All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 778

In the world of Harry Potter, how fragile is an ordinary government without the protection of magical power?

Just look at the state of the United States now!

This became the world\'s only superpower after the fall of the Soviet Union. At the same time, it is also an indisputable leader in the fields of economy, military, scientific research and culture. At present, it has become an object to be played by British pure blood wizards.

In the presidential office of the White House in Washington, the political heart of the United States of America, Zhang Cheng is now sitting in the chair originally belonging to the president, enjoying the two black suitcases 45 cm long, 35 cm wide and 25 cm high placed in front of the table. A faint smile appears on his face.

Obviously, this thing is nothing else. It is the nuclear code suitcase called "football" by the outside world. The documents stored in it show the number, deployment location, launch route and base list of all nuclear weapons in the United States.

One of the password boxes is kept by the president of the United States for a long time, while the other is kept by the Secretary of defense.

Once entering the launch procedure, both parties must take out the password in the suitcase and send it to the battle command, and then mix it into a new group of passwords by the communication center, which will be transmitted to each launch platform level by level through the special communication frequency. Finally, it can be launched only after checking to ensure that it is correct.

After all, as a powerful force that can erase human civilization from the earth\'s surface, nuclear weapons can not be put into actual combat at will.

In order to ensure that the world will not be destroyed by a madman or madman, each nuclear power has added layers of insurance to the nuclear power at its disposal.

Unless it is really on the verge of subjugation, it will never be used easily.

But unfortunately, no matter how strict the constraints are, the final decision will always be made by mankind itself.

For wizards, controlling ordinary people is easier than eating and drinking water.

In less than five days, almost all U.S. nuclear warheads in stock have been taken out and secretly sent to the corresponding launch platform.

Now as soon as an order is given, the U.S. president, Secretary of defense and high-level elites controlled by the soul snatching curse will jointly open the first and last thermonuclear war in human history.

Of course, before that, Zhang Cheng had not forgotten to go to the warehouse in person and took away many large equivalent hydrogen bomb warheads that had just been maintained and could be put for another ten years.

To some extent, he has got everything he wants according to the original plan, and there is only the last step left.

Just as he hesitated whether to leave after directly destroying the world, or wait until after watching the good play of love and killing between Voldemort, Dumbledore and Harry Potter, Lucius Malfoy suddenly burst in from the outside and shouted, "no! Dumbledore just saved the president and the Secretary of defense from us a few minutes ago!"

"Oh? Did he really do it..." Zhang Cheng picked up his cup and took a sip of coffee. He didn\'t seem surprised at all.

"Damn it! You\'re still in the mood for coffee! What about our plan without these two people?" Lucius patted the table impatiently.

You know, he is now deeply involved. If the plan fails, the best result is to be locked up in Azkaban and stay with Dementors all his life.

"Relax, I have prepared the compound decoction in advance, and Dumbledore\'s actions are expected." Zhang Cheng carelessly placed two glass bottles on the table.

Perhaps for ordinary people, without the president and the Secretary of defense, it is absolutely impossible to successfully launch nuclear weapons, but for wizards, it is only a trivial trouble, especially after adequate preparation.

Staring at the compound decoction in the bottle, Lucius suddenly realized something and quickly asked, "do you... Do you know Dumbledore will interfere with our plan?"

Zhang Cheng nodded thoughtfully: "yes, I know. After all, it would be strange if he didn\'t take action for such a big thing as the fall of the American magic Congress. But don\'t worry, his life will come to an end soon."

"What are we going to do next?" Lucius said with uncertainty.

"It\'s very simple. Leave half of the people to continue to control the top level of the country and the other half to Russia. Remember, you have only one week at most. Whether you succeed or not, the plan will start as usual in one week. At that time, the whole world will be reborn under the purification of thermonuclear weapons."

"I see!"


Meanwhile, far across the ocean in Britain, Voldemort is teaching Harry Potter all kinds of powerful and evil spells.

The "savior" who was deeply in pain and hatred had already abandoned his last conscience and practiced the spell with ordinary people caught from the surrounding areas. His hands were covered with the blood of innocent people for more than half a month.

Through the close experience of killing and death, his death spell power increases day by day, and he can even defeat most death eaters in a one-on-one duel.

Such an amazing growth rate, not to mention the death eaters who were beaten to have no temper, even the Dark Lord couldn\'t help giving a high evaluation.

Needless to ask, Voldemort wants to train Harry as his assistant and give Albus Dumbledore a big surprise in the upcoming showdown.

On the other hand, Ron, who returned home, kept sending out information from his parents through special channels.

The poor people who join the order of the Phoenix are completely unaware that their every move has long been firmly controlled by the enemy. Even albus has secretly betrayed the organization and is secretly looking for an opportunity to wear the magic bracelet for their brother.

"Damn it! The world outside is getting worse day by day!" Arthur Weasley, who came home tired, rubbed his eyebrows and murmured.

Since he was expelled from the British Ministry of magic, he has lost his financial resources and can\'t find a job. The days at home are more and more sad day by day. In addition, he has to help Dumbledore perform some dangerous tasks. The whole person is almost crushed.

"Relax, honey, I believe you and Dumbledore. We will survive." Molly hurried to comfort her husband.

"Oh, I hope so. The current situation is not very good for us. Since the American magic world has fallen, Dumbledore issued an emergency convening order today to make us ready for a full-scale war." Arthur sighed helplessly.

"Emergency summoning order? My God! Is the situation so bad? Shall I send the children away first?"

"It\'s too late! We have to leave tonight! The address is..."

While the Weasleys were discussing emergency measures, they didn\'t realize that Ron was hiding in a dark corner at the corner of the stairs, watching them, recording every word and quietly stuffing it into an insignificant leather pocket.