All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 777

August 20, 1995 is a special date destined to be recorded in history by ordinary people and the magic world.

Because on this day, Zhang Cheng personally led pure blood noble wizards from Britain to invade the headquarters of the American magic Congress in Woolworth Building, New York.

No temptation or conversation!

There is no so-called pity and compassion!

He directly tore up all magic protection in the most primitive and violent way, and launched an merciless massacre against the wizards who hindered his plan to destroy the world.

No matter men or women, old people or young people, they were all killed in the moment of encounter, and there were bodies everywhere in the corridor.

Because the space confinement magic is cast in advance and all the connections between the building and the outside world are cut off, there is no need to worry about who will escape by casting spells such as phantom movement.

Standing at the only exit, Zhang Cheng asked Luca Malfoy with a smile: "my dear friend, how long do you think it will take to clean up all the little mice?"

"No more than forty minutes! These American wizards are beggars, thieves, criminals and losers who have escaped from the European continent. They have no foundation at all. Coupled with the powerful spell you provide, it is not difficult to kill them. In fact, I have always wondered what gives these guys the courage to fight. Do they think the gap in magic power can be used Lucius raised his head proudly, his eyes full of contempt and disdain.

Not only him, but also those pure blood noble wizards around him who casually selected one that can be traced back to 600 or 700 years, or even thousands of years, have similar reactions and have an extremely strong sense of superiority.

If in the world of ordinary people, the United States has used its rise for nearly a century to make the world gradually forget that it was originally just a colony used to exile criminals and exploit resources, then in the magic world, it is far from taking off the hat of shame on its head.

In particular, Britain, as a former suzerain, has never paid attention to the so-called "American magic Congress".

Facts have proved that their contempt is justified.

At least in this attack, no one in the whole building can fight!

A large number of law enforcement Luo Ao failed to support the first round. Under the attack of less than one-third of their number of British wizards, the whole army was destroyed, and the rest turned into birds and animals, trying to delay time by taking advantage of the huge and complex terrain and internal environment, and finally escaped.

In any case, due to the relatively small population, the war in the magical world will not be wiped out.

Unfortunately, they clearly underestimated the horror of the attack.

As the plan to destroy the world enters the final countdown, Zhang Cheng has no time to waste too much energy playing guerrilla warfare with a group of self righteous fools.

He wants to destroy the legal magic government of the United States at one time, so that the other party can not be organized again to make trouble for himself in a short time.

In this way, the huge nuclear arsenal of the United States will be in his pocket.

To know the world, the Soviet Union, one of the two poles, has only fallen for four years, and many powerful hydrogen bombs are still in service, far from the state after repeated reduction and destruction more than a decade later.

Just when Zhang Cheng was thinking about how many large equivalent nuclear warheads he could take away, gagson Gore suddenly dragged a struggling and screaming young woman down the stairs and said with a grim smile, "Sir, guess what I found? A secret language keeper! She can lead us to those Muggles hidden by magic."

"Oh? Really!" a surprised expression appeared on Zhang Cheng\'s face.

Since he realized that he wanted to control the generals and dignitaries of the ordinary people\'s government, the U.S. magic Congress has added special magic to those targets. Unless they get the secret language from the Secret Keeper, they will subconsciously ignore them even if they pass by each other.

There is no doubt that although the magic in this world is much worse in terms of lethality and destructive power, other kinds of magic are extremely developed.

"That\'s right! Bitch! Tell me what you know!" gagson Gore pulled the prisoner\'s hair and pushed him to the ground.

The woman was obviously terrified. She trembled all over her body, but she closed her mouth and refused to say a word.

Looking at her stubborn eyes, Zhang Cheng shook his head with a smile and sighed: "Why insist, madam. The magic Congress of the United States is over and the country will soon fall into our control. Even if you don\'t want to say secret words, we\'ll only waste a little time. But the question is, what\'s the good for you? It will only kill you after suffering. I promise, if you tell me secret words, you can learn from it The only exit to leave behind you alive. "

"Bah! Don\'t think about it! You damn devil and executioner will be punished sooner or later!" the woman suddenly raised her head and spat hard.

"Well, it seems that you have made a choice. But it doesn\'t matter. I\'m a very patient person and also very good at persuading others." Zhang chengchong winked at gagson gore.

Without saying a word, the latter raised his wand and shouted at the woman, "drill your heart and gouge out your bones!"

"Ah ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


A howl of pain reverberated over the hall.

As a Death Eater, gagson Gore undoubtedly knows how to make a person feel that life is better than death.

In just a few minutes, the young and beautiful prisoners cried bitterly, and finally couldn\'t help revealing the secret hidden in the soul by the "red courage loyalty mantra".

As a saying goes, there are always very few people in the world who can resist torture.

After getting what he wanted, Zhang Cheng didn\'t even have an interest in looking at each other. He waved and said, "she belongs to you! Take her to the next door and enjoy it."

"Thank you for your generosity!" gagson Gore raised his mouth with an evil smile, followed by carrying the prisoner into an office not far away.

After a while, there came his excited roar and the panic scream of women.

Almost everyone who knows gagson Goyle knows what\'s happening in the office at the moment.

For twenty minutes, when he came out of the inside, the whole man exuded a smell of cruelty and tyranny, with a bloody lace shorts in his hand.

"Gagson! I have an important task for you now." Zhang Cheng handed over a parchment full of addresses and names. "Take a few people and control the targets on the list. Don\'t kill. I need to keep them alive, okay?"

"Understand! It\'s my honor to work for you." Gao en touched his chest with one hand and bowed deeply.