All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 785

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Under the influence of the terrifying force of earth shaking and mountains shaking, the whole earth was forcibly torn open, a huge gully more than 70 meters wide, tens of kilometers long and bottomless, as if someone had cut a hole in the earth\'s surface with a knife.

The red magma, like a volcanic eruption, gushed out of the crack and swallowed up the surrounding in just a few seconds.

Fortunately, the location of the accidental eruption is not in the city, but in a relatively far place. Otherwise, just one eruption can erase the newly rising magic city from the map.

But it\'s not much better now. The volcanic ash falling from the sky will inundate a few farmland not polluted by nuclear radiation in a very short time.

Although many wizards realized the seriousness of the situation, they stood up and performed magic one after another, trying to build a huge magic shield to keep all the volcanic ash out.

But unfortunately, in front of nature, human beings are always so small. In addition, the falling range of volcanic ash is too large. A few hundred wizards can\'t play a decisive role at all.

Standing at the top of the tower in the center of the city, Lucius stared at the terrible disaster in front of him and couldn\'t help shouting, "Damn it! What\'s going on? Where did the gully come from?"

"Don\'t ask me! How do I know!" Hermione rolled her eyes angrily.

Just when she wanted to summon more wizards to find a solution, a golden light suddenly stretched out from the crack and rose slowly. All the materials and energy had undergone incredible changes wherever she passed.

For example, the soil everywhere turned into various metals in the blink of an eye and into dazzling gemstones in the blink of an eye.

For another example, the magic energy in the surrounding air increased at an incredible speed under the interference of the golden light group, and a large number of plants began to grow madly. After a while, a large magic jungle was formed, and many ordinary animals changed in varying degrees.

I saw the golden light flying higher and higher, and finally stopped about three or four kilometers away from the ground, which was connected by a vague figure.

This figure is no one else. It is Zhang Cheng who has disappeared for four months.

Feeling the incomparable huge energy contained in the light, his eyes revealed strong greed and desire, smiled and muttered: "finally... I finally succeeded in getting you out of the deepest part of the earth\'s core! The next step is to slowly find out what you are and whether you can bring me the transcendence of the essence of life..."

The voice just fell!

The huge crack on the ground collapsed, and the high-temperature and high-pressure liquid core, which lost the constraints of the golden light mass, gushed out like a flood. Iron, nickel and silicon up to several degrees Celsius instantly killed almost all organisms on the earth\'s surface, and more than 90% of the water was evaporated. It was a doomsday scene ten thousand times more terrible than a hot nuclear war.

What\'s more terrible is that as the earth\'s core surges out, the magnetic field at the two poles also slowly disappears. The originally beautiful and vibrant blue planet has completely turned into a black and red fireball with a surface temperature of thousands of degrees Celsius.

It can be predicted that life will not be born here in the next few decades or even millions of years.

There is no doubt that the planet is dead, both physically and spiritually.

As for the so-called "Magic Kingdom" just established, it was swallowed up by the hot liquid core for the first time, and the Wizards finally failed to escape.

But Zhang Cheng didn\'t have any mood swings at all. He just glanced at the world still collapsing with cold eyes and soon chose to leave this worthless place.

In his eyes, whether Hermione Granger, who had intimate behavior with himself, or Lucius Malfoy, who worked closely from the beginning, are equivalent to tools to achieve his ultimate goal, that\'s all.

This complex relationship is somewhat similar to that between a owner and a dog.

Some people subconsciously regard the dog as their family, or the best partner and friend in life, and put a lot of feelings into it.

However, some people will always regard dogs as a tool, just like horses, cattle, donkeys and other livestock. They are domesticated animals for better production and labor, and do not need to pour too much emotion.

Obviously, Zhang Cheng obviously belongs to the latter.

Because in his inherent concept, those who think that dogs are human best friends are just wishful thinking and self deception.

It is not difficult to find that humans have never regarded dogs as their friends.

Even in order to meet the curiosity hunting psychology and aesthetics, people force dogs to keep inbreeding, so as to obtain a series of pet dogs such as corky and golden hair, completely ignoring the terrible hidden dangers and injuries caused by this artificial intervention.

Just imagine, will someone force their successive generations to endure great pain to inbreeding in order to get a friend who is in line with their own aesthetics?

Who else will force their good friends to undergo sterilization in order to save trouble?

you \'re right!

These are all good things done by mankind for the so-called "best friend"!

In fact, the relationship between man and dog has never been a friend, but between master and servant, master and tool.

However, with the development of productivity level, in modern times, people gradually get rid of precarious state and have sufficient food supply, so they will gradually evolve from the original simple material pursuit to a higher level of spiritual level.

In this transition, a series of incredible and wonderful views have emerged. "Dog is man\'s best friend" is just one of them.


Back in front of the towering tower that distorts time and space, Zhang Cheng carefully placed the golden light mass in his hand on the top of the tower, and set seals layer by layer to ensure that it will not contact anything around.

Since the light mass itself is changing the surrounding material and energy forms all the time, it doesn\'t dare to carry it around for a long time. Otherwise, God knows what will happen.

When he finished all this, he was a little relieved and transmitted it to the divine dragon body that had been placed in the open space.

Although there is no support of the soul, the body with a lot of divinity is still drawing energy to strengthen itself, which looks like a hill from a distance.

"In order to surpass everything and stand at the apex of life evolution, I will abandon human identity from today on. Come on, let\'s be one completely. The mind grabbing devil\'s brain, the dragon\'s body, and the human soul with infinite possibilities..."

With a chilling whisper, Zhang Cheng stretched out his right hand and gently pressed it on the dragon\'s forehead to inject creative power into it.