All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 779

Late at night, the water vapor blown by the strong sea breeze from the Atlantic swept across Britain, bringing storms to this unique country on the edge of Europe.

Standing in front of the window of a dilapidated house on the outskirts of London, Albus dumbley watched the rain crackling on the glass window, one hand clutching the elder\'s wand hidden in his sleeve.

As a wise man who claims to be brilliant, he has never been so worried about the future situation as he is now.

Because this time, the order of the Phoenix established and led by him should not only face the dangers from the magical world, but also pay attention to the changes of ordinary people and the world government.

No one knows why those unidentified pure blood wizards captured the U.S. magic Congress, let alone why they wanted to control the U.S. government.

But one thing can be confirmed, that is, this incident is absolutely enough to arouse the vigilance and fear of governments around the world for wizards. Once exposed, it will instantly intensify the relationship between ordinary people and wizards, which has tended to ease, and even cause a new round of war.

Even in the era when Garrett greendevo and Voldemort were rampant, it was far from as bad as it is now.

To be exact, this is not just a matter within the magic world, but a huge crisis enough to threaten the whole world.


After a slight sigh, Dumbledore turned and asked Mileva McGonagall, who was in a low mood not far away, "how\'s it going? Are all our people here?"

The latter nodded without thinking: "yes, it\'s all here. Are you sure you want to take them to risk? You know, at present, the enemy is countless times stronger than us, and almost one-third of the pure blood nobles in Britain are on the opposite side of us."

"No way! We must take risks! Only taking risks can win! Let the world not be shrouded in darkness! I understand that many people may be injured and sacrificed this time, but..."

Before Dumbledore finished speaking, a dozen death eaters with masks appeared outside the house out of thin air. The first was not others, but Voldemort, an old friend who had been entangled with him for many years.

But ironically, Harry Potter, who was once trained by him as the "savior", is now standing beside the Dark Lord, with his eyes bursting with towering anger and hatred.

"Damn it! How did they know we were here?" Mileva McGonagall\'s pupils contracted suddenly.

You know, in order to protect the safety of every member of the order of the Phoenix, whether it\'s a list or a hiding place, all have added magic protection.

Before she knew what had happened, aberforth, who remained motionless in the corner, suddenly stood up and clasped a bracelet full of emerald on his brother\'s wrist.



All Jadeites release dazzling brilliance and quickly generate mysterious magic runes, which are densely covered with albus\'s old skin surface.

"Aberforth! What are you doing?" Arthur Weasley, who had just rushed down the stairs, pushed him away and asked loudly.

Others also stood up, took out their wands and aimed at albus\'s biological brother, with strong vigilance in their eyes.

"Sorry, brother. But in order for Ariana to live happily, I am willing to do anything, even to become a despised traitor..." aberforth took a deep breath, raised his head and looked at the people with calm eyes.

"Yes... Did you reveal our position?" Mileva McGonagall seemed to realize something, with a tremor in her voice.

But interestingly, aberforth shook his head and denied, "no, I didn\'t reveal the location here to anyone. My task is to put the magic bracelet on aberforth\'s hand, that\'s all."

"What?! there is a betrayer among us besides you?" Mileva McGonagall felt cold and hurried back to stare at the others in the house.

She couldn\'t understand why the order of Phoenix, which has always been famous for its unity and loyalty, had so many traitors all at once.

be confronted with a formidable enemy!


It can be said that there is no worse situation than this!

In contrast, Dumbledore\'s reaction was much calmer. After feeling the impact of the bracelet on himself, he quickly stopped Mileva McGonagall\'s intention to further ask who the traitor was, frowned and said tentatively: "You seem to have mentioned Ariana just now? Can you tell me what\'s going on? If you remember correctly, our sister died decades ago."

"Ah! Yes! She\'s dead! She was killed by our stupidity! But someone raised her again. You know how excited I was when 14-year-old Ariana appeared in front of me?" said aberforth, who couldn\'t help but shed tears.

"Resurrection?! someone resurrected Ariana!" Dumbledore could no longer keep calm, and the whole person became angry.

Everyone has a restricted area that no one is allowed to touch.

For him, the sister who died unexpectedly because of his negligence is the deepest eternal pain in his heart.

But now, not only did someone uncover the pain, but also did not forget to sprinkle a handful of salt on it. Anyone would be so angry that he would lose his mind.

Just as aberforth opened his mouth as if to say something, the door was suddenly blown to pieces, followed by Voldemort and his men from the outside.

He first inspected the members of the order of the Phoenix in the house, and a cold smile soon appeared on his face: "yes! It\'s all here! After tonight, the world will usher in a new chapter."

"Do you think you\'ve won?" Dumbledore took a thousand steps to keep the others behind.

"Isn\'t it?" Voldemort asked, pursing the corners of his mouth.

"No! You can\'t win! As long as there is light and hope in people\'s hearts, your selfish and evil attempt is bound to fail." said the old man, holding up his magic wand, ready to fight to the death.

Due to the shackles of the magic bracelet, he knew that he could not escape as easily as last time. The only thing he could do was to cause greater damage to the enemy as much as possible before he died.

Voldemort undoubtedly saw through Dumbledore\'s thoughts. A cruel expression appeared on his face. He patted Harry Potter on the shoulder and said softly, "go, boy, vent your pain and anger. He\'s yours today."

"Go to hell! Old bastard! Deep hell fire!"

With the furious roar of the "boy who survived the disaster", the prelude to the final decisive battle finally opened.

Whether members of the order of the Phoenix or death eaters following the Dark Lord, they all find their own opponents. At first, you come and I release all kinds of powerful attack spells.

For a moment, explosions, screams and shouts broke the tranquility of midnight and echoed over the dilapidated house