All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 774

There is no doubt that even for the magic world full of all kinds of incredible things, the resurrection of the dead is a very celebratory thing.

However, if this person has set off a bloody storm and made countless wizards feel frightened and insecure, the news of his resurrection will become another situation.

In fact, Zhang Cheng never deliberately concealed the news of Voldemort\'s return. Harry Potter and Ron Weasley, who returned, told the situation half true and half false, and Zhang Qiu\'s cold body as proof.

Although many people are reluctant to believe that Dumbledore will be so crazy that he will attack and kill his students, the death of an innocent girl undoubtedly cast a shadow on the ending of the top three competition.

Especially Severus Snape, a member of the Death Eater, clearly felt the strong burning feeling brought by the black devil mark on his arm. The whole person became extremely gloomy and irritable. He wrote several letters at one time and asked the owl to bring them to the old man.

He was eager to find out what had happened within more than an hour of the disappearance of the two boys.

Why does Harry\'s eyes show unforgettable pain and hatred when he mentions Dumbledore, just like himself after learning that Lily Potter was killed.

In short, with a series of shocking news to the whole British magic world, another semester is over.

Hogwarts students took their luggage and took the express train home. No one knew that a terrible plot was brewing.


More than two weeks later, in Malfoy Manor, Voldemort was sitting in a chair, tasting the cellared red wine offered by Lucius, and enjoying the Death Eaters torturing several ordinary people caught nearby.

About two or three minutes later, he sighed slightly and said: "I\'ve sent someone to inquire about what you said last time. Thermonuclear weapons are really terrible, even far beyond the limit I can imagine. Fortunately, Muggles are Muggles. Even if they invent powerful weapons, they can\'t resist the power of magic. With only a few soul snatching spells, we can seize the control of these weapons."

"That\'s right! This is also the core of my plan. In order to ensure their deterrence to each other, all powerful countries have stockpiled enough nuclear warheads to destroy the world several times or even dozens of times. We only need to control the two countries with the largest reserves - the United States and Russia, and we can restart the whole world. How about you think about it? If you can, I hope you can take people there personally A trip to Russia, "Zhang Cheng said meaningfully.

So far, he is not sure whether the other party really recognizes his plan to destroy the world.

You know, killing billions of people is completely different from killing dozens of people.

Once the former is done, it is almost equivalent to devoid of human nature and permanently and completely excluded from the human category.

"Don\'t worry, my friend. Before that, I hope to solve Dumbledore first. You don\'t understand that as long as he is still alive, it is a great threat to our plan." Voldemort drank up the wine in his glass at once, and his eyes glittered with a terrible red light.

"I have a good suggestion about Dumbledore." Zhang Cheng tilted his mouth and smiled playfully.

"Oh? Tell me!" Voldemort became interested when he heard about Dumbledore.

It has to be said that due to the relatively small population in the magic world, most wizards have very limited horizons. Whether he or Garrett Greenwald, they put too much energy into falling in love with Dumbledore and killing each other, thus ignoring other aspects.

But unlike Zhang Cheng, he stood in a very high place from the beginning, overlooking the familiar and strange world, and knew very well what he needed.

After a little meditation, he quickly whispered: "You know albus actually has a brother named albus, who has been lurking in hogsmedley as a bar owner to inquire about information for his brother. As far as I know, he doesn\'t have a good relationship with his brother, and even had a fierce conflict for his sister. Think about it. If we can revive Ariana Dumbledore and use it as a threat, he will investigate How could you make a choice? "

"Ha ha! Great! The civil war between Dumbledore\'s family! Is there anything more interesting in the world? It can even uncover the most painful scar in the old guy\'s heart!" Voldemort laughed happily, but after a while, he shook his head helplessly. "But it seems a little difficult to revive a person who has died for many years. At least I can\'t do it."

What\'s wrong with you as like as two peas, "no, no, no, I think you seem to have misunderstood something. We don\'t really need to resurrect Arianna Dunblido. We just need to use genetic technology to clone a girl who is exactly the same as her, and then instilled some memories and consciousness to make herself think that she is an Anne. The unexpected result. "

When saying these words, Zhang Cheng\'s face showed an extremely ironic expression.

Many people may not know that Dumbledore in his youth was not much different from Voldemort and Garrett Greenwald. He was as keen on the pursuit of power, status and loud reputation. He was even extremely obsessed with the Deathly Hallows, thus ignoring the situation of his own sister.

Later, it was the death of his sister that greatly stimulated the talented wizard. I don\'t know whether it was because of guilt or other reasons that he finally embarked on another road of life.

As a person with strong rebellious psychology, Zhang Cheng would like to know how Albus Dumbledore would react when Ariana appeared again?

"Interesting! Very interesting! I can\'t wait to see Dumbledore out of control. You know? He has always been calm and calm since the day I knew him." Voldemort\'s tone revealed an unspeakable meaning.

"Please give me some time! In addition, if you can, you can send this little thing to aberforth." Zhang Cheng took out a small glass ball with silver light from his pocket.

This thing is a special magic item made by him according to the principle of meditation basin. It can quietly invade the brain and copy the memory of the target.

You know, he will not be satisfied with just being a replica used to disturb the mind, but to truly reproduce a living Ariana Dumbledore.

But if you want to do this, you can\'t do it without enough memory support. At least you can\'t deceive aberforth, who took good care of his sister since childhood.

"No problem, leave it to me."

Voldemort didn\'t ask the purpose of the magic device. He directly took it and gave it to the nearby Death Eater. Without saying a word, the latter immediately cast a phantom and disappeared in place.

You don\'t have to ask. He must have finished this small task without difficulty