. Coupled with the special evolutionary medicine "infinite" specially prepared for himself, he exudes a frightening smell from top to bottom.

Look at the trembling men hiding in the corner, you can see how strong the inherent deterrent of this predator to herbivores is.

But the excited Camilla didn\'t notice this and nodded: "of course! This is the sacred mission given to me by the family. In fact, this prophecy was left by the ancestor Warren. He ordered his descendants to guard this secret for generations until you show it."

"So... You want me to revive him?" Zhang Cheng tempted with a smile.

"No! Of course not! I\'m just a messenger! I\'m going to exchange the last secret for some power of fate." Camilla knelt down slowly and raised her hands as if she were a devout believer.

"What kind of secret?" Zhang Cheng narrowed his eyes and continued to ask.

"The key and place of the two seals! One of them is the burial place of the ancestor Warren." Camilla showed her card without any hesitation.

She knew very well that she had no time and room to bargain. If she could not get enough power of fate before aging caught up, death would come as scheduled.

"Yes!" Zhang Cheng hesitated for a moment and quickly gave a positive answer.

To be exact, he also wants to find out what the so-called power of fate is and why he can predict what will happen in the future so accurately.

"Thank you very much! I swear you won\'t regret your choice."

When the last word blurted out, Camilla was like a drug addiction attack, trembling close to the ground and began to suck hard along the place Zhang Cheng stepped on.

Every time I take a deep breath, the whole person will tremble involuntarily, and the bark like old face is full of enjoyment.

In just three or five minutes, the old woman over a hundred years old suddenly seemed to glow in her second spring. She not only became younger and younger, but also a mysterious energy surrounded her body.

Finally, she returned to her thirties, gently stroked the smooth skin on her face and her long black and beautiful hair, narrowed her eyes and sighed, "young! Life! Vitality! It feels good!"

"Where\'s my stuff?" Zhang Cheng asked straightforwardly while observing the changes in each other with great interest.

I don\'t know if it\'s an illusion. He seems to feel that some things on his body that can\'t be distinguished by the naked eye have been sucked away, and this kind of thing is probably the so-called "power of destiny".

"Just a moment, please!" Camilla touched her chest with one hand and bowed respectfully, then turned and got into the room behind the balcony.

Before long, she came out with two well preserved parchment scrolls and two crosses inlaid with pearls: "two parchments record the position of the seal, and the two crosses are the keys necessary to open the seal. You just need to insert them into the mold."

"Great! But there\'s one small question. How can I make sure you\'ll keep it a secret?"

When saying this, there was a dangerous light in Zhang Cheng\'s eyes, obviously trying to kill people.

According to his philosophy, oath and contract are never reliable.

Only the dead, especially those whose souls are imprisoned by themselves, can really keep secrets.

"Don\'t worry, great son of fate, I have prepared a perfect hiding place for myself and will never be found by anyone. What\'s more, do you think I will have the courage to fight against you after knowing that prophecy? No, I\'ve never been a brave person and won\'t risk my life." Camilla explained with a sincere face.

"Hehe, you are very good at talking. But to be on the safe side, I will make a small mark in the depths of your soul. If one day I find you betraying me, then I will find you and bring pain, destruction and death." after that, Zhang Cheng raised his right index finger, directly passed through the opposite forehead and made a special mark in his soul that only he can recognize