All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 775

Hogsmeade, the only magical village in the whole UK composed entirely of wizards, is also the most desirable place for students above grade 3 in Hogwarts.

There are not only all kinds of delicious sweets, snacks and butter beer, but also the "zoko joke shop" which specializes in selling special magic props for pranks, as well as the "scream shed", which is known as the most terrible ghost house in Britain.

It can be said that both adult wizards and minor children can find their own happiness in Hogsmeade.

Few people will notice that there is a small bar that looks shabby just next to a path from the post office on central street.

It not only emits a strong smell of mutton, but also hangs a chopped pig\'s head on the shelf, giving people an extremely gloomy and terrible feeling.

As for the sparse guests inside, it\'s even more strange. Almost everyone\'s face is blocked tightly, and there is an unusual vigilance in their eyes. A slight disturbance will trigger a fierce reaction.

In fact, aberforth Dumbledore, the owner of the pig head bar, doesn\'t care how much money he can make.

His main purpose is to ask for information for his brother who is not harmonious with him with the help of third rate guests, and always pay attention to the movements of Voldemort and his death eaters.

In order to do this, he even ignored and connived at many illegal transactions. For example, half giant Hagrid once bought a Norwegian backbone dragon\'s egg with disguised Chilo here.

No one knows the identity of those strange guests who don\'t know where they come from. They only know that they often sell and buy things that are difficult to get, and gradually form a very private circle over time.

Once you are in urgent need of rare magic materials that cannot be obtained through normal channels, it\'s right to take a chance at the pig head bar.

As usual, aberforth listened carefully to the conversation between the guests while working as a bartender.

Just as he tried to approach a man in a gray cloak, a young girl suddenly flashed outside the door.

Although the sky had completely darkened and he couldn\'t see each other\'s appearance at all, his extremely familiar appearance and timid temperament reminded him of his sister Ariana, who had died for many years.

"Damn it! Am I too old and tired? Am I dazzled?" aberforth quickly shook his head and tried to clear the unrealistic illusion from his mind.

But unfortunately, when he raised his head again, there happened to be a bright light shining on the girl\'s face at the door, reflecting a somewhat strange but very familiar face.

Next second

The girl\'s lips suddenly moved!

Although she didn\'t make a sound, she could be recognized by her mouth. She was shouting the English word "brother".

"Ah... Ariana?!"

Aberforth stammered out his sister\'s name in a trembling voice, and then rushed out like crazy, trying to catch each other and ask for clarification.

But before he took two steps, the girl turned around and ran out of Hogsmeade like a frightened little rabbit.

In this way, they followed one another, chased one another and fled. They were deadlocked for more than 20 minutes until they were completely away from the crowd.


Severe wheezing!

Albus couldn\'t remember the last time he ran so fast, but he knew he must not stop, otherwise he would lose and miss the most precious thing in his life.

The girl seemed to be aware that the old man was about to run out of strength. Finally, she stopped and quickly hid behind a young Oriental man, only sticking out half her head and staring at him.

"Good evening, dear Mr. aberforth." the young man bowed politely.

"Is it you?!" the old man\'s pupil contracted suddenly.

Obviously, the visitor was no one else, but Zhang Cheng, who came specially from the underground secret laboratory of Hogwarts.

The girl hiding behind is naturally a replica of Ariana Dumbledore synthesized by using gene cloning technology and creativity.

Because most childhood memories are perfectly implanted, she is equivalent to the real Ariana to some extent.

Appreciating each other\'s feelings full of suffering and contradictions, Zhang Cheng nodded with a smile: "yes, it\'s me. I believe your brother must have mentioned me, so I won\'t introduce myself more. How about seeing his sister who has died for many years come back to life?"

"No! Impossible! No one can revive the dead!" aberforth tried to deny the girl who was making him lose his mind.

Because he knew that the young man standing in front of him had been regarded by albus as the most difficult opponent, even more terrible than Voldemort.

"Hehe, don\'t be so nervous. There is a saying in my hometown that facts speak louder than words. Come, Ariana, come and say hello to your brother." Zhang Cheng turned and gently touched the girl\'s head.

With his encouragement, the latter finally summoned up his courage and asked in an extremely subtle voice, "brother ah Fu, don\'t you remember me?"



Those memories about his sister, hidden in the deepest part of his heart, suddenly filled aberforth\'s brain like a tide.

Because Ah Fu is the nickname that Ariana used to call herself when she was a child. It is a little secret between them. Even her brother albus doesn\'t know about this.







For a moment, even he didn\'t know what kind of complex mood he was at the moment. He slowly stretched out his right hand and touched each other\'s young face, which stayed at the age of 14. Tears couldn\'t stop flowing out.

Finally, family affection from blood finally conquers reason.

The old man held his sister in his arms and cried bitterly. While crying, he muttered to himself, "I\'m sorry! I\'m sorry! Ariana! It\'s all my fault! I killed you! Forgive me..."

Seeing that the other party\'s psychological defense line completely collapsed, Zhang Cheng flashed a hint of ponder in his eyes. It took five minutes to say meaningfully: "Please remember, Mr. aberforth, everything in the world needs to pay a corresponding price, especially the resurrection of the dead. You should know exactly what I want, and you also have three days to think about it. If I don\'t get a positive answer after three days, the lovely Ariana will return to the world of the dead. Also, don\'t try to talk to ah Don\'t want to contact, or I promise you\'ll regret it all your life. "

The voice just fell!

He directly cast the transmission magic and disappeared in place, without giving the other party any chance to adjust the price.

According to the weakness of human nature, the more things are lost and recovered, the more they will cherish and fear losing again