All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 776

Three days is neither long nor short.

But for Albus Dumbledore, these three days are his happiest and best time in recent decades.

Because his beloved little sister Ariana returned to her side again, like a shy elf, accompanied around every day, as if time went back to before the tragedy overnight.

But as a saying goes, life consists of all kinds of pain and regret, and the good time is always so short.

When the deadline came, the girl suddenly fell to the ground in pain. She was not only pale and frightening, but also convulsed all over her body. No matter what kind of therapeutic magic and potions could not work.

"No! No! No! Don\'t be so cruel to me! Hold on! Ariana!" aberforth knelt down in panic and begged bitterly.

As a wizard, he can clearly feel the rapid loss of life energy in the girl\'s body. As the state develops, it will take a few minutes to swallow the last breath and turn into a cold body.

At this critical moment, Zhang Cheng finally appeared out of thin air and said in a voice without emotion: "Dear friend, you still have about three minutes to make a choice. Tell me, are you going to abandon your poor sister again and continue to work for albus, or do you want to make up for the mistake made decades ago so that Ariana can grow up healthily and live her life like an ordinary girl?"

"You... You\'re a devil! A real devil!" cried aberforth, staring at his blood red eyes.

At the moment, even if he was stupid, he knew that it was a trap, a trap that forced him to betray his brother.

But the problem is that he is deeply involved and can\'t break free at all.

The death of Ariana Dumbledore has always been the greatest pain and regret in the hearts of their two brothers. Even with the passage of time, it has gone beyond the thing itself and become a strong psychological hint.

If he could exchange his life for his sister\'s resurrection, aberforth would not hesitate at all.

But now, he must choose between the two relatives, and the other will pay the price of his life.

Nothing is more cruel and painful than this

"Thank you! I\'ll take this sentence as a compliment. Besides, you still have one minute and thirty seconds." Zhang Cheng glanced at the pocket watch in his hand and whispered.

Maybe others will be soft hearted to see the old man\'s tortured eyes, but he will never be so cold.

"Damn it! I choose Ariana! Help her!" looking at her dying sister, aberforth clenched his fist and shouted in despair.

"Very good! You have made the right choice! As long as you get rid of albus, you can take your lovely sister away from trouble and spend the rest of your life quietly. I promise that no one will disturb your peaceful and quiet life again." Zhang Cheng took out the prepared potion and poured it into the girl\'s mouth as he said.

In the blink of an eye, the girl who was still struggling on the death line quickly turned ruddy, and her physical state gradually returned to normal. There was nothing wrong except that she was still unconscious.

"Hoo -" albus breathed a little relieved, quickly wiped away his tears and put on a cold face that refused to be thousands of miles away. "Say, what do you want me to do? I\'m just a tavern owner, not albus\'s opponent at all."

"Don\'t worry, I won\'t let you kill your brother. It\'s too cruel. On the contrary, I just need you to ask albus out and put this little thing on his wrist."

After that, Zhang Cheng took out a silver metal bracelet from his pocket, which was inlaid with more than a dozen emeralds emitting emerald light.

"What\'s this?" aberforth asked, frowning subconsciously.

"It\'s an interesting gadget. You don\'t need to know its specific purpose. Just fix it on albus\'s wrist. Don\'t try to play tricks. Once you have an idea you shouldn\'t have, you\'d better think of your lovely sister." Zhang Cheng glanced meaningfully at the girl still sleeping.

"I\'ll do what you say! But you\'d better keep your promise! If anything happens to Ariana..."

Before aberforth finished speaking, Zhang Cheng interrupted with a smile: "Relax, don\'t you think I will do anything too much to a girl without threat? No, I came with kindness. You know, your brother, strictly speaking, is actually a sinner of the Dumbledore family. It is his extreme obsession with the sacred instrument of death that led to a series of tragedies later. Now, it\'s time to get rid of him and get everything back on track It\'s too late. "

"Hum! Whatever you say, anyway, I just want Ariana to live well." the old man sneered, picked up the girl and walked to the bedroom on the second floor.

Looking at his fading back, Zhang Cheng suddenly turned around without warning and said to the air next to him, "well, is my prediction right? He is not qualified to refuse my request, let alone watch his sister die for his brother."

"Yes! I see! As I commented before, you are a real genius in playing with people\'s hearts. It\'s amazing."

With a low, hoarse voice, Voldemort appeared out of thin air on a chair not far away.

To be exact, he remained invisible from the beginning, sat there and watched the good play from beginning to end.

Zhang Cheng smiled modestly and explained, "no, it\'s not how clever I am, but that human beings usually have sensibility higher than rationality in dealing with emotional problems, especially when it comes to family and love. What I do is just to take advantage of this impulse in a short time."

Voldemort nodded approvingly: "interesting point of view! I also saw these defects, so I abandoned all emotions and made myself carefree."

"Maybe! In my opinion, emotion is a complex thing. Although it has all kinds of defects, it sometimes erupts unimaginable powerful forces. I will not regard emotion as a weakness and burden, but I will also not let it out of control. Finally, are you ready to end with Dumbledore? If nothing unexpected, he will die in three to five days at most Will stand in front of us and there will be no way to escape. "

"Ha ha! Of course! I\'ve been looking forward to this day for a long time." Voldemort laughed and opened his arms, with a terrible red light in his eyes.

"In that case, I\'ll leave for a while and go to the United States on the other side of the ocean. Those annoying bugs are too much in the way. It\'s time to give them some impressive lessons and let them understand that in the face of absolute power, either kneel down and pray for forgiveness or die!"